Me: This has been another update on not owning Rise Of The Guardians or meeting William Joyce.

Phil: Well… If I'd known you'd have a forecast for how things are going in your life…

Me: Hush up, Phil this is the part where it gets interesting…

Jack's POV

Certainly. Certainly Pitch would move his horse to the spot right next to his pawn. Then he would take his horse and be home free for…

Pitch ended up surprising the sprite, who, in the years of having gained his memory back from his human-self, decided it would be more beneficial to actually pay a little attention to the games and strange conniptions that occupied their daily lives. However, it appeared that advance had been in vain. Pitch was experienced in the game, and Jack's fleeting moments spent looking into the lives of the humans through the window had not been sufficient enough to say the least. Obliviously, Pitch was not going to let Jack win quite so easily. Time to put a twist in the game…

Pitch's POV

He smirked at the frost sprite's perplexed face. Proud in intellect he thought Jack would realize that he would not easily give up on their little charades. Especially a game such as chess, he was surprised to hear Jack suggest it.

Which was also why he was surprised when he heard, "How about the one who wins the game is the one who gets to accompany the other on one of their rounds during a job?"

The Bogeyman scoffed. First chess, now chaperoning another while doing work? What was the boy thinking? The Guardians of Fun seemed to have lost his senses. Perhaps that is what it was that convinced him to this in the first place. There was no need to leave the lair for him to do his job, but the sprite would figure it out later. And besides, if he did not have any interactions with his believers, or was not seen by the Guardians there would be suspicion…

He replied with a slight gesture, and his shoulders twitched at the thought.

"If you feel you can handle it and there is no interfering with the others work, then do as you please."

Jack POV

He thought the man would see through his façade. He thought that getting out of the lair by choice would be harder to do. But simply, the Nightmare King was just a bit to proud in his accomplishments to realize that he now had to accompany Jack on his work. Work that he could only do through interacting with other people. Work that he had to get outside for. Work that could give him enough time to get away and talk to the Guardians.

He smiled as innocently as he could when he heard the words, "Check mate" leave Pitch's mouth.

It's short and it kinda sucks, but I'm not sorry. Hope you liked it and until the next time I can get myself to write something significant enough for this story.