A/N: I know, I know. I should be finishing up my other storied but honestly I just got too excited about the prospect of writing something new! I just finished up a game called Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, and I was like bawling at the end. It's a shame really. But any song I hear that resonates with me, I try to write about it! There were five songs from that game that really hit home and they are oddly similar, so I decided to write stories that are similar based on the lyrics. This is the first songfic story I'm going to post but I hope to post the first chapters of all my other stories by the end of the night and also post new chapters from my previous stories as well! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the song Rush by Ingvild Hasund, or the characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

P.S. This story takes place at the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender Series, when Zuko announces that he is the new Fire Lord and he starts working with Aang to rebuild the other three nations

Chapter 1: As Invisible As The Wind

Guess I'm just a gust of wind

Moved on quickly

Almost unnoticed

But quite powerful

Zuko smiled at the crowd and looked at the young Avatar beside him. Aang had really grown up since he had first met him.

He stood taller, prouder, his shoulders broad and back straight and he smiled that large grin and bowed respectfully to the crowd who had just bowed to him.

He was the Avatar, if there was anyone who should not have to bow it should be him.

Taking note of the Avatar's humility, the golden eyed young man beside him bowed to the crowd as well.

When the two men stood erect again, the crowd rose and began screaming and clapping loudly. Zuko basked in the praise. For once, he felt as if he had done something right. He did not care for the fame or adoration, he simply was happy that for once in his life, he had done the right thing for other people and even himself.

He wasn't trying to please his father anymore, or live up to his sister. He was just Zuko and he was so happy for that.

Finally, Zuko and Aang stepped back inside from the balcony and into the royal planning room. They pulled the heavy and thick bamboo curtain closed, signifying the end of the royal announcement, and the sunlight instantly vanished.

Zuko, still shocked by the day's events, stood still. He was still able to hear the roar of the crowd even though the announcement was deemed over already. He was going to make the World a better place, he and Aang were going to unite the nations, and there would finally be peace.

"Zuko... thank you." Aang suddenly said. Zuko jumped as he was snapped out of his moment by the Avatar's voice, and he turned to look at him.

Aang's gray eyes were wide with sincerity and Zuko felt his own golden eyes soften. The kid was an open book.

"No, I'm the one that should be thanking you, Aang." Zuko said and he bowed his head to the younger man.

Aang bowed his head as well but Zuko did not notice and went to stand up straight after a moment of silence, only to slam his head into the airbender's.

Both men yelled out in pain and rubbed their sore heads, but instantly began laughing as the looked at the other after realizing what had happened.

Zuko rubbed his throbbing skull, but the pain was really nothing after that lightning bolt to the chest he took for-

Zuko felt his stomach twist into knots as he thought about her.

That woman could cast a spell on anyone.

He loved her long thick chocolate brown hair, those baby blue eyes, those dark curly eyelashes, that husky voice, her voluptious body, but that wasn't what he loved the most about her.

He loved the way she spoke her mind. How if she had an opinion, she sure as hell was going to voice it. He loved how stubborn she was, even if she was frustrating the hell out of him. He loved that she was independent, that she was a strong woman, and could and had already taken him down if he crossed her the wrong way.

Hell. He loved her. All of her.

He was going to tell her all of that too... today... if he would be able to get the words out. She could be scary as fuck sometimes.


Katara rounded the corner, her cheeks flushed, and her long, lean, and tan legs pumping as she ran to her destination.

She, Sokka, Toph, and even Momo had watched Aang and Zuko make their announcement from within the crowd.

The crowd knew of what they had done, gossip travelled fast, so they had gotten to be in the very front. The crowd praised, bowed, and cheered for them, and then they escelated that appreciation and awe by 100,000,000 when Zuko and Aang stepped out onto the balcony.

Katara never cried and yet Katara watched them with shining eyes, surprised that all of the stress and pain and heartache and death under Lord Ozai's rule was finally over, and even more surprised that it made her bawl the way that it did.

All the stress was over... well almost over.

Katara had one thing that she needed to get done first before she could truly be stress free.

It involved a certain golden eyed young man. It wasn't until she was looking up at him that she fully realized what she felt.

She had to tell him before it was too late.

As she continued to run, Katara felt nothing but adrenaline.

Finally! She could see the door to the royal planning room. They had just finished giving their speech on the balcony that extended from that room and she hoped that he was still in there.

Suddenly the door opened and Katara stopped in her tracks and slid to a halt. If he saw her running he would assume she was desperate and Katara was NOT the type of girl to be desperate.

The two men walked out of the room and in the opposite direction. Neither saw or noticed Katara and walked with their backs to her.

Just as Katara opened her mouth to call out them them and capture their attention, a young woman with silky black hair walked up behind them.

Katara felt her heart drop to her stomach and a lump swelled up in her throat.

It couldn't be... She was in jail... Or supposed to be... No... It couldn't be...



Zuko grumbled in frustration as he walked next to the Avatar, and for once it was not frustration at the Avatar's animated and loud conversation.

Zuko was simply frustrated because he could not get that damn crown out of his top knot. What did the servants pin this thing down with? Boar bear needles?

"You need some help with that?" A deadpan voice questioned from behind him.

Zuko and Aang whirled around, Zuko with a tight grin on his face. He sincerely hoped that she wasn't about to butcher him.

He was expecting that signature grim frown on her face but instead, Zuko was surprised to see a smile on her face.

"Mai, you're okay!" Zuko exclaimed as he wrapped the tall and thin woman into his large, muscular arms. "They let you out of prinson?" He questioned as he pulled back to look down at her.

Mai shrugged and smirked. "My uncle pulled some strings. And it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord's your boyfriend."

Zuko felt his blood run cold at the mention of him being her boyfriend. He had broken up with her... and now she assumed that they were back together? But he did not know how to... phrase his concern graceully. He loved Mai, of course, she was his childhood love but he was in love with Katara. Hopelessly. But who knew if Katara was even interested.

"KATARA!" Aang cried out suddenly and he skipped down the hallway to the short distance where Katara was standing.

Zuko looked over Mai's head and saw Aang with his toned arms around the waterbender's slim waist. She was smiling and her cheeks were flushed, and Aang was laughing and smiling at her like she was the only person in the room, no the entire world. She looked ecstatic... and who was he to ruin that?

Zuko realized that he had been silent too long, and Mai was giving him a quizzical look. Zuko had a dedicated woman in front of him and he did love her. He repressed a sigh.

"So, does this mean that you don't hate me anymore?" He asked and she smiled at him, the sight still catching him off guard.

"I think it means I actually kind of like you." She responded, her voice indifferent.

Before he could respond, she was wrapping her arms around his neck and stretching her body upwards.

Before he could stop her, Mai's thin lips were on his, and Zuko's eyes unconciously driffted not towards the lovely woman kissing him, but to locate the waterbender.

There she was. Looking back at him as she walked down the hall and away from him, Aang's arm linked through hers.

Katara's surprised and sad eyes cut him right to the bone.

And he didn't know what her expression meant or what to do about it, so he instead focused on the woman in front of him, his girlfriend.

"But don't you EVER break up with me again!" Mai instructed, poking a bony finger painfully into his chest.

Zuko grimaced and chukcled, purely for Mai's sake. And when she kissed him again, he accepted it as just what had to happen.


Katara blinked back the tears as she allowed herself to be led away by Aang.

Mai was back, and Katara felt like an idiot.

She had simply imagined the chemisty between Zuko and herself. Zuko belonged with Mai, and she with Aang. It was obvious.

Katara knew that, and yet she felt so empty inside.

When she looked at Aang she felt affection, but it was more maternal than anything else, but why hurt him? Why would she tell him that she did not love him when he so obviously loved her and would provide for her and be there for her always?

She didn't even know how Zuko felt about her. And he had Mai. How could she compete with that?

Most people would call staying with Aang settling, but he was the Avatar, there was no way she was settling.

Was she?


Late that night...

Katara was lying on her guest bed in the Fire Nation palace, her long tresses splayed out on her plush pillow. She could not sleep, and she blamed the fact that she could not sleep because she could not stop thinking about Zuko.

She couldn't stop thinking about his hands crawling all over Mai. His fingers tracing her spine and his lips whispering the same sweet words that he had whispered to her when they were out looking to find her mother's killer and to also stop Azula.

Her eyes welled up with hot tears. Katara was so torn, and watching him kiss Mai, felt like a knife to the back.

Suddenly there was a light tapping on her door.

"Who's there?" Katara choked out.

"Katara... it's me." A voice replied softly and from the gruffness of it, Katara instantly knew who it was.

"Come in." She said so quietly her caller had to strain to hear it.

He strolled through her door, looking every bit the Fire Lord that he now was. Regal and untouchable.

As she sat up straight against the pillows and tried to subtly wipe her eyes in the darkness, the candles on the table beside her betrayed her and Zuko could see the tear stains on her tan skin.

"It's dusty in here." Katara stated as a way of explanation when she saw him starring.

He nodded solemnly and the air suddenly felt very suffocating.

"I am sorry for earlier." Zuko grinded out through his teeth. He didn't know what to say, he had no idea on how to bring up the subject now. He felt too late, and he knew deep down that he had hurt her.

Katara gave him a glance of confusion and he felt the need to reiterate his sentence.

"For kissing Mai in front of you... After what happened between us on the trip I should have-" Zuko started to speak but Katara interrupted him.

"It was my mistake for misreading your actions and thinking that you wanted something more with me. I know now that I was just a passing thought for you... an option. I was always there, but not to you, not like that. I was invisible. Like the wind." Katara stated, pain etched onto all of her features.

She looked at Zuko and saw that his cat like eyes burned with something she couldn't place.

Zuko wanted to correct her, he wanted to hold her, he wanted to feel her skin again, but doing any of those things would just make this worse then it already was.

He sighed and gulped down his feelings and began to speak again.

"Anyways, on behalf of the Fire Nation, I would like to offer you a position as the Nation's healer." Zuko stated plainly, in a deadpan tone. Mai's simple prescence had already affected the way he treated her.

"I'll think about it." Katara whispered before lying down in the bed, her back turned to him.

"It's not an option, Katara. As order of the Fire Lord, you need to stay here and help. A lot of people, innocent people, were injured in the battles and just plain violence during those last few days. We need you." Zuko said, he barely stopped himself from adding, 'I need you."

"Well well, first day on the job and you're already tossing out orders like your father!" Katara exclaimed as she jumped out of the bed and charged towards the large man in front of her.

Zuko tried not to notice the way her thin white under bindings hung to every curve and crevice of her skin as she bounded over to him.

"I am not like my father, Katara, you know that as well as I do." Zuko whispered, looking down at her.

"You're not mad about me asking you to say. We both know what you're really mad about." He said simply, a sweet smile on his face.

A smile just for Katara.

He saw the pain in her eyes and before he could stop himself, he wrapped her petite form into his muscular chest.

"I'm so sorry." He murmured against her hair.

He knew that as soon as he touched her he wouldn't be able to contain himself, and his hands secured themselves around her waist and he looked down at her and lifted his chin with her finger.

"Stop. It's too late." Katara whispered pathetically, not wanting him to stop at all.

Zuko's lips inched closer, and Katara knew any protests were futile.

"I don't know what to do... But I do know that you-"

"Zuko?" A sudden voice asked from the doorway.

Katara and Zuko jumped apart, but not quick enough.

A/N: *yawn* that was boring I know! It will get better though, I promise. This was the first chapter and the set up chapter! More drama is soon to come!