"Morning everyone!"

She walked into the office, cheerful and relaxed, carrying a cup of her favorite Starbucks drink - a venti soymilk peppermint mocha frappuccino. Her heels clacked on the building's black and white marble floors as she made her way to her office. She waved at Quinn, smiled at Huck, and poked her head into Abby's office, all before swiping her card to open her office door. She placed her cup on a coaster, removing her Michael Kors travel tote from her shoulder, setting it on the round wooden table in the corner. She stood on her tip toes as she reached over the table, pulling to blinds open to let in some light. The bright Miami sun shone in through the room, and she momentarily enjoyed the beautiful view of the ocean, before a light tapping on her door caught her attention.

"Mornin' sunshine", he said, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed; a huge smile spread across his face. That smile. Jesus. It never ceased to amaze her.

"Morning Fitz", she responded, waltzing across the room to give her coworker and long time best friend a hug.

"I see you had a lovely weekend Liv", he entered into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I sure did. Did some light shopping and the beach Saturday and I enjoyed a little spa visit yesterday afternoon. The perfect way to bring in the new year. I feel so refreshed and energized, nothing can ruin my mood."

"Oh, I have a feeling that's about to change. Swedelson pushed up the 'super duper' to this afternoon. So, unless you were prepared to present your idea today instead of as originally intended next week...", his voice trails off.

"Shit! Are you kidding me! I haven't thought of shit! I wasn't expecting to have to present until next week. When the hell did this happen?"

"I guess while you were out shopping, beaching, and spa-ing, you didn't check your e-mails this weekend?"

"I'm so screwed!"

Olivia sat nervously at the conference table, tapping her fingernails on the wooden surface. It was PopuBlog's 2014 "Super Duper", the annual meeting where each of the online blog's contributors laid out their ideas of focus for the year. Mr. Swedelson, the founder of the blog, sifted through all of his employees' ideas, either praising them or turning them down and "sending them back to the drawing board". It was a known fact by all of them that if you were unable to produce a worthy idea during the "Super Duper", you would be despised by the "Big Guy" for the rest of the year.

Olivia's mind tried to draw up different topics that she could possibly focus on for the year, while everyone went around the table laying their ideas on the line. Last year, she had done a challenge where she would cook at least one reciepe from each of the 196 countries in the world. Her idea had done well, not only for the blog, but in the building as well, where she would bring in samples for everyone to try. She listened as Fitz discussed his idea for the year; two separate video blogs (one for guys, one for girls) where they would discuss different gender-oriented topics. Swedelson ate up his idea, prompting Fitz to lean back in his chair, a huge smile on his face.

"Good! He's on the other side of the table! I still have a few minutes!", she thought to herself, while the ringer on her cellphone went off, bringing all of the attention in the room to her direction as she shuffled in her purse to find it.

"Seriously?!", she scolded herself in her head for forgetting to silence her phone when she realized it was a notification from the"Cosmopolitan's Sex Position of the Day" app. She quickly threw her phone back in her purse and looked up to find Mr. Swedelson glaring at her.

"Well, Ms. Pope, it seems that we're boring you and there must be something you much rather be doing. How about you give us your idea next?", his British accent filled the silent room.

"Uhh...", she stuttered to herself, knowing she had nothing and she didn't want to feel his wrath for the rest of the year for coming to the meeting unprepared. She quickly surveyed the room, looking at Quinn, Abby, and Huck who all smiled at her nervously. She then focused her gaze on Fitz, who was looking back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Ms. Pope, we're waiting..."

"Umm... a sex blog!", she blurted out, causing everyone to look at her like she was crazy.

"Excuse me, Ms. Pope?"

"You know how Cosmopolitan magazine features sexual advice? Well, umm, they have this app... phone app, that gives you new positions everyday...", she figured she could keep going with the idea since it was already on the table.

Mr. Swedelson stared at her for what seemed like an eternity, before he asked, "So, you will be testing out a new...", he cleared his throat, "...sexual position every day from this little app thingy?"

Shit. She hadn't thought about that. But, he seemed interested in her idea and she thought it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.

"Yes sir."

"And I assume these... positions... will be acted out with one consecutive partner?"

"Yes sir", she gulped nervously. "Who the hell am I supposed to sleep with everyday for the next year? Maybe this idea wasn't so great after all..."

"Ms. Pope, it seems you've brought forth a fantastic idea, again. What would be your medium for this project?"

"Umm.. text posts, sir. Basically rating and discussing the experience..."

"Well, I expect for you to discuss with Huck on how to make sure your section of the site will be aged-restricted. I also expect a copy of a negative STD screening result from both you and your partner before you can start your project. Or, it'll be back to the drawing board. I assume that this partner will stay anonymous?"

"Yes sir!", she answered a little too loudly. She was off the hook for presenting an idea that was accepted by the "Big Guy", but now she was screwed when it came to figuring out how she was going to make it happen.

"Let's continue, shall we. Ms. Perkins?"

Olivia and Fitz sat at the bar, enjoying well-deserved drinks after a long day at work. They had taken a few shots of Patron each, before Fitz ordered a glass of scotch and Olivia ordered a frozen strawberry margarita. They were both well passed tipsy, but hadn't reach stumbling drunk yet.

"Fitz, I'm seriously gonna get killed. He's definitely gonna send me back to the drawing board."

"Where'd you come from with that idea anyways? I thought you didn't have anything..."

"I didn't! It was the freaking sex app that went off in the meeting and it was the first thing I could think of on the spot!"

"Liv, why do you even have a sex app? You're not screwing anyone! What, does it have positions on how to screw yourself?", he laughed as she shoved him hard, nearly knocking him off of the bar stool.

"It's a cute app! And it's cool to know these things for when I AM gonna be screwing someone. You asshole!", she rolled her eyes. "But really Fitz, I need your help. What am I gonna do? How do you scrap an idea that Swedelson actually likes?!"

"You're fucked Liv. Seriously fucked. And it sucks because you're not getting any pleasure out of if. I wish I would have thought of it first. It's nothing to find a chick to fuck every night when you have this gorgeous face", he winked at her. "Hell, you'd probably be better off just screwing me", he took another sip of his drink.

"Fitz! That's it! You're fucking brilliant!"

"What's brilliant?", he asked, clearly forgetting with they were speaking about just moments ago.

"Be my guy Fitz! Be my partner!"

"Olivia, are you out of your mind?", he said with all seriousness.

"Come on Fitz, think about it. I'm single, you're single. We've been best friends since like forever. I've seen you naked!", she shouted out as the bartender approached them, planning to ask if they wanted refills, but then turned to walk away awkwardly.

"Olivia! Keep it down will you! And seriously? Me? You? US? Having sex?"

"Fitz, it's not like I'm asking you to marry me. Just help me! Think of it as us both just experimenting, both of us learning. We both know each other and we both know how to play it safe. PLUS, Swedelson said that it has to be an anonymous partner. No one will ever know it's you! Please Fitz, please?! I wouldn't ask if I weren't absolutely desperate..."

He thought about it for a minute, seeing the look of desperation in her eyes. He thought she was absolutely crazy for suggesting something so wild, regardless if they were friends or not. But Olivia was his truest friend and had always been. He knew she needed his help and he honesty saw more pros than cons.

"Okay, fine. I'll do it. But the moment it gets really weird, we gotta stop. I don't wanna fuck up our friendship over some project Liv, you hear me?"

"Absolutely! Now, we just have to get tested and give the Big Guy the results."

"Whatever, let's go", he hopped off the stool, pulling a $100 bill from his wallet and placing it on the counter to pay for their drinks.

"Where are we going?", she asked him confused.

"Back to your place. I wanna see this app..."

AN: Hey guys! So this is an idea I recently began playing with. It was one that I've never seen done before, so I decided to try it. Just want to cover a few things. Firstly, Cosmo's sex app is a real thing. Do I own it, NO! Why pay for an app when all of their stuff is free online! Secondly, some aspects of this story might seem a bit familiar. For one, the idea of Olivia blogging about a new recipe comes from the movie (and I believe book, as well), called Julie & Julia. Great movie, if you've never seen it, and it stars Meryl Streep, who I absolutely love! Then, Fitz's idea for a video blog comes from MTV's Girl Code and Guy Code. Both are hilarious shows that give insight on things from girls' and guys' perspectives. And lastly, Olivia's idea to blog about the sex positions featured in Cosmo comes from the "77 Positions In 77 Days" feature from Cosmo. I actually read it online a few years ago while the blogger was updating it daily and it's seriously an interesting and funny read. So, I just wanna let you guys know that by no means am I stealing these ideas. I also wanted to say that I'm not sure if every chapter of the story will connect, or if it'll just be one shots of the different positions. AND I'm not sure if there will be some sort of Olitz love connection, or if they will continue on as just friends. So, please please please let me know what you guys think! Think of it as you guys being the Mr. Swedelson to my Olivia lol (: