Footsteps echoed threw out the hall. Bouncing off the empty hallowed dirt walls. The low orange glowing light darkening as the sound becomes louder, closing in on their destination. A hand touches the wooden door, pushing it open despite its creaky protest.

Red scan the room falling on the form that had collected her self in the corner arms resting on her legs and neck starched up head leaning back on the cold wall. A simple small noise lets him know he had her attention.

Quite was all there was between the two, neither making a word. Her eyes closed facing the roof refusing to speak, and his were glued to her from taking in all that she was. Every scar, mark, and bruise that she had to offer he took it all in memorizing every dealt. He waited for her to say anything at all but silence was all he was met with. As the quite nipped at each of their skins the girl finally craned her neck to the side looking to the boy that stood in the doorway. Eyes flowing over his from reaching his eyes, locking on each other green clashed with red.

"Get up you're coming with me," He spoke, turning his back to her stepping out into the hall.

Pulling her self up, despite the protest of her muscles she stepped out after him and for the first time in three years old team mates saw each other under the same light.

"Well look at you Sasuke. Closer to your brother…now the snake bastured is gone," Sakura spoke under her breath.

"You'll be aiding me in Itachis' death," he spoke walking away leading her to fallow him,

Sakura stairs at him in wonder tilting her head, Smirking she whispered, "You are still the same Sasuke." Running to catch up with him. They both walked together neither saying anything as they made their way out from the testing cells that belong to Orochimaru.

Sasuke woke up to stair at the cave roof above him. Blinking he sighed, it was another night where he couldn't remember his dreams. Nights where he woke with a terrible fright, the urge to rip out his own heart to just stop the damn thing from running a mile a minute. He was going on his third week like this, ever since the whispers of a pink haired teen finding her unfortunate luck in the hands of Orochimaru.

Sighing he turned to his side frowning when he say the mat next to his empty. Sitting up and more awake then before he looked seeing that he was very indeed alone and had been alone for a couple of hours by the look of the dying fire. Narrowing his eyes he let his chakra branch out searching for Sakuras'. Feeling nothing he frowned, she was still the same annoying girl that he knew before. Walking to the cave entrance he let the cool morning air brush over his skin, the fog was creeping along the trees. Days like this Sasuke didn't mind they reminded him of something he had to push far from his mind, making room for the hate and power.

Walking threw the trees he listened and watched looking for any clue to where Sakura could have gone off too. In the back of his mind there was a nagging voice saying she went home. Secretly deep down, he hoped that she did. It would be easier for him not having to worry about taking care of her. He had heard of her being taken under the Fifth Hokage's right hand right after he had left. She had even managed to kill the Akatsuki member Sasori of the red sand. Haruno Sakura had made quite a reputation for her self and he had yet to see it. In his eyes she was still the week link to team 7.

A twig snapped and his hand griped the handle to his blade swinging it to kill, only to be met with a gloved hand. Green looked up into red and Sakura simply pushed his blade away from her and continued to walk back to the cave.

"Be careful…you might kill someone you don't mean to," Her voice broke him out of his shock.

"Where did you go?" He asked trailing after her.

"As much as I like going with out food for three days, I'd rather travel with a full stomach," she lifted the dead rabbit in her other hand to emissive her point.

Sasuke didn't say anything but fallow her back to the cave and watch as she skinned and roasted the rabbit. Maybe she wasn't as useless as he thought she was. The old Sakura wouldn't have been able to talk to him like that or even stop his blade with nothing but the touch of her gloved hand. This was the new Sakura that had others talk, the new Sakura that caught the snakes' eye. Silently Sasuke watched her with red eyes as she poked at the fire checking on the meet every three minutes.

"Stop staring at me Sasuke. If I didn't know better I'd say you want to ask a question, but we both know you aren't one for asking, talking really." Taking the rabbit she pulled it off peeling some meat and handing him the stick locking eyes with him,

"How bout we agree to two things, one asking me what you want or two stop staring at me, it's creepy and weird." She sat back down across from him taking her own stick and biting down into the meat.

Before Sasuke could stop him self the words were out of his mouth and he silently cursed himself for it.

"Why were you in the cells?" Sasuke asked out, eyeing her as she stiffened at the question.

"You'd have to ask the Snake…but seeing as he's dead you'll have to go unanswered," she answered him.

"Fine, what did they do to you?" he growled, frustration boiling deep in his gut.

"Sasuke…cut the shit. I know you don't give two shits about me. So stop with the questions and just eat your damn rabbit," Sakura hissed out eyes deepening to a darker green as she glared at him.

Sakura may be less powerful then Sasuke and Naruto but what she lacked in power she made up with knowledge and logic. She wasn't someone to be played with, or to thought of stupid…her brain was what got her where she was today. Got her the power to pick up trees, to heal wounds that could kill, to pull poison from a body, to act with speed and grace that only a feline can hold. Got her to AnBu, but only a few know about that. Privileged few, in other words the Hokage and Kakashi. She bitterly laughed under her breath the only two who knew about her had set her up for failure.

"We leave in an hour, be ready," Sasuke broke her thoughts as he walked past her and was out the cave with out another thought.

Sakura stared at the red and white fan on his back. Eyes narrowing at the symbol of the Great clan she unknowing touched the deep neatly drawn scar along the nape of her neck. She remembered getting it, the things that happened before, and after. Drooping her hand she left her gaze to fall on the floor. The Uchihas were a curse in more ways then one...that was all they were a curse. She repeated that to her self over and over as she continued to eat her rabbit.