It was the dead of winter. Wind howled and windows rattled as the cold wind tried to find a way in, giving the huge castle an ominous feel. Princesses waited in the main entrance hall. Lounging on settees and sitting in chairs by a large fireplace. They had just gotten word that there would be a new addition to the castle, but they have scant information about the new arrival.

"What kind of princess would be traveling in this miserable weather? I wonder what she'll be like?" Jasmine wondered out loud.

"They. There's two of them you know. Sisters, I believe." Pocahontas responds. She sighs, "It must be wonderful to have such a special bond with someone."

Cinderella sniffs, "You're not missing much. I had two of them, it was terrible."

"Yes, but you were forced into a slaving position by your stepmother. I'd imagine that such sisters who take after their mother would not help the situation much." Belle chided gently. Snow white noticed that Belle had simple yet comfortable flats instead of heels under her dress. She wouldn't have dreamed of wearing such a thing with such an outfit a few years ago.

Cinderella shrugged-she used to not do that, but she's been much less stiff as of late-and regarded the rather timid woman, "Even before my father died it was unpleasant. The fight to get to the water closet in the morning makes one wish they weren't out of bed!"

"You lived in a castle right? I'd think there would be a lot of bathrooms to pick from." Tiana remarked as she straightened here blouse. She calls it a 'T-Shirt,' but what does a garment have to do with the letter 'T'? Snow White asks herself.

Cinderella gave Tiana a look that suggested the girl was crazy, "I didn't live in a castle. My father was a lord, so my family lived in a manor. There was only one restroom, and it was on the bottom floor. We didn't have indoor plumbing back then."

Tiana frowned in apology, "Oh, sorry Cindy. I didn't realize." Snow reflected. Indoor plumbing was indeed a wonderful luxury. She chuckled quietly as she recalled her reaction to it when it first came about.

Aurora spoke up, intent on changing the subject, "I hear that our new friends are from Scandinavia. I can't wait to learn more about it!"

Mulan cocked her head, "That is the land of the mighty vikings, yes? They are fierce warriors by reputation. This cold wouldn't bother them."

Merida shook her head, making her hair bounce around, "Not any more they ain't. At least as far as I know." Her hand strayed towards her bow, "I don't like the idea of any vikings hangin' about here."

Rapunzel bounced into the entrance hall, "Are you kidding? That would be so cool! What fun we could have! I've met ruffians and barbaric types before, they're not all bad."

"But they're princesses, so they can't be vikings." Ariel said. She put a hand to her chin contemplatively, "Right?"


"Couldn't be!"

"Probably not."

Unsureness ran rampant as the princesses wondered. With the changes as of late, anything is possible anymore. Snow White resolved the issue for everyone, "I suppose we can only wait."

They didn't have long to wait. It wasn't more than five minutes later until the creak and slam of a seldom used door knocker resounded through the room. The princesses waited with bated breath as one of the help, a silent and rather imposing butler, pushed the great oaken door with an effort. Snow drifts swirled into the room, to reveal two figures, laden with bags. The butler took their bags and held a brief conversation with them that couldn't be heard. The door closed in on itself with a boom, making the shorter one jump. The slightly taller one voiced reassurances to the other as they made their way forward.

The light of the fire showed two girls. One was muffled in a thick furred cloak, her double braided hair was an auburn color and she had big, light blue eyes. She seemed rather fidgety and nervous in the face of such iconic figures. But despite her evident nervousness, her face held a countenance that looked like it could break into a smile at any moment.

The taller girl had extremely white blond hair. It was windswept at the top and had a single braid traveled down her back. Her eyes were a slightly darker blue than her companion's and her skin was also paler, as if she was always cold. In fact, her breath condensed when she exhaled, despite the fire in the hearth. She wore an odd, gauzy blue affair with sparkles all over it that looked more like snowflakes upon closer inspection.

Mulan took it upon herself to make introductions. She stood gracefully, "Hello, our new friends. I am very happy to see you have had a safe journey. I am Fa Mulan, but you can just call me Mulan."

The shorter girl exploded with words, "Hi! Um. It's okay, we both know who you all are I mean, you girls are legends! And the trip wasn't too bad my sister here-"

"Anna!" The taller one exclaimed. The girl, Anna, quieted down. The tall one turned to the princesses with a slightly apologetic smile, "I'm sorry for my sister. She's just excited. My name's Elsa and this is my dearest sister, Anna. We are honored to have been invited here and are happy to meet you all."

Aurora smiled in return, "It's fine, we've all been there. Since you know us all apparently, we'd like to get to know you two. For starters, where are you from? I can't quite place you accent. Is it Norwegian?"

Anna spoke again, this time confused, "Norwegian? What's that? We're from Arendelle, I'm sure you've heard of us. We're the number one exporter of ice!" She said this last part with pride.

"I've never heard of Arendelle..." Jasmine commented quietly.

"I think this is one of those things we don't question." Ariel said in response.

Pocahontas shook her head, "Anyway...are you cold Elsa, dear? You can warm up by the fire if you want." She gestured to the welcoming and cheerful blaze.

Anna and her sister exchanged a significant look. Anna beckoned to her, "Well? Go on and tell them! They're going to find out one way or another." Anna gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Well..." Elsa started, "About that...I have these...abilities. I have power over ice and snow." She bit her lip, as if worried as to what they might think.

"You-you're a sorceress?!" Cinderella exclaimed in shock. The others had similar reactions, for they've all had bad experiences with magic.

Anna leapt to her sister's defense immediately, "Don't worry! She wouldn't hurt a fly!" Some didn't seem fully convinced.

Tiana though, she seemed to understand. She just looked at the tall blonde up and down and said, "Can you control it okay? Or are we in some kind of danger around you?"

"I've gotten much better at controlling it. But there are still times when...I can't. I haven't gotten full control of it." Elsa said worriedly.

Tiana smiled softly, "Well, I think I know someone who can help with that. Mama Odie will help."

"Mama Odie?" Elsa asked,"Can she really?"

At the tone of her voice, hopeful and innocent. Those who didn't quite trust her sorcery, found they could trust her. She sounded like she really wanted to do good with her abilities. She didn't have an evil bone in her body. At this point, things started to dissolve into a less formal atmosphere as princesses traded stories with each other around a fire. Snow White looked up and thought to herself, 'You always manage to surprise us, don't you?'

She got her answer when, to the amusement of everyone, Rapunzel finally blurted out, "Sorry, but I've been wondering. Are you actually vikings?"

Well, you got your Frozen chapter. I finally saw it and I can't get that song outta my head. Disney never seems to disappoint me.

Thanks for reading, what's your final judgment? Tell me in a review!

Later dudes. ^J^