Hiya! Okay so I know I haven't updated my other stories in awhile, and I am soo sorry for that... I promise I will try to get them updated as soon as I can!
Anywho, I just saw No Going Back, and honestly that is my favorite episode. I get really sappy during tv shows so I almost started crying when they decided to leave for the sake of their family :'( but then I got this idea. Here's their lives on the run. So yeah let me know what you think!
Two weeks. Two weeks. No more than fourteen days. That's how long they had been on the run. A new place every day, that was the rule. No getting comfortable. Just running, running, running.
How ironic, Bree thought giving a small smile as she sat up on her bed. Well, not exactly her bed; she slept in a capsule back home. No, this was the bed of a ratty, cramped motel in Nevada that they had just spent the night in. "Nothing fancy," Chase had said, "we can't afford it."
That was when it finally clicked for her. They weren't going home. They no longer had a home to go to. She would never again see her father, her mother (she didn't like saying "step-mother"), and her brother. All she had left were Adam and Chase. All they had left was her. It hurt her to do this, but she had to; to save her family. A knock on her door dragged her from her thoughts and back to the present.
"Bree?" asked Chase through the door, knocking again, "me and Adam are going down for breakfast, do you want to come?"
Bree got up and, yawning, opened the door. "Yeah, I guess so," she said, shrugging. Chase stepped out of the way to let her past, and then followed.
Down in the little diner on the bottom floor, Adam was making a tower out of the syrup, ketchup, napkin holder, and practically every other condiment available to him as Bree slid into the booth across from him, and Chase next to him. A bored looking waitress came up to the table with a pen and paper. "What can I get you all today?" she asked, snapping her gum as she talked. Bree could tell by the way Chase scrunched up his face in disgust that that was not a great sound to hear when it is amplified about five hundred times. She laughed and the waitress glared at her. "What?" she asked.
Bree's smile faded, "Nothing," she said, "can I just have a water?"
The waitress shrugged, "Whatever," she said, turning Adam and Chase, "and you boys?"
"Coffee," answered Chase, "and a water too."
"Orange juice," said Adam, "Ooh and can you put it in one of those cute dinosaur cups with the swirly straw?"
The waitress raised her eyebrows, but said, "Yeah, sure," before turning and walking away.
Once she was gone Chase pulled out a map and layed it out on the table. On it were fourteen red X's. Fourteen X's. Fourteen places. Fourteen days. "Okay, so we're leaving after breakfast," said Chase, "then we catch the bus and head east."
Adam nodded but Bree said nothing. "Bree?" asked Chase slowly.
Bree just shook her head, "Why do we have to leave?" she asked, "I mean, its not like anyone has made any notion that the world knows about us, so why keep running?"
Chase sighed and rubbed his temples, "Bree, we have to do this. We have to keep them, and us, safe."
Bree was about to answer when the waitress came out with their drinks. Bree noticed something different about her. Maybe it was the way her eyes had a hint of fear in them, maybe it was the fact that she stood stock straight as she handed out what they had ordered. Bree noticed something, a newspaper, sticking out of her pocket and when she wasn't looking, Bree snagged it and passed it to Chase under the table. The waitress left without a word.
As Chase read what was on the front page, he visibly paled. "No," he whispered, "no no no no no..."
"Chase...?" asked Bree, getting suspicious, "What's wrong?"
Stiffly he handed the newspaper to her, then put his head in his hands and looked down at the floor. He was shaking. Bree read the paper.
Bionic Soldiers: The Powerful Enemies
Three super human soldiers have been reported to be on the run. They each have the forms of average teenage kids, but do not be fooled; for each has powers that are destructive beyond imagine. Below are photos and descriptions of each bionic, along with a list of their given powers.
Bree's stomach dropped, but she read on. Below the title was a photo of her, Adam, and Chase at a school dance a few months back. She sighed; so much has changed since then. Below were three sections; one for each of them. She read.
Adam Davenport, 17
This bionic is the largest of the three, but not necessarily the smartest. He will believe what ever is said to him. It has been noted that this one has a temper; meaning he WILL attack if provoked, and it will be to kill.
Known Powers:
Strength- He has been seen to lift up whole racks of weights without breaking a sweat.
Heat vision- With one glare in your direction you could be dead on the spot.
Sonic blast- Can cause the damage of a minor earthquake; his strongest power.
Bree Davenport- 16
This one is known to be swift and cunning. She can tell a lie with out batting an eye and WILL use whatever means necessary to do so. Though she seems beautiful and innocent on the outside, there is a demon behind the face.
Known Powers:
Speed- Can run faster than the speed of light.
Chase Davenport- 15
Though the smallest, Chase is the most dangerous. He has the mind of a computer and will know what you are going to do before you even do it. When angered, he has been known to attack innocent bystanders. If seen, DO NOT ENGAGE. This is a monster ready to kill. He is the most powerful of the three, and the others look to him as their leader. If he goes down, so do they.
Known Powers:
Computer- His mind works like a computer; he knows anything and everything.
Senses- He would be able to hear a fly from miles away.
Telekinesis- The ability to move things with ones mind. Very dangerous.
If these three are seen, alert the authorities immediately. They are a danger to the human race, and must be restrained.
Bree set the paper down and looked at her brothers. Adam had a look of shock plastered on his face, but Chase, Chase just stared at the floor.
"We need to go." said Bree, looking between her brothers. As she said it five black vans pulled up outside the window. Men dressed in protective gear piled out of each one, carrying guns. "Okay," said Bree, getting nervous, "We need to go now."
As she said it she grabbed the arms of each of her brothers and began to forcibly drag them to the door. They had almost made it when the door burst open and guards piled in, each training their guns on the Davenports.
One of them stepped up. "We need you to come with us. If you don't, we have been authorized to use force."
Adam narrowed his eyes and pushed Bree and Chase behind him. "If you hurt either of them I swear it will be the last thing you ever do." he said, his voice icy. Bree was shocked; she had never seen her brother like this before. His usual, light hearted smile was gone, replaced by a glare that could chill your bones. It helped that he was standing over half a foot taller than everyone there, glaring down on them with his cold blue eyes. She never knew her brother could be that menacing.
The guard faltered and took a step back, but said with a shaky voice, "Subject A has responded with a threat. He cannot be safe enough to return to base with us. He must be eliminated. As for you two," he said, pointing at Chase and Bree, "Put your hands in the air and come with me."
For the first time since seeing the article in the newspaper, Chase looked up. His eyes were fiery, and his face was set. "No," he said, pushing himself out from behind Adam, "I don't think we will." He raised his arms up on either side of him, and all of the tables, chairs, and anything else lifted off of the floor around him. He looked like the most powerful person in the world. Maybe he was.
"Hey that's the youngest!" shouted a voice from the back of the room.
"He's the leader!" shouted another.
The main guard looked from Chase to his siblings. "Get him!" he shouted.
The guards rushed forward, but Chase merrily shot out a forcefield, sending them all tumbling on the floor. He raised his hands again and closed his eyes, concentrating hard. Suddenly, with no warning, everything began to fly around the room. It looked like a giant hurricane was happening with Chase at its center.
Bree was stunned. Never before had she seen her younger brother with so much power. As he kept his arms up, everything continued to fly around, gaining speed. Looking closer, though, Bree could see what was happening. Chase had his face scrunched up in concentration, with sweat beading up and running down his forehead. He was panting hard and his arms were shaking as if he were holding up weights. But he didn't stop.
"Adam!" shouted Bree, finding her brother through the flying debris. "He's using too much power! His energy is draining! We have to get him out of here!"
Adam nodded, "On it!" he shouted, making his way to their little brother.
Bree rushed out through the now unguarded door and awaited her brothers. When they finally made it out, Adam had Chase's arm slung over his shoulder and was practically dragging him out of the building. "Get us out of here," said Adam, "Run."
Bree nodded and grabbed her brothers, speeding off.
Once they were a few miles away, Bree stopped them at an abandoned warehouse. She was exhausted, Adam was hungry, and Chase was breathing hard, fighting to stay awake.
"Guys?" asked Chase, leaning against the wall. He was looking at his hands with a mixture of guilt and fear. "Am... am I a monster?" But he didn't get to hear the answer, because at that moment his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
Like it? Hate it? I would love to know what you all think! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed "On The Run" so far!