Hello everyone! I have been in love with this idea since I held the poll for my next story so I just decided to upload it! Hope you guys like it and don't worry, I will still update the story I am working on "The Other Side Isn't What I Thought".

To everyone, thank you and I love you all. May you all have a wonderful and blessed 2014!


The wasabi warriors along with Grace, Julie and Kelsey walked into the dojo for what would be their last summer really together.

Today they finished the last of their final exams, would be graduating next week and for once were looking forward to relaxing this summer before the real world began.

"Man I can't wait to sleep in and do nothing all day", Jerry said happily.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and looked at him. "What?" Jerry asked confused.

"Isn't that like every day?" Eddie asked.

"No..." Jerry started as everyone raised an eyebrow. "Okay, fine",

he grumbled, taking a seat on the benches.

"I agree with you bro. Sleeping in sounds amazing", Jack said joining the conversation.

Everyone agreed as Milton added, "Oh and don't forget with all the extra time we have, it will be good to catch up and get started on all the college courses we have".

Everyone glared at him as Kim added, "Milton, really? Come on, live a little. We have the rest of our lives ahead of us. Let's just have fun for the next few months".

"Yeah, Kim is right. For the past 12 years we have been so busy but now we actually have time", Grace said grinning.

The rest of the day they all just laughed and hung out, but little did they know someone overheard their conversation and had a plan that would make this summer the best one they have ever had. It would start the day after graduation as the 8 would be in for a wild ride.

And there you go! Should I continue? Please R&R and let me know what you think!

Thanks and until next time,

Missy xx