"Sabrina, listen to me, as much as you don't want to be believe, this right now, you did the right thing. We did the right thing. This is the best for everyone that is involved. You didn't want Patrick to know and I made sure that did not happen. I know that it probably wasn't the best way to do this but it is the right thing to do. And I am sorry, I am not changing my mind, when I told you that I would raise this baby with you. I meant it. I will not let you go through this alone. Not now not ever. We can go home to Puerto Rico, or we can stay here. Regardless, we will figure this out." Carlos was seriously when he said it the first time and he still felt the same. "We will get through this together. I promise I am not going anywhere. I will take care of you and this baby. "
Wiping her eyes slowly she stood up. "Carlos, I wish you would have never done that. I would have figured it out for myself, but now..." Her voice trailed off slowly her mind wrapped all around the confusion of what just happened. "He looked at me and actually believed it. If he loved me... he would have never had to ask that question." She spoke from her heart. "I think, that is the only reason, he believed you, when he should have believed me. I have never lied to him. Never. Why would he think that I would this?"
Tightly wrapping his arms around her body he held her close. "I know, I should have never said anything, but Felix should have never said anything either." Before he could finish his sentence she quickly chimed in.
"Believe me when I see Felix, he is going to get an ear full from me." She sighed softly as she slowly pulled away from him. "I know you think you are doing the right thing for me but honestly... I just don't see how this is going to work." She allowed the all the air to come from her lungs in one long breath. "But he with Robin now and I don't want him coming back to me because I am carrying his child. I am not going to use this baby like Britt tried to. Patrick has his wife back and they are going to be happy with them. Emma and Robin, not me." Rubbing her hands together she paced around the room for a bit. "I just honestly have no idea what I am going to do."
Carlos looked down at her. "Not what you are going to do, what we are going to do. I told you Sabrina, whether or not you want my help. I will be here for you both. It will be okay." He hugged her once more. "Go get some sleep. Try to rest of something. Everything will work out." He spoked gently in a caring manner. Sabrina couldn't help but nod. She was under so much stress and all she wanted to do was get some sleep. Maybe then she would feel better or something about the situation that she placed herself in. Maybe just maybe, she would be able to figure this out. She could simply hope.
Leaning against the wall of the elevator he hit the button to the floor he knew she would be at. He didn't expect the news that he heard just a few short hours ago. He was going to be a father, or at least he thought he was going to be. Sure, him and Robin were back together and this would be a trying time but he was well prepared to handle the task. He wanted a baby, maybe not the way it was happening but he did. Sighing softly against the wall he realized that this was all a mistake. Sabrina just let him know that he was not carrying his baby. That she had lied to him. How could she do that though? How could she just jump into bed with someone else, so quickly? He could help to think about it but something wasn't right. Something was completely off about the whole situation, but Sabrina never lied to him before and she would not start now.
The familiar ding of the elevator stopping and pushing open snapped him out of the dream that he was having. It wasn't a dream, more like he was trying to figure out what went wrong. He stepped off the elevator and onto the eight floor. Robin was standing there. Walking over to the her he wrapped his arm around her. "Hey." He spoke softly looking at her.
Robin looked back at him, her arms locked around him for a moment before looking up at her. "So, did you talked to her?" She asked unsure if she really wanted to know that answer. Patrick looked at her his mind lost in all the he had learned today. He took off his scarf slowly reading himself to tell the tale. "Yes." He nodded... "And she is pregnant."
Listening the words that came from his lips Robin shook her head in exasperation. "I knew. I just knew that it was too good to be true. We just couldn't pick up the pieces and go back to how everything was before. How everything was so perfect. Before all of this got so messed up and you ending up someone else. When it was just me you and Emma. Our family, our lives. So what are you going to do about it?" She started yamming off things.
Patrick looked at her and interupted. "Robin, slow down. I said she was pregnant, but it is not mine." He almost couldn't bring himsef to say the words. But he had to face it. "It's not mine." He repeated once more.
Smiling brighter than she ever thought she could, Robin hugged him tightly. "Then this is over. It is finally over and we have our family back."
He should have been happy. He should have been okay. There was nothing standing in his way of being a family with Robin and Emma. Nothing at all. Except for the fact that he loved Sabrina. Except for the fact that he wished that the baby she was carrying was his.