The Sorting of Albus Severus Potter

Albus glanced around. The Gryffindor table, with it's bright colors and many members of his family, sat to his right. On his left was the Ravenclaw table, though on the other side of the Ravenclaw table was a splash of green. Slytherin.

It did for me

Albus tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths. He had a choice, the hat would not force him somewhere he didn't want to go. James over at the Gryffindor table was making some faces at him. Albus would have thrown something at him to make him stop, but he didn't have anything to throw besides his wand.

It did for me

"Potter, Albus!" The chubby green professor shouted. Albus scampered up to the stool, ignoring the looks from his fellow students as Professor Sprout lowered the hat over his head. It fell over his eyes, obscuring his view.

Well, who do we have here? Albus Potter, where should I put you?

'Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin,' Albus chanted mentally.

Not Slytherin, eh? You could be great you know, and Slytherin could help you on your way to greatness.

'Not Slytherin,' Albus thought firmly.

Hm, you know, when your father and I had this conversation, he didn't want Slytherin because he didn't like the Malfoy boy. You, however, don't want Slytherin because you are scared you will disappoint your family. You've been tormented for so long by your brother, you've become afraid.

Albus felt dread start to seep in. 'Not Slytherin!'

Hm, can you not see the problem I am facing? I will not put a student in a house they are so terrified of, but I cannot put you in Gryffindor because you are too afraid to go to Slytherin. And yet, if you were to have some sort of revelation and decide to face your fears and go to Slytherin, you would be perfect Gryffindor material. Have you ever considered Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?

Albus' thoughts ground to a halt. He'd never considered either of the two other houses. All his life, it'd always been a question of either Gryffindor or Slytherin. Teddy was in Hufflepuff, but he'd never even considered it. No, he wanted Gryffindor. He wanted to be with his family.

Do you really? You hate your older brother, and you know they would still be your family if you were in a different house. Plus, you also know that people would compare you even more with your father.

He didn't want to disappoint his family.

You wouldn't. Didn't you father say that you were named after a Slytherin headmaster?

He didn't want to be evil.

Slytherin does not mean evil, young Albus. Severus Snape was a very brave man, Horace Slughorn was a good man, the Malfoy family is selfish, but not evil. The world isn't split into good people and Slytherins. Everyone has a bit of both light and dark inside them. What matters is the part that we choose to act on. I think it's about time Slytherin changed its reputation, don't you?