Author's Note - Let me be honest with you guys, first off, this is my very first fanfic, and to add things off, I'm no veteran writer like John Green or J.K. Rowling. I'm just a newbie who just recently signed up to this amazing site filled with thousands of amazing work you guys posted. At first, I'm really reluctant on posting this fanfic, but for the sake of writing, I'm willing to give it my all just to keep you drawn in. Please leave a review by the end of this chapter, that would be really awesome.

Disclaimer: I do not own the mathematical series Adventure Time and the cover photo. All credits go to the actual creators of this amazing show.

Chapter 1 - The Warmth of the Heart

He's doing it again. Jake mumbled as he saw Finn climb up the ladder to his now frequent "alone time" spot, which was the roof.

"Hey Jake. guess what? I've downloaded another copy of Cuppy's Castle!" Beemo said in a somewhat cheerful tone, probably just to cheer him up. "Maybe later Beemo. It's no fun without Finn around." he said as he took a huge bite off the sandwich he just made. "Yeah. he hasn't played me for about a week or so. i kinda miss it." the little robot displayed a sad emoticon on his game screen. "That's it. I can't take this anymore!" Jake threw the sandwich on the floor, frustrated. "Maybe Finn might get over it. Who knows?" Beemo said as he sat down on the coffee table where he sleeps. "Yeah, that's what you said to me last week." the poor dog pouted. "Well then. I'm just hoping Jake." the robot shuffled some cards. "I'm gonna settle this myself. Hmph!" he shuffle towards the ladder and yelled, "Hey Finn! Wanna play with Beemo?" I hope this works. he thought. "Jake...not now.." Finn responded weakly.

"Okay then! Now I'm just gonna wait 'till tomorrow to get you down here!" Jake growled, "What the heck is wrong with you?" "Jake... I'm sorry." Finn said with a slight whisper. "Well, that won't make things peachy around here mister!" he crossed his arms.

"I..I..need you to hug me bro. Please.." Finn squeaked. As soon as he heard those words, he finally knew what causes the constant hiatus of their adventuring. "Is this about Flame Princess?" he asked while looking at the entrance to the roof. Sure enough, Finn probably didn't want to talk about it. The concern dog gave out a sigh. "Finn, let's have one of 'em heart to heart talks."

He stretched himself to the roof of the tree fort. "Dude, you should've just used your legs.." the hero gave a light smirk. "Hah! Legs are useless. So anyways Finn, it has been over a year since that happened, and she probably has forgotten about you. Here's one thing I should tell ya to bring your life back. Move on. Find someone who's worth your time." Jake advised as he wrapped his long arm on his shoulder. "We are all destined to be with someone. Just like how I met Lady, that was a month after I broke up with my ex. She probably isn't the one meant for ya." "It's not that easy. Look, I'm trying to forget-" "No, you're probably thinking about her constantly. That would just make things more harder for ya." Jake cutted him off.

"Look, it's gonna rain soon. How about I'll serve up some pancakes. I won't take no for an answer, hehe.." Jake persuaded the depressed lad. "Yeah. That would be a great idea." Finn quickly went down the ladder towards the kitchen.

He hasn't changed a bit. Jake gave out a smile and eagerly stretched himself to the tree fort. Soon enough, Beemo sprang out of his bed and greeted Finn, "who wants to play video games?" the cheerful robot danced around him. "I do. What's new Beemo?" Finn asked, wearing that goofy smile on his face. "Well, it's this new visual novel called Frost and Fire." Finn's expression suddenly changed from eager to plain. "I knew it! He hates those kinds of games!" Jake teased the poor robot while he's working on the bacon pancakes on the kitchen. "n-no. It's great. really...I'll just be in my room." he walked out with some tears running down his face. "Was it something I said?"

Marceline's P.O.V - I was just doing my daily jam with my bass until I received a call from the most unlikely person: Jake. "Marceline?" he asked. "Yeah. 'sup Jake? Want me to suck your blood tonight?" I said, in means of trying to scare the poor guy. "Marcy! This is serious. It's about Finn." "What about him?" "He's...not working anymore!" my eyes widened as he said those words. This must be some prank call. Please let it be just some stupid prank call.. I thought...well, my heart thought. I quickly hung up and flew towards the tree fort without an umbrella, thus, making me look like some kind of flying old hag. Great. you're falling for some bad joke, and now look at you, your hair's a mess! I reminded myself, but I've suddenly gotten a feeling that draws me in there, like it's my job to help the poor guy or something.

As soon as I arrived, I quickly busted though the door. "Where's Finn?" I asked Jake wearing a scared look on his puppy dog face, and I'll have to admit, it was kinda funny. "He's in his room." I hurriedly went in. Turns out that he was fine, but he looked really sad, like we was about to cry.

"Finn!" I quickly hugged him, since I've kinda forgotten how to express my relief in words. "M-Marcy? What brings you here?" He asked with his cheeks flustered. Man.. did I really squeezed him that hard? "I've gotten a call from Jake. He said you've stopped working. you look fine though." I smirked.

"Oh... Thanks for worrying." he lain down on his unkept bed with his arms folded. "Well, I stand corrected. you looked depressed." I said as I looked around his room filled with candles and pictures of Flame Princess on the walls. "Me? hah! no way Marcy! I'm fine! watch.." he picked up his red sword and swung it badly. Just like some five year old learning how to play baseball. I gave out a laugh, since it seems so obvious that he's probably trying to make me laugh as always. "See?...don't I look" he suddenly wept. Okay, now I'm lost for words.

"Finn, I know something's bothering you. Tell me everything that's keeping you from being happy. Maybe I can help." With a reluctant look on his face, he suddenly asked me a different question. "Since when did you gotten so concerned of me?" Finn gave out a shy smile. I blushed a little. "Just do it you twit!" He told me the whole story about the letters, and how Simon and Flame Princess fought, and the Cosmic Owl. Just when I'm about to get confused, he then came straight to the point, he and Flame Princess broke up over a year ago. I gave out a sigh. "Dude, you remind me of Ash. You were the one who wrote those mean stuff about her..." he started to cry, again. "I'm not finished! But the bright side is that you've told her the truth, that's all that matters. It shows how warm your heart is.." I poked his chest. "But... I thought you've lost your moral code?" "Whatever Finn." I began to float outside of the room. "Marcy... what made you come so fast? Jake's obviously pulling your strings." he said while wiping the tears off his eyes with a tissue. "Because I care about you...Finn." I briskly went off, embarrassed. Jake looked at me with a curious look. "What's going on Marceline?" "D-Don't ask..."

As Marceline left the fort abruptly, Jake knew what caused her to leave so quickly. Maybe Finn tries to ask Marcy on a date? Jake shook his head at the thought, knowing that the hopeless romantic and the 1000+ year old vampire won't get together so easily.

"Oh Finn." he walked towards the room, smiling. "Dude, if you have some dibs with Marcy, why didn't you just tell me!" the cheerful dog grinned. "Huh? Me liking Marcy? Since when?" he blushed. "So you didn't ask her out?" "Why would I do that? Marcy's like our bro, it would be very awkward if I like her that way." he grinned. "Okay then. For a second there, I thought you were following my advice. Who knows? It might've been her all along."

Well, that concludes the first Chapter. I wonder how things will turn out? Please give me some feedback!