I honestly don't know where the name/title Elements of Insanity originated, so please don't assume I am copying. I've borrowed a few names and ideas, but other than that, I haven't copied anyone. I do not own the Elements of Insanity on YouTube, for this is MY VERSION, which is completely different from the one on YouTube! My little pony belongs to Hasbro. Enjoy, if you dare.

Warning: Contains strong profanity, extreme violence, gore, blood and the use of alcohol. If you aren't comfortable with any of these categories, I advise you exit this fanfiction. Rated M for Mature content.

(P.S. This story takes place BEFORE Twilight was transformed into an Allicorn)

Once upon a time, there were six ponies known as the main six. They were all part of The Elements of Harmony. They were capable of transforming Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna, and were also able to reform Discord, the master of chaos. They truly knew the art of friendship being magic. But then, something went terribly, terribly wrong…

Chapter 1: Unpredictable Encounter

It all started when Twilight Sparkle had invited her friends to an abandon castle last Nightmare Night. They threw a huge party with the help of the party pony herself, Pinkie Pie. Every pony in Ponyville were invited and were having a blast. Especially Twilight and her pony friends.

Twilight and he friends dressed a little differently then they dressed last Nightmare Night. Rainbow dash was dressed as an assassin. Pinkie pie was dressed as a bee. Rarity was dressed as a spider woman. Apple jack was dressed as a scarecrow. Fluttershy was dressed as a butterfly.

And finally, Twilight dressed as a magician. She desperately wanted to dress as Star Swirl the bearded again, but after the sarcastic comments and nonstop snickering she received last Nightmare Night, she didn't feel comfortable dressing like that anymore.

Anyway, Twilight was having a nice, friendly, positive, conversation with her friends.

"For the last time Rainbow, Zecora is not a giraffe, she's a zebra!" Twilight yelled.

"She is a giraffe! She has stripes!" Rainbow yelled.

"Zebras have stripes, Rainbow! Giraffes have irregularly shaped polka dots!"

Twilight and Rainbow Dash continued to have their argument while their friends watched.

"Honestly, does it even matter?" Rarity asked.

"I'm gonna have ta' agree with Rarity this time." Apple Jack said.

"Uh, guys? Could you maybe, stop arguing? I don't think you two should argue on Nightmare Night, because we're supposed to have fun, a-and..." Fluttershy whispered.

"I like honey! Buzz, buzz!" Pinkie pie yelled, wearing her bee costume.

Twilight groaned in frustration and rolled her eyes.

"Fine! If you want to believe she's a giraffe, then believe it! I need to use the bathroom." Twilight said.

Twilight walked towards the bathroom on the other side of the abandon castle. Her friends watched her walk away.

"I'll save you some punch!" Pinkie yelled to Twilight.

When Twilight entered the bathroom, she examined her surroundings. The bathroom was dark with only one working light bulb. Spider webs were on the walls and the mirrors were cracked. The stall doors were either gone, off its hinges, or didn't have a lock. People had been vandalizing the bathroom by writing things on the walls.

Twilight was disgusted, but walked into one stall and handled her business. While she was in the stall, she heard the door open and seen pitch black colored hoofs walking into the bathroom. Twilight watched as the good walked in front of her stall and stopped. Twilight was confused and creeped out. Somepony was standing front of the stall she was in.

She gulped and reached for the door to her stall. She slowly opened the stall and took a look at who was standing in front of her. A pony with a black jacket and hoodie was standing in front of her, and she couldn't see its face. The only part she seen rather than the jacket was the black legs which had weird red lines and symbols glowing in them for some weird reason.

"Uh, hello?" Twilight said.

The pony lifted its head and revealed its glowing red eyes. It opened its mouth and heavily exhaled a weird green gas on Twilight's face. Twilight coughed and squeezed her eyes shut, for the gas had burned her eyes. When she opened them again however, the creature was gone.

Twilight was left puzzled and confused. She hesitantly and slowly exited the bathroom and headed towards her friends who were patiently waiting for her.