Hello there readers. Now I normally don't make these 'author notes only posts,' in fact I was never going to make any of these type of posts. I always thought it was bad for a writer to do this, since it's a fake tease unless they have a preview of the story in it. However, under these terrible circumstances I will make an exception for this one time. That is why all the words are in bold, it's an author's note post. While I will talk about this story later on in this post, there is some troubling news I need to tell you all.
It pains me to say this, but we have lost one of our own. Freedom Guard, whose full name is Salvador R. Balleza has passed away. On the 5th of August he had went through cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is a sudden stop in blood circulation due to the failure of the heart to contract effectively or at all. When Freedom Guard went through it, they were unable to resuscitate him.
We have lost a great writer. Salvador had written forty-three stories, two concept ideas, and one story challenge. He had a vast knowledge of several categories, ranging from Halo, Mass Effect, Justice League, Marvel, G.I. Joe, Vandread, and so many more. With his vivid imagination he was able to expand on those categories' and write his own works of fiction. Sure his characters weren't always in character, and he had some run-on sentences, but damn it he had a natural talent of capturing someone's attention. Freedom Guard wrote in the third-person point of view in all of his stories. He did a wonderful job in writing characters' thoughts, opinions, and expressions in his story.
I was able to see how dedicated he was to writing and to others inspiring to write. When he posted a chapter, it had a numerous amount of pages worth of content, all up in a short amount of time, much quicker than I can ever hope to be.
Yes to some they will be losing a writer, but to me, and few others, we are losing a colleague and a dear friend. If you look up in the author's notes in most of my chapters, you will see Freedom Guard's name up there, and how I thank him for helping me. With almost every problem I ever had, whether writing related or even personal, I came to Freedom Guard and he was happy to lend a hand. He was there to offer advice when I needed it, and bounce ideas off when I felt creative. Every writer usually hits that old problem 'writer's block,' but when that happened to me, Freedom Guard would write out examples how an idea could happen, making writer's block all the more easier to breeze through. He was even able to look over my chapters before I posted them, whether he asked for them or I asked. He was practically my own Beta-Reader, and one of the best I ever had.
One of the things he taught was how to manage my stories. I, like many writers, have ideas just begging to be written down. Freedom Guard showed me that while it's good to have that light bulb flashing, you got to keep yourself in check and not overwork yourself. Looking at all of his stories, he told me how having so many made it extremely difficult to update them all and satisfy the readers. So now I write down any ideas on my profile page so I can eventually get back to them. And when I post a new story, I make sure it's entirely thought-out so I don't stop abruptly.
Without Freedom Guard, I bet I wouldn't even have half the amount of chapters posted now. And the ones that would be posted would lack some creativity. Did he make me the type of writer I am today? No, I can't give him all of that credit. But he was a part of the ones that did. I know for a fact he was also the one who inspired many more writers to be at the computer, and he was there to help the ones who asked. Sometimes he would actually seek out others that could use the help, which was how we met. He came to me when I was writing my Halo/Mass Effect crossover. I was brand new to fanfiction, and a terrible writer at the time. But he messaged me telling me I did a good job for a beginner, and have a lot of potential. He helped me reach some of that potential. And we have been friends ever since, for many years.
Freedom Guard, you may be gone, but you will not be forgotten, not by me at least. You may not be here anymore to give me advice, but I will always think 'what would Freedom Guard do?' With your stories out there, I hope others will take some inspiration from them. In this life and the next, you will always be my friend.
Rest in peace, Freedom Guard. With all of the work you did for fanfiction and others, you deserve that peace.
Now regarding the story, man it feels selfish saying that after the dedication to Freedom Guard. But here it goes.
I am still continuing my Halo/Mortal Kombat crossover, I have just been incredibly busy with a job, and some heavy personal problems. To be honest with you guys, and to help put things into perspective to understand what I am going through, this is the worst summer of my life and probably will ever be. Lets leave it at that. As proof that I am working on the next chapter here is a quick preview of the next chapter. Enjoy.
*At the Wu Shi Academy, China, Earthrealm*
The two large doors creaked open, and revealed everything behind them.
Cut green grass pastured the ground other than the stone sidewalks. Temples stood tall at the edge of the walls, made of the same rock material, with red roofs of ancient Chinese architecture. A center platform suspended by five massive statues remained in the middle of it all. But what surprised him the most was there were actually other humans. Numerous shaolin monks performed routine kicks and punches for training exercises.
His ears burned at Raiden's next words.
"Spartan, welcome to the Wu Shi Academy."
He zoomed in on his visor, the built in binoculars going to thirty-two X in a matter of milliseconds. The Master Chief looked them over several times, he had to be sure. Their eyes didn't glow like Raiden's and they had regular shaped heads, hands, and feet. From a distance everything checked out. He switched back to normal vision and blinked once, twice, three times. There was no mistaking it. They, the monks, were indeed human.
His eyes and mind conflicted with one another, logic and reasoning arguing back and forth. All he had were thoughts and assumptions. Maybe he was on a forgotten colony. Perhaps a settlement hid during the Human-Covenant War. Or... or he could possibly be on Earth.
It was true, this place was a lot like a primitive Earth, but what were the odds? Something wasn't adding up, and he didn't like it. And yet, he felt strangely... calm. When he first stepped into the residence of monks, it was as if a peaceful sensation washed over him. After years of war and combat, it was different to be so relaxed. Almost alien to him. He wasn't sure if it was Raiden and his shaolin that gave off this atmosphere of tranquility, but it didn't matter. The Spartan knew none of these people, so he remained on edge. He had a mission to find some threat, and he would be sure to complete it. Then he would find someway to get back to the UNSC.
Raiden began to walk ahead of him and further into the academy. If John wanted answers, he had to follow the supposed 'protector of Earthrealm.' It grated him to think like that, but he kept his own temper in check, and focused on getting what he needed to know.
And it was then, Raiden spoke.
"As I said before, this is a safe haven for Earthrealm's defenders. It is here where other heroes and shaolin train to protect our realm. All are welcomed here, especially you, chosen of the Elder Gods."
While they strode through the sanctuary grounds, curious stares of the monks' shadowed him, but as Raiden passed by they bowed in respect possibly in... worship. The super soldier took note that Raiden was indeed a person of high influence around the area. Valuable information for another time.
"Lord Raiden." A man's voice called out.
Tracing his sight to the speaker ahead, John-117 saw two more people running towards them, though they were much different from the rest of the monks.
The one in front wore a red head band that held up his black shoulder length hair. He was suited in a ebony color gi over his well rounded physique that screamed he was a fighter. Matching the shades of the head band was a sash across his waist, above bright red pants. In the middle of the sash, brandished the same symbol of the golden dragon like the statues in the clearing and Raiden's cracked medallion.
The other shaolin, only a couple paces behind, wore a onyx vest with two medieval lion emblems on his chest with light blue pants. His light blue pants was a noticeable contrast to his friend's colors. But the most distinct feature was the hat. Like Raiden's in shape, except it was a dark rimmed, and seemed to be sharper, almost razor like with its silver outline.
The duo stopped before the god of storms, both baring expressions of concern. They had wondered where he had wandered off to during their time of celebration. Only to reappear with an armored titan behind him.
"Lord Raiden, is everything alright?" the one in red spoke again, the Chief recognizing the voice from a second ago.
Raiden came to a halt, not returning the signs of emotion like the humans facing him.
"Yes, Liu Kang, I am fine. I needed to seek solace from the Elder Gods." The Thunder God responded in a monotone. "There is someone I would like for the two of you to meet."
See you all soon.
Rest in peace, Freedom Guard.