Author's note - the title comes from the 1974 Billy Joel song "Los Angelenos" which includes the lyrics "

Midwestern ladies
High-heeled and faded
Drivin' sleek new sports cars
With their New York cowboys"

OK, so Boston isn't the Midwest, but come on, I had to use it. ;)

"I didn't call a cab, Mindy. I thought you were doing it, Morgan."

"Peter, are you serious? We have a flight to catch and no way to get to the airport? And where the hell is Danny? He's not returning my calls."

Mindy was in the lobby wearing her biggest, most LA hip sunglasses, not to look trendy, but to hide her puffy eyes. She was all cried out and just wanted to go home, where maybe she could convince Cliff she was worthy of his trust. She wasn't sure she wanted to, though...

"Oh, he's at the Y." Morgan helpfully interjected. "He kicked me out of my own room, that little rapscallion."

"What? Why is he at the Y? And why are you here?"

"I just said. He. Kicked. Me. Out. Geez, Dr. L." Morgan chuckled as he shook his head.

"That's not answering the question. Peter, have you heard from Danny?"

Peter paused from constantly scanning the lobby for a last minute hookup to reply. "Yeah, talked to him last night. He's not coming with us. Changed to a red eye. And speaking of, I spottie a hottie with a need for my body. Morgan, call a cab, pronto."

"Wait, what? Peter! Why isn't Danny coming with us? Morgan!"

Morgan wrinkled his face in a combination grin and grimace. "Well, someone might have arranged for him and his estranged father to meet up tonight and that someone might have also put on Peter's underwear by accident and is really needing to set the boys free before they suffocate. Mindy, can you call the cab?" Morgan ran off for the men's room.

Mindy called Danny first, with no reply. "OK, this is ridiculous." She had the front desk call a cab and rounded up Peter, who struck out, and Morgan, now proudly going commando, and headed to the airport.

With one quick detour.

"You guys STAY HERE until I get ahold of Danny and make sure he's still here. I am not letting you leave me here alone!"

Mindy stormed into the small lobby of the YMCA. No one was at the counter so she tapped the bell for service. Again, and again.

"OK, OK, settle down!" Emerging from the back was a middle aged woman who clearly wasn't thrilled with her life plan. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to find out if Daniel Castellano is here, please. It's an emergency."

"Mmm hmmm... Nobody by that name in the registry, Ma'am."

"I am a Miss, thank you. Can you try Morgan Tookers?"

The clerk rolled her eyes. "Okaaayyy... Yes, Mister Tookers is staying here." She eyed Mindy and loudly smacked her gum. "Anything else..."

"Yes, I need his room number please?"

"Oh, no. I can't be giving that out to just anyone that walks in off the street. We here at the YMCA value our customers privacy." She gave Mindy another dirty look. "If Mr. Tookers... arranged for your visit, he shoulda given that to you."

"He doesn't know I'm here!" Mindy shouted in exasperation.

"Hmph. Well then whoever arranged it shoulda told you." The clerk started to return to the back.

"Excuse me, why do you keep saying arranged like that?" It dawned on Mindy what the clerk was implying. "Do you think I'm a prostitute? Do I look like a prostitute?!"

The clerk eyed her again. "Everybody got a type..."

"Uh, I am not his type!" She spun around angrily to leave. "Oh, and I am not a prostitute!"

Morgan and Peter shouted for her to hurry as she emerged from the building.

"I've gotta go find Danny, just go ahead. Morgan, give me your room number." Morgan gave her the key and she went back to find the elevator.

Before she entered the room she knocked several times and yelled for Danny, but the only response was a muffled "Maaaarlllllggghh" so she started to panic.

"I'm coming in, Danny. Don't be naked!"

Fortunately, he wasn't. He still had his socks on, as well as his button down which was half undone, and a pair of light gray boxer briefs. He was sprawled face down on the bed with his head under a pillow.

"Danny! Danny, are you ok? Danny you smell terrible, were you drinking out of the toilet?" She crouched by the bed and shook his shoulder.

Danny finally pushed himself up and looked at Mindy with bleary eyes. "Are you an alien?"

Mindy took off her sunglasses.

"Oh hey, Mindy."

"What the hell, Danny? You are a mess!"

"Yeah, I thank I drink too much." He giggled.

"You're still drunk, wow. You are a lightweight. OK, time to get up and tell me what's going on!"

"OK!" Danny said in an overly loud voice and leapt off the bed, where he stood woozily for a moment.

Mindy sat on the bed and held up her hand to block her view of Danny's lower torso which was now face height. "Ok, I approve of the updated underwear selection, Danny, but come on, I don't need to see the bulges."

"Issss not anything you haven't seen before!" Danny promptly fell backwards onto the bed.

"OK, no, this will not do!" Mindy jumped up and grabbed the cowboy hat sitting on the desk, then neatly placed it over Danny's groin to cover the offending organ.

"Now, Danny, tell me what's going on."

Danny sat up. He looked down at the cowboy hat in his lap and put a hand on it. "Morgan called my dad. Well, Richie told him to, it's really his fault. But Morgan shouldn't have... I called you for help but you didn't answer..." Danny gave her his puppy dog eyes.

Mindy sat back down beside Danny and started to put her arm around his shoulder, but she caught a whiff and just patted it instead.

"I know, I'm sorry, my phone died, and... well, that's not important now. So did you talk to your dad?"

"Yeah, I had a few drinks, then I called him, then I drank the rest of the drinks. I guess... I'm meeting him for dinner tonight."

"Danny, I'm so proud of you! I would totally hug you if you didn't reek. So here's what we're doing. You're going to take a shower, then we are getting out of this hellhole and getting you some food and get you sobered up. Then I am going with you to visit your dad, and don't try to argue. "

"Ok, Min." Danny smiled. He had not intended to argue.

While Danny showered, Mindy changed her flight and called for a rental car. She was searching for restaurants when Danny came back from the bathroom. He had the thin hotel towel slung low on his hips and his hair was damp.

Mindy hadn't previously appreciated this view, as she herself had been damp and naked and that had been mortifying. Now, in this tiny room, the temperature seemed to have gone up twenty degrees. She tried to look anywhere besides his lean torso and muscular arms that were glistening with droplets of water.

"Sorry, didn't think to take my clothes with me." Danny grabbed his suitcase and tossed it on the bed, digging through it for an outfit.

"That's ok, just hurry... we have a car waiting... Danny!" Mindy's words ran together as Danny casually dropped his towel and started to get dressed. "What did I say about being naked!"

"You don't gotta look." He gave her a sideways glance and a widening grin. Mindy turned her head away till she heard the zip of his jeans.

"Danny, given that you are still drunk and I have already been dumped for being untrustworthy, I am hoping this is something we will both forget. As I have forgotten all the other times I have had to see your penis."

"Dumped? Untrustworthy?" Danny buttoned up his shirt with a frown. "Min, I know you're gonna tell me the story behind this, but I'm starving. Let's get out of here."

"Gladly! And when you check out, please tell that horrible woman at the counter that you did not hire me as a prostitute!"

"No worries, Min. I'll tell her you give massages." He smirked and put his arm around her shoulder. "And thank you."

"For what? I'm not giving you a massage, Danny!"

"Shut up." They walked out into the hallway. "Thank you for coming to my rescue."

Mindy smiled shyly. "Well, it's the least I could do. You rescue me all the time." As they stepped in the elevator, a familiar routine recreated thousands of miles from their office, Mindy grinned at Danny. "We make a good team, Castellano."

Danny reached for her hand and squeezed it. "That we do, Lahiri. That we do."