Hello everyone! Yes it's really me and this is a chapter to A Painless Face. Are you excited? I know I am! Now, I want you to forget the last two chapters. It's been so long you probably don't even remember. It was the time jump. Well I want you to forget it, all of it, I am deleting those chapters. I'm taking this story in a new direction. I sat down and read my story so that I could remember and continue. As I read I had something in mind that would make them stronger in the end. I actually had a dream about this plot. Weird right? Anyways, enjoy this chapter.

One Year Later

Ana's POV

"Hey Christian?" I traced my finger up and down the gentle lines that formed his abs. His skin was soft and warm. My head rested on his chest and I listened to his steady heartbeat. The sound was consistent and made a gentle beat that was the music to my ears. I could fall asleep listening to his heart. I loved this dude so much. Dude? I really have been hanging around Mia a little too much. I mentally laughed at myself. Christian was always away because of school. He was here for the summer and we occasionally made trips, back and forth to one another, so naturally I would always be with Mia. Her habits were rubbing off on me. "How much do you love me?"

He chuckled. "You know you don't even need to ask me that." His lips brushed the top of my head.

"I know." And I really did. I knew he loved me more than anything, because I loved him just the same. We mirrored one another. Our souls were one, it was just split into two bodies, forever finding their way to one another so they could reconnect. "I just wanted to hear you say it."

"Oh yeah?" He turned his head to look at me and I lifted mine to look at him. I nodded. "Well, then, Ana." He touched his lips to mine. "I love you very much." He looked into my eyes, awakening my body. "You couldn't even possibly understand."

He tried to kiss me, but I put my hand on his chest and stared at him, seriously. "But, I do, Christian." I grabbed his neck and let my hand play in his hair, pulling him towards me. "I really and truly do." I kissed him feverishly, hard. He rolled on top of me, letting out a small growl. Mm mm…I loved that sound. I could feel his, already, naked body getting hard. He was ready and so was I. I broke our kiss and trailed down my body with his lips. They felt so good, so familiar. I could never get enough of Christian Gray. He was everything I ever wanted. He had always been. The moment I walked inside the Gray's home for the first time and met him, I knew. I didn't know I knew, but I know that I knew. It wasn't a thought but a feeling. Christian was playing video games with Elliot. Mom called him over to come say hi and I remember those gray eyes, those smoldering eyes. I remembering dropping my pen and pad because he was just so jaw dropping. Damn, it felt like it was so long ago, but it wasn't. Everything that happened to me, to us, was no more than three years ago. I was taken in by Grace and welcome by the whole family, Carrick, Mia, Elliot, Christian. It really helped in my recovery, but Christian he did it all. He helped me overcome the hardest obstacle, finding my voice.

It's sometimes hard to think that I was that girl. The girl who couldn't speak, the girl who was abused and became a victim. I hated being the victim, a victim. I wanted to be strong and Christian helped make me into who I wanted to be. Now, my speech was perfect, probably better than his. There is no sign of any type of impediment. I'm not even sure any more about whether or not I couldn't speak or I just didn't have the will to. But what I did know was Christian gave me the will. I wanted to talk more than anything. I wanted to tell how I felt without choking or stuttering. I wanted him to know what he meant to me. And now I can, all the time without having any problems.

"Ana?" Christian pulled me from my wandering thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, keep going, don't stop kissing me." I breathed heavily. I didn't want him t know what I was thinking about. I was just happy and his mouth was making me even happier. I pushed him further down my body. "A little more, Christian, almost there."

He laughed. "Don't you worry, Ana, I'll take god care of you." And he did, he really did. Oh my god, he did. His tongue was wet and warm and feeling him dip in and out and in between my folds was amazing. Christian was my first, I never experienced anything sexual with anyone else, nor did I want to. And even though he's has been my one and only, there was no doubt in my mind that no one on this damn earth could ever compare to him. He was wild, but tamed, dangerous, yet safe. He made me feel and every time I came undone in his mouth, his hands, I was shattered to my core. "Damn, baby." Again, he growled, continuing to taste me. He snaked his hands under my thighs and around them, pulling me closer and resting on my lower stomach. My body began to shake, I was close, so close. Christian held me down, keeping me in place.

"Oh, Christian."

My body began to tremble before even came. This was so intense. Once my body released the tension from my muscles, I relaxed, breathing heavily. He grabbed part of my comforter, wiping my wetness from his mouth. He smiled devilishly, spreading my legs and positioning himself in-between them. He rested on his knees, placing his hands on mine. "You're lucky, no one is home," he said, "You were pretty loud."

I bit my lip and smiled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."

"You don't need to apologize to me. I love it." He bent down and kissed me suddenly, not giving me any warning. He quickly thrusted himself inside of me, making me moan.

I thought I had experienced it all, but I was wrong. Christian always continues to amaze me. Why does he feel so damn good? I can't seem to ever get enough. The rocked in and out of me, positioning me in a variety of ways, each time making me feel something I never have before. I loved him so damn much, I don't know what the hell I would do without him. Once he climaxed, we just laid there, holding one another.

I let my mind wander again, thinking about the past how far we'd come. I was content on where we were in our relationship and hoped that nothing would ever mess it up. I used to be a weak girl, I was the nice one. I wasn't confident. The scars from my past left a hole in who I was, who I was supposed to be. Christian was there, though, and he helped. I wasn't that person and he was a huge part of that. I had my voice because of him. I knew I was beautiful, because he made me feel that way. However, it was thanks to Mia that I now have a backbone. She taught me to stand up for myself and fight for the ones I love. I admired her.


It was 8 o'clock at night, roughly 5 hours since Christian and I were wrapped up in our own bliss. We sat at the table. He was to my right. Mia sat in front of me and Elliot sat in front of him. Grace was at one end and Carrick was at the other, facing each other. "I am so happy to have all of my children at the dinner table together." She smiled. "This is just so-," She took a short pause to sniffle, her eyes filling with emotion. "I'm just so happy."

"Um, mom?" Elliot said. "We've been having dinner together for the past month." He took a bite of his lasagna, making a mess of himself.

"Dude, what the hell, you got meat sauce on me." Mia wiped her cheek and wiped it on Elliot's shoulder. "Disgusting."

"You know what I mean, Elliot. It's summer. Christian is home." She looked over at Christian, her hand touching his gently. "Mia moved out, it just hasn't been the same. But now you are all here."

Mia got an apartment with Adrian. I used to be surprised that their relationship lasted as long as it did, but I was so happy for her. She was happy and that all I ever wanted for her. She deserved it. It has been a little bit lonely, though. I had no one to gossip with and Elliot wasn't always the best company. I loved him dearly, but I couldn't talk to him the way I would talk with Mia. I still saw her all the time. She only lived about 10 minutes away, but it wasn't the same as being able to see her in 10 seconds. Now, it was just Grace, Elliot, Carrick, and me. Definitely not the same but it was still home. Grace was my mom and Carrick my dad and I loved them as if they were mine biologically.

I tried leaving with Mia, but Grace is still very protective. Although Mia and I were the same age, she saw me as if I was the youngest. After what I had went through with my other mom and dad, she wasn't ready to let me go, to let me be on my own. I was probably going to be stuck here for a while unless I was with Christian, but he still had another two years of school. Who knows when she will be able to let go.

"Yes, we are, so let's enjoy it," Carrick said, smiling at his wife sweetly.

"You're right." She straightened her back and took a sip of wine. "So, what did you kids do today?"

"Well, I went shopping!" Mia exclaimed. "You just have to see these cute shoes I bought. They are t die for."

"I doubt that." Christian shrugged.

"I would love to see them." Grace replied, giving Christian a pointed look. "Elliot? How about you? What did you do?"

"I went to the gym." He shrugged. "I didn't really do too much." He stretched his arms over his head, clearly trying to show off his muscles.

"Really, Elliot?" I said, shaking my head.

Grace laughed. "Ana? How eventful was you're evening?"

Mia was taking a swig of her drink when she nearly choked. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." She was holding in a laugh. She obviously couldn't so she turned to Elliot who I hadn't notice was already chuckling. She joined in with him and they laughed together, loud and hard.

What the hell? Christian, Grace, Carrick, and I were staring at them like they were bat shit crazy.

After a good minute, they were finally able to settle down. "Sorry." Elliot said, clearing his throat. "Anyways, go ahead and answer, Ana."

I looked from Mia to him and then back and Mia. I stared at her. She smiled at me knowingly and raised her eyebrows up and down.

No fucking way.

She knows. How the hell does she know? But, no one was home. OH MY GOD. I could feel my cheeks flush. I was embarrassed. Not only did she know, but Elliot knew too. This is great, just great. Mia will never let me live this one down.

"Um, I-," dammit! "I just, you know, uhh, hung around."

"With Christian?" Elliot was instigating.

Christian grabbed my thigh. I could hear him chuckling. "Yeah," Christian said. "We were having a movie marathon in the theater room."

"Oh, yeah? What movie?" Oh my goodness, Elliot, shut up!

Grace was oblivious. She was interested in the conversation, but she wasn't aware of the hidden meaning. I didn't know what to say so I just blurted out the first movie that came to my mind. "Harry Potter!"

"Those movies have a lot of screaming in them, huh?" I was going to strangle Mia.

"Why? Horror?" Carrick asked.

"Uhh, no, dad. But a lot people die." Christian said, "That's why."

"Well I think I'm going to excuse myself." I got up from the table and walked upstairs to my room. I had never felt so embarrassed.


Mia's POV

I decided to head over to Mom's early. I missed, Ana. It felt weird living with Adrian and not seeing her as much. I love Adrian, I do, but I do get a little home sick every now and then. Ana is my sister and my best friend. I was always there with her, protecting her, especially since Christian hasn't been able to be her. I pulled up in the drive way. As I was about to open my door, Elliot drove up, all crazy like, next to me.

I got out of the car and slammed the door. "What the hell, Elliot?"

"What?" He replied, closing his door.

"I was about to open my door, you could have ripped it from its hinges, driving like that."

"Oh calm down, Mia." I laughed. "It's fine."

"You say that now." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here so early?" He asked as we walked to the door. "Dinner isn't for another few hours. Mom and dad aren't home yet either."

"I came early to see, Ana."

"Of course you." He smiled. "Why don't you just move back in? I think you spend more time here anyways."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I unlocked the door and turned the knob.

"I'm just saying, Mia, you'd be a lot hap-," I cut him off.

"Shhhh." I said.


"Oh my god, Elliot, shush."

I could hear indistinctive sounds. I could quite make out the noise until it got louder. And louder. Holy fuck, Ana, you little minx.

Elliot was horrified. Hearing his sister have sex, wasn't on the top of his to do list.

I laughed and Elliot quickly grabbed my arm, leaving the house just as quickly as we entered.

Please review review! I want to continue this but I want the support of all of you. Please tell if you're interested in seeing where I take Ana and Christian. There will be heavy trials for them which will only make them stronger and grow together as the couple they are destined to be!

Also go check out my mini series I am working on called My Deliverer.