Ch 5

Kami stared down at the injured warrior and listened to Yamcha explain the problem. The old Namek nodded and turned to Mr. Popo.

"Please, go find Baba, Mr.Popo," he requested.

The large dark man acknowledged him and went into Kami's home. The elderly namekian turned to Yamcha and said, "If you go to Corrin's tower, he might have some senzu beans. Hurry, quickly."

Yamcha nodded and jumped form the lookout and down to the tower where Corrin lived. Kami turned to Bulma and saw the worry in her eyes.

" That wasn't a very nice wish, was it?" Kami asked lightly.

Bulma shook her head and knelt down next to her love. A tear fell and she took his hand.

"He really does care about me," she said softly. She recalled what he had said right before things really got out of hand..

" ' I guess I do need her..and yes, I even..'"

She gave a small smile. He had practically given his life for her. To prove his love. Mr. Popo returned with an angry witch floating behind him. She hovered over Vegeta while sitting on her glass ball.

"Do I really have to help him?" She whined.

Bulma's blue eyes narrowed and she grabbed the little witch.

" Yes you do! And I don't want to hear any complaining!"

Bulma and Baba had never really gotten along. Ever since the first time the Saiyajins came to earth, Bulma had never liked or gotten along with the grumpy hag.

" Alright," Baba yelled. She turned to Kami. " What do we do?"

The wise Namek glanced at Vegeta.

" Since I am in control of the dragonballs, I need to undo the curse, but I need your help Baba. We also need Yamcha. Since this is a wish cursed upon someone else, I need your help to lift it and we need Yamcha's consent."

Bulma rolled her eyes. " It won't be easy. He's in love with me and he still hates Vegeta."

Yamcha appeared on Kami's lookout. He had a single kidney shaped bean in his hand. They told him the plan and he sighed and looked down at the dying warrior. He had to decide. He couldn't just let Vegeta die. How could he live with himself? The injured prince had proven himself.

" I guess I need to move on," he muttered. Yamcha turned to Kami reluctantly. " Ok, lift the curse. I have no right to control their lives."

Kami smiled turned to Baba. They stuck their hands out and a small glow surrounded Vegeta. They chanted for about ten minutes and the glow vanished.

" Alright," Kami said. " I took a glimpse at his thoughts and he does deserve to have his this. Quickly, give him a senzu bean."

Yamcha gave the bean to Bulma and he lifted Vegeta into a sitting position. He suddenly coughed up some blood and moaned painfully.

" This may be a little difficult. Can we get some water?" Bulma asked.

Mr. Popo said, of course, and fetched her a glass of water. Bulma tried to wake him up, but Vegeta was barely alive.

" Ok," she said. " Try to swallow this," she whispered to Vegeta, even though he could not hear her.

She stuck the bean in his mouth but he instantly coughed up a glob of blood along with the senzu. Bulma growled quietly and quickly stuck the bean in his mouth along with a mouthful of water, She put her hand over his lips and pushed his head back a little. He began to gag and cough but her hand remained over his mouth. His throat moved as he swallowed and Yamcha laid him down on the tiled ground.

The charred flesh on the saiyjain slowly became his usual tan skin. His bruises faded and his cuts disappeared. The blood still covered his body, but his injuries were gone.

" He was very injured," Mr. Popo said. "His wounds are gone, but he still hasn't regained all his strength. He'll need to rest."

'Good,' Yamcha thought. ' I probably won't get beaten as badly.'

Vegeta's dark eyes slowly opened and he sat up. He noticed the blood all over himself and the red, blood streaks on Bulma and Yamcha. He remembered what had happened and blocked any incoming thoughts. He felt exhausted and began to despair over the idea of keeping his thoughts under control for a whole year. After what had just happened, he couldn't handle the thought any more pain.

" Vegeta?" Bulma said lightly.

He continued to stare at the blood on himself and kept his mind blank. Bulma leaned over and hugged him. Vegeta gasped a little and readied himself for pain, but nothing happened.

" You can think anything you like," Bulma whispered.

His eyes widened and he inhaled Bulma's blue hair. It worked. The horrible wish was gone and he could continue his training. Finally, he could reach super-saiyajin without distractions. He could defeat that idiot Kakerotto and-

He shook his head and gave himself a mental slap.

'I can think about Bulma now.'

" Vegeta," Yamcha said quietly. " I'm really sorry I did this. I was just really angry, but hey, shit happens, so please don't kick my ass too bad."

Vegeta's eyes squinted angrily and released Bulma. They both stood up slowly and the arrogant saiyjain placed a hand on Yamcha's chest. Without much power, Vegeta gave him a light shove and the klutzy human landed on his butt. He sent the saiyajin a confused stare. After he noticed that he'd get off lightly, he stood up and brushed himself off.


The gloved fist knocked him silly and he fell with a dopey grin and laugh. He landed with a dull thud and giggled deliriously.

Vegeta breathed in a greatly and turned his back to the hazy human. " I need to get clean."

And with that, he walked to Bulma's flying car and sat in the passenger's seat. Bulma smirked and sent Yamcha a pitied blink of the eyes. Kami and Mr. Popo sighed as they looked down at the confused Yamcha.

" You got off easy pal," she said.

Yamcha finally got to his senses and sat up, rubbing his mouth. Bulma took his hand and helped him to his feet.

" You can move on," she explained. " We all can. Change can be good sometimes, so think positively. Just don't ever do something like this again."

She thanked Kami, Mr. Popo, and yes, even Baba, and walked toward the capsule car where Vegeta sat. Yes, he was humiliated. Embarrassed by his weak efforts and emotional exploits. But, he was also very happy that he'd won in a way. He had been beaten and shown as a weakling, but now his saiyjain immune system would increase his power.

He realized that he wasn't only happy about gaining more power, but that he had Bulma. Sure, she knew that he actually cared for her now, but their bond now seemed unbreakable. He hid a small smile as he realized this, and actually felt very comforted that someone..loved him.

The car lifted off and blasted toward the Brief's home. Bulma ran the images of Vegeta's torture in her mind. He had done it for her. He did actually care, didn't he? She glanced at Vegeta. Even though he did look exhausted and his body was and face was covered in dried blood, she noticed his serene and calm expression, along with his small smile.

Vegeta noticed her looking at him and turned to her. He couldn't help but give her a warm smirk of affection when she batted her brilliant blue eyes at him. She gave a loving smile and it seemed forever that they stared at each other.

Even though they were both stubborn and arrogant, the two had an unbreakable friendship. Vegeta may never be able to admit his true feelings and love, Bulma knew. The pain he went through explained everything and the way he was comfortable around her made her know. The two made their way home with a renewed relationship and trust that neither of them had to talk about or explain.

* Ok, that's it for this story. I know the ending is all sappy and sweet, but I couldn't think of any other way to end it. Please read and review. I'd love to hear from you, so thanks for reading!