a/n: WARNING. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS ABUSE/TORTURE BOTH PHYSICAL AND IN WORDS. With that, sorry it took a bit for the update. It's not too easy to write things like this. Also busy busy as always. Also the new character introduced is might remind you of a certain character from a Disney movie but unlock any other characters you have met, does not represent said character and is not them. I just thought a reference to one of their lines would work in this chapter. Also chapter would have been longer but it would have been weird to switch to Elsa's point of view or someone else's with what happened and all. The next chapter will probably be longer than the others. So that also means it'll be a while before an update. nothing like before but I do have work, as well as band camp starting soon. So I am getting even busier then I already am. But yeah thanks for the support and nice reviews/messages to my return. I'd love to hear from people on tumblr! Link is on my profile here.
~Ice Goddess~

Slowly my eyes open staring down at the cement. Vision blurred for a moment as I lift my head, boots come into view as I begin to wake up.

"Have a nice nap?"

The voice is sharp, sarcastic and female.

I look to her face.

Her looming grey eyes meet my own. Her smile widens as I take in her face.

"Take a picture, it'd last longer."

"Where am I?"

My voice sounds worn and tired.

"I'm sure you'll remember when you're fully awake. But you were making a fuss so we had to induce a rather forceful sleep aid."

She points to the top of her head and pats her obviously dyed pink hair.

"We hit you in the head"

"Yeah I got that"

I'm not sure if its me remembering I got whacked with the butt of a rifle in the head or this chick, but my head started throbbing.

My memory is starting to return pretty quickly. The mission, captured, now…

interrogation. Don't say anything. They don't know you're from Arendelle yet.

"I'm guessing I don't need to jog your memory anymore, right Kristopher?"


"Oh but you go by Kristoff back home right?"

I jerk towards her only to fall on my face as something holds me back. I look back at my hands, chains.

How fucking medieval.

"You've got quite a little temper there Kristoff."

I just sneer back up at the woman.

"Aww don't give me that, you're too handsome to look so mean."

Her teasing is gonna make me hurl. Who is this chick?

"Besides, if you don't play nice then Sven might not make it another night."


This bitch has the audacity to toy with me like that. When I get out of this I'm gonna wring her neck.

"No need to be loud. Just answer our questions and he will be fine."

Don't you dare touch him.

We stare at each other until I finally sit up and stop rustling around.

"Good now I can see your cute face."

She winks at me and I swear you can hear my throat make a growl.

"Don't toy with me"

"Oh don't worry Kristoff, that's not my job. I won't touch you. I'm not saying no one will. But my hands, sadly, don't ever get to touch you."

"Ask your questions already. I ain't talking."

"Oh no, I guess Sven isn't too safe."

"How do I even know you have him? Let me see him!"

The woman straightens her posture. And with a giggle she claps her hands together.

"If you say so"

She turns and skips to the door behind her. It's pitch black when she opens it and she slams it before my eyes adjust to the dark.

Immediately I turn to the chains.

But without anything to pick the lock it's hopeless. They are too strong to break and nothing to break them with.

I take in the room around me.

Pretty spacious, no windows, one door, one camera.

I stare into the camera until I hear the door start to creak open.


The woman is holding the man by his shoulders as she guides him into the room.

His eyes stare into my own. Mouth gagged and hands tied. It's all he can do.

"Sven buddy, it's gonna be okay we're gonna get out of this. It's okay."

Then the woman kicks in his knees and he falls in front of me.


She smiles as she shuts the door from behind, eyes never leaving Svens body.

"But Kristoff, if I can't touch you, clearly I should be able to touch someone."

She strides over to me. Quickly kneeling to meet my eyes.

I jerk my ahead away from her to try to see Sven.

A hand strikes my face with as much force as any man i've ever faught.

"Look at me when I'm talking."

She takes my jaw in her hand and pulls me close enough I could bite her nose off.

"I am going to beat him to death."

Shoving my face away from her own she stands and walks back to Sven.

She knees from under his jaw as he tries to get back up.

As he falls she grabs him and throws him against the cement. Blood beginning to form by the corners of his mouth.


With that she punches his right jaw bone, quickly followed by a elbow to his left.

He falls to the floor. couching into the gag it begins to turn a dark red.


"Beg Kristoff, it turns me on"

I'm screaming at the top of my lungs as I watch her continue to beat him.

Another kick, this time aimed at his chest. I hear him gasp into the now blood stained gag.

"Sven why isn't your friend helping you?"

A kick to the groin. He doesn't try to hide his screams. His voice echoes through the room. He stops trying to get up.

"Kristoff just tell me everything and he just might live."

My wrists are throbbing and blood trickles down my hands from all the pulling at the chains. But nothing I do makes them budge. No longer looking at Sven she eyes me as I pull at the chains still. She swings her leg back and drives it straight onto Svens' head. His skull knocks back and hits the cement wall.

"Trying to escape isn't exactly the same as telling me what you know."

She grabs Sven and drags him over to me. No longer conscious.

"Kristoff, your friend is dying and you're not doing anything. Are you really gonna let him die?"

She hold his unconscious face in her hands and brings his face closer to my own.

"Sven, sweetie, talk to him."

I lean my forehead to Sven's. Tears streaming down my face, my sweat and tears mix with the blood now covering his skin.

"Sven, I'm so sorry."

She pushes his body to the side.

"I won't touch him anymore. I think you get it now. You're a smart boy."

She grabs my face, digging her claws for nails into my skin until i feel the cold wetness of blood on my cheeks.

"What a waste of time. He didn't even beg."

I spit in her face. She meets my response with another slap to the face.

She stands and moves to the door. Opening it with one hand she raises her other as if she remembered something.

"Have fun watching your friend bleed out. He won't be the last you let die"

She leaves, slamming the door on her way.

"Sven. Sven please wake up."

He doesn't move.

"Sven. This is nothing. C'mon buddy wake up. It's not funny anymore."

"Sven c'mon"

"Sven please."
