Summary: Little Merlin learns something new.
I quite like the idea of Merlin having other talents than magic, and music would be a nice one, especially for a little boy.
I wrote this for a challenge on the Heart of Camelot website; use of the word 'wistful'.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or Hunith
Thanks to LyricalSinger and Moon Fox for all their help.
And special thanks to Caldera32 for the perfect Cover Art!
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"Mother, what were they doing?"
Hunith smiled at her small son as he skipped along, far too excited to simply walk.
"Merlin, they were singing," she answered in amusement, knowing that was not at all what Merlin was asking.
"Yes, but they were all doing something different, not like when we usually sing at campfire," the small boy persisted.
"It's called 'harmony', Merlin. Good singers, like those minstrels, are able to listen to each other and sing different notes together to make a song prettier.
"It was just…. It was just….oooo…., I wish I could do it too," pined the youngster, shaking his head wistfully.
"Well, if you're a good boy and finish your chores, then maybe tomorrow I can teach you before bedtime," promised Hunith.
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The chores had never been done so well, and with nary a hint of magic, and so it was that Merlin sat by the fire, listening raptly as Hunith added a simple harmony while he sang his favourite ditty in the clear, sweet voice that his mother so loved.
"Mother, I want to try it too. Can we sing your favourite song now?"
Hunith chuckled, "Well that one's a bit complicated, but you can try if you'd like." She started her melody only to stop in shock after a few lines, tears sparkling in her eyes on hearing the beautiful, haunting counter-melody coming from her oblivious boy.
Merlin looked up in alarm, and reaching up to dry her eyes with his fingers, the youngster said, "Mother did I do something wrong?"
"No sweetling, you did everything just perfectly," she said, engulfing the boy in a tight hug and then setting him back in front of her.
"Would you like to do that again, Merlin?" she said, putting her hand under his chin.
"Oh yes please, as long as it doesn't make you cry."
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And so began a favourite pastime that would brighten things for the little family during many a hard time.