Hi everyone! Welcome to the rewrite of Freedom is Earned Through Blood. Its LOOSLEY based on Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

Caroline is a Senator's daughter who just arrived to meet her betrothed a young rising political star Tyler Lockwood. However on her way to Rome she stops at her childhood best friend's (Katherine) Ludus where she meets the champion Klaus. Klaroline Kalijah



He collapsed on top of her completely drained after the last round of mind-blowing sex. Their lips met in a passionate kiss as their sweaty bodies tangled together. He carefully pulled away from her ravenous lips and rolled to the side pulling her to across his chest. Both panted heavily trying to recover from the strenuous activities of the afternoon. He gently pulled her long brown curls back and laid a tender kiss to her temple.

They were both enveloped in a delicate silence not wanting to ruin this perfect moment.

"I need to get up and prepare for Caroline's visit," Katherine sighed as she moved her head further into his strong broad shoulder. "You must return before anyone notices."

"If anyone questions where I am sure you will be able to put a stop to it Domina," he smiled knowing how she hated when he used her title.

With a groan she got up from the bed and began to dress herself again. Tomorrow her childhood friend, Caroline, would arrive in Rome to meet her betrothed. She longed to see her friend, but was nervous as well. Katherine, her sister Elena and Caroline grew up together as girls. But were separated when Caroline's Father became a Senator. Caroline was sent to a school for young Roman girls outside of Venice to receive a proper education. Caroline is apart of the very highest social class.

Her visit was very important to Katherine's husband. Damon hoped Katherine's friendship with the young girl would help elevate their social standing as well. Damon had gambled and whored much of their fortune away. His debts were well known and embarrassed the entire Salvatore family. Damon and Katherine received no help from either of their families. Damon hoped that Caroline could convince her father or her new fiancé to become his patron and absolve him from his debts. Much to Katherine's frustration, Damon believed that to earn money you must spend money. He had spared no expense on this visit. This extravagant stunt would surely put them even more in debt. Patronage was the last hope. Katherine needed to make sure everything was perfect or there would be consequences.

Damon often considered selling a few gladiators in order to break even on his debts. Katherine knew he would never sell Klaus, his champion. But Damon had mentioned selling Elijah. Elijah would fetch a high price and would sell quickly at market. Katherine needed this patronage to stay together. Katherine couldn't even bear to think of Elijah leaving her. Before she started her liaison with Elijah, Katherine had simply been a ghost in the villa. She had no spirit or will to live. Being married to Damon she felt lonelier than ever before. She had yet to mention the possibility to Elijah. Katherine wanted to protect him and keep his focus on the upcoming games.

He followed her lead and slowly sat up in the bed interrupting her troubling thoughts. Once she was completely dressed she slowly and seductively strutted towards him. She slowly sat in his lap straddling his large muscular thighs. Wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into another kiss.

"You are distracting me from my duties and you need to go back to your training before my husband notices," she whispered the harsh reality.

He solemnly nodded and they both got up from the bed. He quickly gathered his clothes and redressed while she attempted to fix her hair. He came up behind her slowly pressing his body into hers, and kissing her shoulder.

"How is Harrison, Katerina?" he whispered into her ear.

Harris was their one-year old son. Of course Katherine's husband, Damon, was oblivious to that fact. As soon as Harris was born Katherine had known who his father was. Harris and Elijah shared the same beautiful brown eyes and strong jaw. Damon just claimed Harris favored his mother. Harris was the spitting image of his father and had her brown curly hair. For Harris' sake she would not let Damon ruin their family. She would do anything to convince Caroline of this patronage.

"He's perfect just like his father," she smiled back their eyes meeting in her mirror.

"And his mother" he mumbled between the kisses he left on her bare shoulder.

She turned around in his embrace and laid her head on his chest for a few moments trying to escape her worries.

"You need to go before Damon returns," she pleaded pulling away from him.

"As you wish Katerina. I love you," he said as he stole another passionate kiss and took his leave back to the Ludus.

She couldn't help but melt every time he used her birth name. Damon had changed her name when they got married in order to make her fit into the mold of a perfect Roman woman.

Suddenly she heard crying from the next room that brought her out of her thoughts. Harris was awake.

Katherine spent the rest of the day ordering servants around and making sure the entire villa was presentable.

The next day Katherine woke early to prepare for her best friend's visit. Damon insisted everything was perfect.

She took out her most expensive dress and ordered her slaves to intricately braid her hair. She made sure there was enough wine and food. This one visit was costing a small fortune. Damon desperately wanted to impress the Senator's daughter.

Caroline is being brought to Rome to introduce her to Senator Tyler Lockwood. Tyler is to be her husband within a few months. Caroline is being used as a player in her father's quest for power. Similar to her own situation. Katherine had never loved Damon. Her marriage was a way to move up in society. Women were their father's property to sell and use as they please.

Katherine didn't want this life for Caroline. Katherine luckily found solace in her relationship with Elijah and their son. But Caroline could be miserable for the rest of her life. Katherine felt guilty knowing she was also using her friend, but she would do anything for Harris. She and Harris needed his father.

She slowly opened the door to Harris' room. She watched her precious son sleep for a few moments. Before slowly rubbing his back until he woke up. Once Harris was fully awake She picked her young son up and began humming to him softly. She got him dressed in the finest robe he had and prepared him for the day's events.

"Kat!" a typically cheery Caroline yelled as she ran from the carriage.

Caroline slowed down to envelope her friend into a close hug. The kissed each other's cheeks. Then Caroline noticed the baby in the slave's arms who must have been Harris. Caroline immediately picked the child up and started her high-pitched baby talk.

"He's beautiful" she beamed as she kissed his chubby cheek. Harris returned her smile and cooed at the woman cuddling him. She couldn't help but smile at the exchange between two of the people she loved. Katherine was relieved that her best friend and child took to eachother.

"Thank you Caroline," Damon replied seeming uninterested in the baby. "How was the journey?"

Caroline audibly sighed. "Terribly boring!" she exclaimed.

"And I hope the Senator is in good health," he inquired.

"He is even more dull than the journey. But the Senator is fine," Caroline looked at him obviously annoyed. "Let's move onto more mannered subjects, like your gladiators. Katherine I want the full tour."

And so it begins…again. Please REVIEW! I want all opinions good or bad J