An: Ok, here we go.

Confused friends.

Haley was on her way home from work, when she thought she saw Tommy with a skinny brunette. She walked towards him, she stopped when she noticed that he had long hair. When she caught up to the couple she tapped him on the shoulder.

When he turned she gasped, when she noticed that this was a younger version of Dr. Oliver. "Tommy?" She asked.

"I'm sorry." He said. "Do I know you?" He asked.

"Actually, you do Tommy." The brunette said. "I'm Jen, and this is not the Tommy Oliver you know."

"I guessed that much." Haley told her. "What is going on here?" She asked."

"Well Haley." This Jen girl said. "I'm from the future, and I need your help."

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"How do you know me?" Tommy asked.

"She's friends with the future you." Jen told him.

"Yeah, so he's from the past?" She asked.

"Yes, now the evil lord zed is attacking my time and I need your help." Jen said.

"Lord zedd?" She asked. "You mean the guy that you already defeated." She said, turning to young Tommy.

"Yeah, apparently he has a time machine like Jen." He told her.

"I'll help." Haley said.

"Great let's get back to my time machine and interduce you to Kimmy." Jen told her.

"Ok." She said.

"Where are we going?" RJ asked his friend.

"I told you guys." Dom said. "I want you guys to meet a friend of mine."

"At a warehouse?" Casey asked. "What's going on, Dom?"

An: I hope that you like it. please read and review. byebye