Little moments

Chapter Summary: Just when Marcel thought he'd never get spanked again...Tyler comes to town!

Kay so totally stole this idea from a reviewer and because you gave me the idea I am adding Tyler into it too, While we do flashbacks in the present there will be Marcel and Tyler getting into trouble.

Warning: Spanking!

Chapter Three: Tyler comes to town...and stays.

Marcel was a little on edge. Tyler was in town and Klaus seemed annoyed and there was something about how Tyler had kidnapped Hayley a while back, and why the heck Tyler was demanding to see Marcel he had no idea. But he figured he'd indulge the kid.

He sat across from him and first noticed that he was a hybrid like Klaus.

Then he noticed the anger radiating from the kid. He was royally pissed.

Tyler offered Marcel help to bring Klaus down. Marcel intent on winning Klaus's favor pretended to agree. Then led Tyler into a trap the next day.

Tyler was stunned when Klaus showed up during what was suppose to be a private meeting with him and Marcel.

Klaus smirked "Tyler, you don't learn very fast do you? "

Tyler glared "Apparently not," he aimed his glare at Marcel now "I thought you were on my side, traitor."

Klaus moved fast choke slamming Tyler to the floor and pinned him under his own body then looked him in the eye "I should have done this earlier, you will submit to me, you will obey me." he compelled him.

Tyler struggled

"Stop fighting me." Klaus ordered and Tyler went still and then looked nervous.

"Good boy, now then I'm going to let this slide, but the next time you cross me, I'll have your hide and I do mean that literally. Your learn what it means to be sired by me." Klaus let him up

And ordered him again "You'll get your things, and you'll move in with me, you won't speak to Hayley or anyone but me and you may speak with Marcel but that is all. Marcel, your not to tell him anything, you may have casual talk but nothing else. Think of him as the annoying baby brother if you will. "

So Tyler moved in and even started school. Things were going okay for the first few weeks but then Marcel and Tyler got to talking about a party, there was a big bash being held at Marcel's club and Tyler wanted to go, Marcel thought Tyler perhaps should be allowed to go, but he was no fool.

So he went to see Klaus about it first.

"Marcel, what can I do for you?" Klaus asked seeing the look on his face.

"I have a favor, you know I'm hosting a party tonight...' Marcel started and Klaus nodded "Yes, I seem to remember you mentioning it."

"Well, Tyler wants to go, and I thought that maybe..." he paused because Klaus shook his head.

"No. Tyler has no business attending that party, your lucky I'm letting you attend, despite that fact that you organized it you don't need to attend either, its nothing but a bunch of vampires being foolish." Klaus said

"But Klaus, Tyler needs to make supernatural friends too, maybe if he meets some vampires..." he paused again because Klaus raised a brow.

"Do not make me repeat myself." Klaus warned getting annoyed.

Marcel sighed "Sorry."

"Your dismissed." Klaus said

Marcel headed out and didn't think it was fair that Tyler was stuck here...and hell he couldn't help himself, he had grown attached and was getting an idea...a REALLY BAD idea. But an idea.

Marcel went to Tyler later "Okay Klaus said no, but don't get upset, I have a plan, first you need to know now that he WILL catch us, and he will bust both our asses, so if your willing to take the risk we'll sneak you out and make sure we both have a awesome time." Marcel said.

Tyler was up for that plan.

So later that night Marcel came by and they snuck out and once they were at the party Tyler found a hot vampire and glued himself to her she was blonde and more then happy to be all over him.

Time seemed to fly and the blonde vampire couldn't keep her hands off Tyler but that was okay cause Tyler was having the same problem.

Marcel wasn't paying too much attention to Tyler, he was simply having a good time partying like it would never end.

Klaus stormed in an hour later and found first Marcel, dancing seductively with a red headed vampire. He sighed and glanced around spotting the wires and ripped them from the wall. The music stopped and all eyes including Marcel's turned to his sire.

Klaus narrowed his eyes and said with annoyance "I want My Hybrid. NOW!"

Marcel winced.

Tyler cringed well that was him but what the hell maybe Klaus wouldn't see him wrapped up in the voluptuous blonde.

He started making out with her again.

Suddenly she was yanked off of him "That's my hybrid. Hands off." he warned the girl was a tramp, he wasn't about to let his hybrid degrade himself with that trash. She ran off.

Klaus yanked Tyler up "I have what I came for, you can all go back to your fun now..." he paused and met Marcel's gaze "You may remain, but you'd best be in my office in an hour." he warned.

Klaus took Tyler home and Tyler was shocked when Klaus pulled him over his lap and began to spank him like a child. What shocked him the most though was that it actually hurt! Damn Klaus was busting his ass and it hurt like hell.

He was brought to tears and then Klaus took his pants down and bared his behind "When I say NO party, I mean NO party!"

Tyler was totally in agreement, yeah sure, no party means no party, just please stop. He thought to himself.

"And you can forget about being on your own, you can't even take care of yourself with me around, I'll just have to keep you around to make sure your properly cared for." Klaus said continuing the spanking til he was a crying mess and willing to submit to him being in charge.

Klaus had a heart to heart with him and then sent him to bed.

Later that night Marcel was in his study.

"Look, I know your angry with me, but this was a one time only thing, I figured the kid deserved a night out since he was only gonna be here for another week." Marcel said

"Actually he's staying. And more to the point, I said no." Klaus stood from where he'd been sitting.

"No Marcellous, no means what?" Klaus asked

Marcel looked down shamed "No means no. I'm sorry I went against you."

"Your problem is that you don't think things through, you act. I'm about to remind you of why you need to think before you act." Klaus said

Marcel looked up at him like he was looking at a man with two heads, surely that didn't mean what he thought it did.

And then Klaus beckoned to him, and Marcel paled. No way. No way was this going down..." can't be serious..." he said pleadingly.

"Now Marcellous." Klaus ordered

Marcel hated being called that. He was only called that when he really screwed up.

Marcel couldn't move, he was so stunned that this was really happening.

"one..." he heard Klaus start to count and had the same reaction a three year old would have. It got his attention.

"two." Klaus continued.

Marcel moved he was smart enough to know not to let Klaus get to three, Klaus hadn't used counting since he was a small boy.

Klaus placed him across his lap after baring his behind.

"Why bare?" Marcel asked

He got a swat for questioning Klaus.

"You know why, you don't go against me and get off with anything less then a bare spanking." Klaus informed him.

Then Klaus started in hot and heavy. Marcel held out for the first minute but after that the shame and the pain was getting to him, tears came to his eyes and then Klaus doubled the pace and the tears fell.

Marcel couldn't believe he was crying over a spanking after all these years, Klaus finished up with some lasting swats that drove home lesson. He could tell because Marcel yelped at them.

He then let him up and helped him with his clothes again.

"Next time I say no?" Klaus asked

"It means no." Marcel said his voice rough with tears.

"That's a good boy." Klaus praised "Now why don't you go off to bed." he suggested and Marcel sighed and went to his room, and went to bed.

But despite the spanking, he felt this wouldn't be the last time he got in trouble with Tyler.
