The Mortal Instruments – FanFiction


Chapter 14 – Receptivity

Clary heard her blood retching screams tear their way through the forest as it disappeared behind her. Her eyes felt like they had glued shut; she persistently fought against them. Closing her eyes meant that she would be giving into the temptation of surrender; her mind would twist and fall into unconsciousness. Clary couldn't work out at this point if it was a better idea to be unconscious, or to be conscious and endure whatever was coming very soon. Her mind was torn; she did not know which was worse. The last thing Clary wanted was to be unaware of what was happening around her… Clary cried out – not from the pain, but from seeing her knee twist in unnatural positions as her she was being dragged. The forest floor had turned the jumper she stole from Sebastian's shoulder bag into a stringy threadbare cloth. The crisp air added to the chill Clary felt deep within her bones. The jagged rocks, roots and fauna had left Clary's back numb – she knew that there were some serious lacerations to her exposed skin.

Clary's whole body had become numb and her head swam uncontrollably when Sebastian finally stopped dragging her weak and mangled body. Clary didn't realise just how far she had really gone. It felt like her freedom was a blanket ripped out from underneath her. Sebastian carelessly and unceremoniously dropped her legs before turning back towards her. Clary tried rolling over to get away, but her brother was unnaturally fast. He forcefully grabbed her chin in between his thumb and forefinger – their gazes locked. When Clary tried to turn away, Sebastian's strong hand pulled her back. His dark eyes were filled with lust as his gaze travelled down her face to her lips. He yanked on her jaw- bringing his clean lips to her blood covered and sticky mouth. At first Clary thought it was a kiss, until he began to slowly suck and lick off the dried blood. Clary's body fidgeted uncomfortably without her authority, despite the numbness. The best stand she could make right now was to not react to anything.

Sebastian was being unusually quiet as he pulled out a gold hilted knife and cut the remnants of the jumper. When Clary flinched back, his palm extended out and backhanded her across the face – her nose was already in shatters.
"Don't start that shit Clarissa." He spat – some of her blood staining his perfect teeth. Clary's stubbornness and resistance flared to life within her. Giving up now was a pointless effort. Clary had spent far too long enduring so much heartbreak, agony and mental abuse to just cave in now. A small flame ignited through her hopelessness. She was beyond capable of resisting, both mentally and physically, her body was begging to dive into unconsciousness – escaping the reality of her current predicament. But, that seemed too easy. This situation was real. If Clary had nothing left to give, Sebastian would take everything she had – plus more. Clary saw Jace's face every time she blinked – could she do that to him? Could she give up on herself? Clary wasn't prepared to fight, nor was she in any condition for flight; yet, her stubbornness overruled everything. She truly was Jocelyn at heart. While she still had her voice, Clary set her jaw and retorted;
"No. Go f*ck youself!"

Sebastian's Perspective

Dragging Clary through the forest was conflicting for Sebastian. He was so enraged, yet her blood curdling screams of agony had definitely gotten his attention – all he knew was that he enjoyed them. The jumper hung like a burlap sack around her petite frame and he could feel her weak gaze trying to pierce through his skull. She was beyond capable of moving, let alone getting up and running. She knew what was coming for her. Sebastian bathed in his excitement and glory. He was filled with contrasting emotions of eagerness and anger. He wanted to take things slow; savouring every whimper, taste, smell and beg of mercy - lapping it up. He was going to bathe in his succession. He was going to claim Clary and taste the forbidden sweetness of his sister.

To say he was aroused was an understatement. The dried blood on Clary's lips was like a deep and forbidden red lipstick to Sebastian. His head swam with temptation and light headedness as all his blood ran southwards. In his mind he saw Clary's beauty - her pale skin, green eyes and a sultry red lipstick pasted onto her full lips. They looked so gorgeously appealing. Clary's dried blood was as sweet as it was salty. He swallowed it, undoubtedly making her feel uncomfortable as he did so. Sebastian had to admit, at a few stages during her capture, he wished he could have made love to Clary. Now, all these raw and foreign emotions within him made him resentful. Sebastian's head had been filled with so many conflicting thoughts for too long. Both Clary and he had been teasing each other – both mentally sizing up the other. She deserved to pay for being a temptress, it was her fault he felt such strong and irrelevant attachments to her. Clary deserved brutal punishment – that was certainly what she was going to get.

Sebastian pulled his gold hilted knife from his pocket and skilfully cut the remaining threads of the jumper in a singular flourish. Clary's face contorted and scowled in front of him. He hated when she did that – it tarnished her beauty – he definitely didn't like that. It felt almost second nature to him as his hand contacted her face – her nose already baring the severity of his previous impact. Only he should have the right to tarnish her beauty. This was going to be a punishment for Clary. Clary's body should be mauled for everything she had done wrong. She deserved it and Sebastian knew he should be the one to disfigure her. He deserved to watch the one he lov- felt attraction for – he corrected, become reduced to nothing. He was going to destroy his sister's innocence - tarnished with whatever means possible. That was why Sebastian used the gold hilted knife, designed and forged in secret by the Iron Sister Magdalena in France. The blade was enchanted so that every cut it made could not be healed by an iratze. It was a dangerous weapon if you tried to kill someone; effective if you wanted to scar someone for life. That was what Sebastian was going to do - leave his mark on Clary. By cutting her, she would have scars of this event for the rest of her existence. She would never be able to escape this moment. It was sick in a way – he knew that. But, would Valentine have done any better?

"No. Go f*ck youself!" Clary retorted.
Sebastian's hand shot out and gripped her frail throat. His hand closed and locked tightly as he constricted her windpipe. His voice dripping with menace;
"You deserve to scream as I take you. You are a filthy bitch – Jace will never love you once he finds out that I don't plan to leave you with a heartbeat after this." Clary's eyes began to cross slightly and her face was becoming blue from lack of oxygen. Sebastian smiled, "You deserve to beg for mercy as punishment. Our father deserves to hear your resounding screams echo to wherever death took him…" Using his free hand, Sebastian tapped her bottom lip and made an open fist in the air – moving it back and forward in a sexual action.
"Tell me to f*ck off again, and I will shove it deep in here, no matter how hard you resist." Sebastian saw a panicked look flash behind her eyes, but even then, Clary's fiery spirit wouldn't give out. In compensation, she closed her eyes – partially defeated by his threat.
"Good girl." He coaxed, releasing her throat. "You don't know how long I have waited for this…"

Sebastian pulled out the knife and drew a long, but shallow cut across her chest, just above the beginning of her breasts – he wouldn't dare disfigure them. In honesty, Sebastian hated women with cuts, scars or runes on their shoulders, back or neck. They were the most beautiful parts of a woman… besides the apex of their thighs. It was quite disappointing… Sebastian wanted a show, he enjoyed putting her back in her place. The black lacy bra he bought for her back in Melle, France was no longer as full as it once was. Still, he was beyond aroused as he went to cut the bra to expose her breasts. The bra came apart easily and revealed what was left of Clary's chest and body. It was a little disappointing compared to when he held her captive in the abandoned house. There, her body was curved, toned, still glowing with life. The swell of her breasts had been beautiful. Now, Clary's body was sunken, her ribs poked out at awkward angles and her skin was a faded lifeless colour. Clary's body continued to fidget from the crisp cold air, but that was all she could do to keep warm. This situation had become real – Sebastian was still waiting for the realisation to hit for Clary. She was either extremely in control or suddenly scared beyond her wits. When small tears began to trickle down her bruised and bloody cheeks, Sebastian knew her unusual control had dissipated. This was not going to be quick. Sebastian had planned to drag this out as long as possible…

Clary's Perspective

If he was repulsed by the slenderness of her body – Sebastian certainly didn't show it now. His mouth came down hard on what was left of her right breast. Her nipples stood erect from the cold – Sebastian took it as arousal – Clary felt ill thinking of it. He sucked hard as he grazed his teeth on her nipple. When Clary's body made no further reaction, he dug his teeth around it, drawing more blood as he pierced the skin. Clary's hands balled into tight fists and she continued to make no reaction. She kept her eyes focused on the trees above her as they blocked out the early morning sky. Resistance was key – she kept reminding herself.

Sebastian stopped soon after he realised he wasn't going to get a reaction from her. He used his elbows for support and he leant over her face – blocking her view. Clary had no hesitation to spit in his face. However, it was the wrong move when he grabbed the tops of her arms and yanked her body up to meet his. He seemed aggressive, but aroused that she was fighting back again. It was confusing.
"There she is. My fiery Clarissa is back." He leant forward and bit her bottom lip – locking his teeth securely. Clary felt the sensitive nerves and blood vessels in her lip burst as her brother continued to dig his teeth into her flesh. Using her arm without the deep cut, Clary raised her hand to the side of Sebastian's face - driving what was left of her finger nails into his eye socket. Sebastian pulled back and his yell thundered through the forest – she had definitely driven him over the edge.

Whilst Sebastian was momentarily distracted, Clary grit her teeth and rolled onto her forearms. She used them to pull herself through the dirt to get away – seeing as her knee restricted most of her movement. Anxiety and panic thawed her frozen chest, enabling her to take short and shallow breaths. Clary's fear fuelled her and she ignored her knee as it protested, burning wildly with distress. She had managed to go several metres using only her arms and severe survival instincts. Then, she heard the quick swish of the knife as Sebastian pulled it out of its hilt and drove it into the top of her thigh. Shock rocketed through Clary's body and she stopped moving to put her hand on the exposed hilt. She wanted this agony to end. Her vision was black and all her other senses had become overloaded. With an ear splitting cry and her last wilt of strength, Clary imagined Jace reaching for her. It was a vision of complete ecstasy. It was so strong, so powerful, that it solidified Clary's decision of escaping this torment. She pulled out the knife from her thigh and in a split second decision; she turned the blade on herself, positioning it right above her heart…