A/N: I have been SO BUSY! I apologize for this coming so late. Please don't hate me. Here's the last chapter! This was a short story but it is still very close to my heart and I'm going to start another one tonight too so be sure to keep an eye out! I love ya'll so much! Thank you for sticking by me. Mwah! Enjoy!

Rush: Alternate Ending

"Did you notice...
That I didn't cry"

"I'm pregnant?" Katara croaked out and Sokka nodded, a smile on his face.

She licked her dry and cracked lips and Sokka went to pick up the cup of water beside her bed but she simply waterbended it from the cup into her mouth.

"And Zuko's… gone?" She questioned even though deep in the pit of her stomach she knew the truth.

"Yeah. But he'll be back in a few days. He's been traveling through the United Nations, trying to explain what happened… and explain you." Sokka explained.

Tears of joy rushed to Katara's eyes and spilled over.

She had thought that Zuko was gone. She had assumed the worst.

But she had been wrong.

Zuko was alive.

Sokka smiled at her and he leaned over and embraced her.

"You smell gross." He insulted as tears dripped from his eyes into her chocolate tresses.

She laughed and squeezed him tighter.

"I love you, Sokka." She hiccupped and he pulled back.

"You're my sister, Katara. No matter what happens, I love you too." He assured and Katara felt her eyes well up again.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" Sokka yelled out and without further ado, the door swung open so hard that it almost fell off of its hinges.

Toph, Suki, and Aang all rushed in and practically fell on top of her, a jumble of voices and sounds and insults.

Katara loved them with all she had.

And they loved her.

There was no judgment or anger.

She couldn't remember the last time that she had felt so happy.

After Sokka had complained almost 300 times that he was hungry, all of Katara's friends had gotten up and left, except for Aang.

Awkwardly he stood by her bed until they had left and shut the door behind them.

"I'm sorry." She apologized and he smiled that childlike smile at her.

"I forgive you, Katara… I just wonder why… was it just because you weren't happy with me or-?"

Katara couldn't let him say anything more. The guilt was too much.

"You're amazing, Aang. But I'm too old for you. I'm not the right fit for you. Someone like Toph, someone who will treat you right and love you, is the person you should be with." Katara said sweetly, her tone sincere.

Aang felt disappointment rip through him. But he also had a flicker of hope. Toph was beautiful, and one of his closest friends.

And he cared for her more than he let on, but had never even entertained the thought of being with her because he had Katara.

Now… maybe things would change. And for the better.

Zuko and Katara lay on the grass by the lake in the palace garden.

Katara wanted to pull her hair out.

He was still bandaged up but he still held her in his arms as they watched baby turtle ducks waddle behind their mothers and the stars dance in the azure sky.

She needed to tell him and tell him tonight.

But she couldn't get the words out.

The silence was unnerving.

"The people love you." Zuko confessed and Katara twisted in his arms only for him to hiss in pain.

She waterbended some water from the lake and placed her glowing hands onto his sore body although he protested.

"I would think that they would hate me." Katara shrugged, although a large smile graced her face.

"Your story melted their hearts, just like you melted mine." Zuko said and they both erupted into laughter.

"So cheesy!" She scolded but he just responded by leaning up and pecking her lips with his.

"I have to tell you something." She whispered, and Zuko's golden eyes bore into her, worry etched into his gaze.

"I'm pregnant." She murmured and before she could blink he was on his feet and he had pulled her into her arms like a bride, and he spun them around in a circle.

"You're… You're happy?!" She questioned, dubious and he laughed.

"I'm not good with shit like this… but what part of 'I love you' do you not understand?" He asked, his eyebrows drawn together in frustration.

"And our baby?" She asked, just making sure he was serious.

Anger danced in his eyes and he kissed her, his mouth firm and persistent.

When he pulled away, she was breathless.

He placed a large hand over her still flat for the moment stomach.

"And our baby. And when the time is right, we will be married too. I promise." Zuko whispered, embarrassment causing his cheeks to redden.

Katara had nothing to really say in response to that other than the blatant truth.

"I love you, Fire Lord, Zuko."

A/N: TADA! THE END! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! MWAH *blows kisses* Thank you so much for putting up with this crazy story and supporting me. All good things must end though. But you guys are beyond awesome! Thank you again!