Well this is it. Once again, thank you for the reviews, favorites, and follows.

I was going to post tomorrow, but I felt I might be busy with the Superbowl so here it is.

My next story will also be a sequel to one of my other stories, but not Scroll. Not yet.

Chapter Five


Vader stalked out of the room as a squadron of stormtroopers ran down the hallway. Likely had heard his synthetic screams. Cape flowing behind him like a storm.

The same could be said about his emotions.

And these emotions suddenly parted the squadron of stormtroopers like the seas and slammed them against each sides the walls as he stalked down the hallway.

How Vader wished he could do the same way with his emotions...

And most of all of, with Naberrie too.

Darth Vader continued his way into turbolift. Slammed his fists into the turbolift walls. Either Vader hadn't realized how hard he slammed his gloved durasteel hands against the walls or they were cheaply made.

But the walls, nor his hands weren't what preoccupied the Sith Lord's thoughts.

Once again, Vader found himself in an all too familiar setting. Among feelings, emotions, and confusion like all those months ago. Except now, it seemed worse.


It was worse.

Vader had her. He had her. Literally! He had her right in his grasp and...he still couldn't do it.

Vader cursed himself. For his weakness. That she made him weak. And this weakness was far worse than he had initially realized.

Darth Sidious would not be pleased. Vader could already hear him say "This is a disappointment Lord Vader. It appears there is work to be done." Possibly even damage his breathing mechanism again, or worse...

Again, nothing he couldn't handle. He could handle physical pain. He had been dealing with pain for most of his life. Getting beaten as a slave. Losing an arm at Geonosis. Other injuries sustained during the Clone Wars. And while Vader shouldn't have, he still survived Mustafar. Only his anger and Sidious using the Dark Side.

But that wasn't what bothered Vader. Oh no, he could care less about what Sidious thought or his actions.

It's what his Master was right about.

Right about more than he knew...


Vader wondered if Sidious knew of this. Possibly...or perhaps he only suspected. Wanted to make sure and test him on this. His former life.

Then again, she would likely already be dead if he thought it extended this far. And why would he? After all, he killed his own...his own wife. His pregnant wife. His wife and child. Killing a girl- his niece, by marriage would surely be no problem.

Vader hated Sidious. For putting him up to this. In this position.

He hated Her. He hated Padmé! Because she would not listen. Didn't listen!

He hated Obi-Wan for doing this to him. Both Obi-Wan and Padmé for sending him to his black suit prison.

He hated Pooja Naberrie!

He hated her and yet he couldn't even bring himself to kill her.

And he may never be able to...

Vader did not know. Nor what he certain if he wanted to know what would happen.

But he did know one thing.

The Senate would one day be disbanded. Then the Senate and the girl would finally be out his hair. Off Coruscant. Back to Naboo. A place he would likely never go. Or she would be on the run with her Rebel friends. Though he preferred she would go back to her homeworld. And stay there. Vader wasn't certain if it was simply because he would have to face her again. These...emotions. Memories. Disorder.

If she stayed and ran off with the Rebel Alliance. He was bound to find her again. Because he would find the Rebels. Every. Last. One. And dispose of them as he had the Jedi and as they should be. And if he had to face her again. The likelihood-certainty of killing her...

Again, Vader did not know he could do it, even if he found her among the Rebels. Any evidence found. The Emperor was not much on taking prisoners unless he believed that being could prove to be useful. But even if that happened, her usefulness would run its course and he would have take care of her.

Yes, how he hoped Naberrie would stay on Naboo. And she might, given what she had seen. Taken part in today.

So he may never have to face her again. Face the...emotions he felt around her. Or the thought of killing her...

Because deep down, and while he knew he was supposed to want to. It was the way of the Sith. What his Master wanted. What Vader wanted, but did he? Did he really?

End of Chapter Five.

End of Niece Part II.

Well, what do you think? Review please.

And don't worry, this isn't the end of this story. It will be continued in The Scroll III.

Also, don't forget, more Surprises to come! ;)