Author's Note: Sorry it has been so long a hacker got into my computer and I lost everything. So I have had to start again. But here is the next chapter.
Chapter .4.
It had been a few weeks since the Pack found out about Bella and Paul. Bella and Paul had been having a hard time with Jacob. He couldn't accept that they were imprinted and that Paul scared Bella. When Bella was with the pack she stayed by Paul's side away from Jacob. As he was still jealous.
Bella had meet Kim at the bonfire and they got along splendidly. And Angela had joined the group when Seth imprinted on her. So now Bella had someone else at Forks High to talk too. Embry had imprinted of Jacob's sister Rachel. Jacob had not been happy about that.
Leah and Seth had joined the Pack. Surprising everyone that a girl could phase. Harry had, had a heart-attack and was in a weakened state in hospital. But the Doctors hoped he would get better. Bella had made sure Charlie started eating healthier.
Victoria continued to make appearances but the Pack still hadn't caught her. Everyone thought she was up to something. There were disappearances in Seattle. Something wasn't right.
Now Kim, Emily, Rachel, Angela were cooking at Emily's for a bonfire to celebrate Paul's 20th birthday. Bella had gone shopping with the girls to get him a present. Now she was distracting Paul.
Charlie had been invited to the party bonfire. Bella didn't know if that was a good idea or not. But Billy had said to invite him so Bella did.
While the girls were cooking the boys were setting up the party supplies. This was a surprise party. Bella and Paul were in Port Angeles. Paul had taken Bella to the movies. After the movie Paul starts to drive them to La Push.
"That movie was horrible", Bella says
"Yeah they need to do better", Paul agrees
"That cashier was eyeing you Paul. She was starting to get on my nerves", Bella admits
"You're the only one for me. I felt what you felt that's why I got you away from her" Paul replies grinning, "I will never cheat on you"
"I know. I can't help myself", Bella says blushing
Paul laughs and kisses her scars, "I love it when your jealous. Know I act the same way when guys look at you. So your house or mine?"
Charlie had started letting Bella stay at Paul's since he trusted them. Like he never trusted Edward.
"Let's go to Emily's I haven't seen the girls in ages", Bella replies
"Anything you want", Paul says
They talk about little stuff. Paul could feel Bella was hiding something from him but he couldn't be sure.
"I love you Bella", Paul says kissing her lips quickly
"I love you too Paul", Bella says as they turn off to Emily and Sam's
"What on earth?" Paul exclaims seeing everyone gathered
"SURPRISE!" everyone yells, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
"Happy birthday my wolf", Bella mummers kissing him
"I didn't expect this. How did you hide this from me?" Paul asks Bella
"Everyone helped", Bella replies
"We wanted to get one up on you", Jared says laughing
"Thank you everyone", Paul says
"It was Bella's idea", Sam says
"I love you Bella. Thank you", Paul says spinning Bella around
"I love you too. No thanks needed", Bella says
"Everyone enjoy the party", Paul says to everyone
Wrapping an arm around Bella they make their way over to her father.
"Hello Charlie", Paul says smiling nervously
"Hi Dad", Bella says smiling hugging her father
"Happy Birthday Paul", Charlie says, "Thank you for making my daughter so happy"
"Can I talk to you for a minute sir?" Paul asks
"Of course", Charlie says
"Bella why don't you go to Angela? I will be back in a minute", Paul says
"Ok. Have secrets from me", Bella teases
"Only one", Paul answers grinning
Paul and Charlie walk over to the other side of the party. Charlie had a feeling he knew what Paul wanted to talk to him about.
"What can I do for you son?" Charlie asks
"Charlie I respect you a lot and I would…would", Paul stutters
"Would what?" Charlie asks having fun stirring the boy up
"I would like to have your permission to marry Bella", Paul stutters out
"Now why would I agree to that?" Charlie asks feeling the need to wind Paul up
"I love you daughter Chief. I love her beyond everything. I feel she is my other half. I will never do what Cullen did. This I swear to you Chief Swan. I will always love you daughter. Always", Paul says with confidence, "If you don't say yes. We would probably get married anyway"
"Relax son I was just winding you up. You have my permission to ask her", Charlie says clapping Paul's shoulder
"Thanks Charlie", Paul says
Paul walks back over to Bella with a happy smile he wasn't going to ask her yet.
"The Pack and the elders have a present for you Paul. We all chipped in to get it", Sam says and Jared pushes out a used Ducati
Paul was shocked speechless
"Happy birthday my wolf", Bella says handing him a leather jacket and gloves for the motorbike
Paul spins Bella around and gives her a passionate kiss.
"Do you like it?" Bella asks
"I love it. Thank you everyone!" Paul says
"Time for legends", Sue calls
They sit down to listen to the legends. For Charlie something clicked as he heard them.
"You're werewolves!" Charlie yells going red and wanting to go for his gun
"Dad! Calm down. Yes they are. They protect Forks and La Push from vampires", Bella says
"Get away from him Bella", Charlie says wanting to pull Bella away from Paul
"Dad he would never hurt me", Bella says
"He already did with those scars", Jacob mutters with jealously in his voice
"Jacob!" Billy yells
"Jacob!" Sam also yells
"You gave my daughter those scars? How dare you still touch her. Come here Bella", Charlie orders
"Dad. I will not leave Paul's side. He didn't mean to scar me", Bella says trying to calm her father down
"sir I would never hurt Bella willingly. There was a vampire and I phased close to protect Bella she is my imprint", Paul explains
"Imprint?" Charlie asks
"It means soulmate Charlie. Those two are soulmates and more than just imprints the have a bond beyond anything we can imagine", Billy explains calmly
"Who are these vampires?" Charlie asks
"The Cullen's are vampires. They feed off animals", Bella says
"You knew? About all of this?" Charlie asks
"Yes. I guessed too. I figured out the vampires and Paul showed me his wolf form", Bella says calmly, "Please he is still the same man he has always been"
Charlie looks at the sure face of his daughter then at Paul. Charlie sighs he knew Paul loved his daughter as he asked for her hand in marriage.
"I will be watching you", Charlie states firmly
"Oh Daddy thank you", Bella says throwing her arms around her father and hugging him
"Anything for you. But if he hurts you again I am shooting him with so many bullets in his ass he won't be able to sit down!"
Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)