This story is slightly AU, everything goes the same as in the Anime, up until the point where Taiga goes with her mom towards the end of the show, instead she ignores her wishes and stays with Ryuuji, so instead of there being that timeskip from when she leaves till graduation day, this takes place between then. Taiga stays, returns to school with Ryuuji, and all is good, for now... Now, enjoy the first chapter.

A lot has happened within the past few months, relationships grew, were born, and renewed. People became closer than they ever thought possible, and people became enemies a lot faster then possible, but in the end everything was alright for a certain group of people. One in particular, named Kusheida Minori, went through a lot more than most in the group. She has emotionally gave up her love for her friend, who she may or may not have also loved. She was very unsure at the time, and is still unsure now.

The two in question, Aisaka Taiga, and Takasu Ryuuji, were two people very close to Minori, she would protect them and do anything for them, yet in due time, they did not need her help, since they had each other to protect.

Taiga was her best friend, she knew her for awhile now, and knew that she loved this girl, she was not sure how, or what kind of love she felt for her. But she always wanted to protect her, and if that meant putting aside her personal differences for Taiga's sake, then she would, and that leads to Ryuuji.

Ryuuji, was the first person she realized she had feelings for, she loved him, and how he acted towards her and everyone else. She loved that he would put everyone else first and try to make everyone else happy, she would never admit that she loved him at first, because she knew that a certain tiger had feelings for him too, and every time she would attempt to get closer to Ryuuji, she knew Taiga was regretting it, and so she put aside her feelings for Ryuuji and let Taiga have him. Or so she thought...

The night she got together with the others in her group of friends, the night she heard that the two people she cared for were going to run away together, her brain automatically switched into gear, and was right there ready to support her friends, even though she did not agree with her friends idea of running away, but for what reason she did not support them, that's another story. Her other friend Kitamura Yusaku also felt the same as her, but was supportive anyway. When things came through and through, Minori and the others gave what ever they could for Ryuuji and Taiga and sent them on there way, but Minori could not wait for them to leave, because once they were out of site, she broke down. But there was one person who was there to comfort her.


Kawashima Ami, someone she never thought she would turn to, but she was the only one left. She knew she was stupid, breaking down in front of the girl who hated her, these two have gotten into many fights over the very subject at hand. She was the last person she wanted to comfort her, but when she saw that look on Ami's face, that look of Ami's that showed little emotion, once she saw past that and saw that she did care. She told her how she felt.

"And why are you crying? Because Taiga took Takasu away from you? Or-" Ami started.

"I'm not even sure myself, even though I promised never to cry again."

"You're so embarrassing." Ami sat down next to the girl.

"Though I've understood something. If you trip while running down a hallway, you'll get a nosebleed. If you trip in life, you cry."

"Are you stupid? It's still too early to be talking about life."

"From now on, for ten years, twenty years, sixty years. Life will go on."

And from that moment on, Minori realized that, Ami was the only one she truly had left, and she would protect the bond she has with this girl, no matter what.

Shortly after, to everyone's surprise, Taiga and Ryuuji has returned to school. Ryuuji has made up with his Mom, and is now living back at his home, Taiga on the other hand, her mother is furious with the choice she made of not returning with her. Taiga was upset at first, but Ryuuji and Yasuko said they would be there to protect her, no matter what, since she was eighteen, she could go whenever she wanted to. Minori was thrilled to see her best friend return to school with Ryuuji, but for whatever reason she felt, relieved. She felt that what ever emotions she felt for those two were, not gone, but replaced with the happiness of her friends benefit, for real this time. Not hidden behind any false emotions, she was truly happy.

The five were reunited once more, and ready to start there senior year.

If only they knew what they were in for...

So yeah just a little introduction to a story I would like to start writing, I know it's short but bare with me chapters will be longer. I just finished Toradora! recently and I love the Ami/Minori paring, I saw that there was potential, and seeing as how there aren't much Ami/Minori fics on the site, I'll start one. So yeah If you like this so far, leave a review or something. Thanks -Devster77