Who to call? Who to call? Amy thought as she stood alone in the cold streets of New York. Rosa was at her sister's place out of town. Boyle was still injured. Jeffords was probably with his family. And Holt was just out of the question. Which means there was only one person left. Jake Peralta.

"I can't believe I am actually going to do this." But she had to. It was cold and she was alone. She pressed her phone to her ear as the number dialed through.

"Hello?" Jake answered. She took a few breaths before answering back.

"Hey Jake, do you think could come pick me up?" She heard a deep chuckle from the other end.

"Wow. What happened that you have to ask ME for help? And since when do you call me Jake?" As soon as the question was received, Amy started thinking about the night's events, and as she thought about it more and more, she started to cry. Jake soon became aware that this was not the time for jokes.

"Amy, are you crying? It's alright; I'll come pick you up right away. Where are you?" Jake asked, but instead of hearing an address he just heard incoherent words and some blubbering.

"Okay, just text me the address. I'll be there in as soon as possible." Jake told her.

True to his words, he arrived in less than 10 minutes to the place Amy had texted him. By the time he go there, she had composed herself. She sat in the front seat but avoided his gaze. Her cheeks were flushed. She was clearly embarrassed, but Jake couldn't take his eyes off of her. They sat that way for a while until Jake decided the silence was becoming uncomfortable.

"So you wanna get some ice cream?" Jake mentally slapped himself. Why did I ask her that? She probably wants to go home. Jake thought. Amy turned to him with confusion spread all over her face. Then her pursed lips formed into a light smile.

"Sure. Why not?" She responded. It was now Jake's turn to be confused, but he nodded of course because he offered.

They headed 2 blocks down to an ice cream shop that was just closing. Jake argued with the manager who eventually let them in only if they ate their ice cream elsewhere.

Amy was unusually quiet. By now she would have argued with Jake over 7 different topics.

"So do you wanna tell me what happened?" Amy was hoping to avoid that question but she knew Jake deserved an answer.

"I obviously owe you an explanation. I'll start from where my horrid date began." She pause, but soon went into detail to explain her long night to Jake.


Amy was standing in the restaurant where she was to meet with her date, Josh. She had nervous feeling in her stomach, but she ignored it as butterflies and excitement. She was obviously nervous about meeting someone she had met online but there was more to it. She just didn't know what it was.

After her date, she realized she had nothing to be worried about. The date went perfectly fine and Josh was no less than a gentleman should be. Or so Amy thought. After her date, Amy and Josh had gone for a little stroll out in the dark. Amy was unknowingly led into a small alley with nobody there. She then realized that something was wrong. She tried turning back around but a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Where do you think you're going sweetie?" The voice gave her shivers. She turned around to see a gun pointing to her head. She tried reaching for the gun in her purse, but Josh's grimy voice stopped her again.

"What do you think you're reaching for? Give me the purse or I shoot." Amy hesitated to give it to him.

"I SAID GIVE IT TO ME! DO YOU WANT ME TO SHOOT?" The hesitation disappeared and the only thing left was fear. Amy quickly gave him her purse and he started to back away with the gun still pointed at her head.

"Don't come back for your car hun, it's already gone." With that he bolted out of the alley and into the cruel, grim night.

Jake couldn't believe what had happened to Amy. He had always seen her as the tough, independent girl who could protect herself but today he saw a vulnerable side to her. He wanted to put his hand on her leg for comfort but opted for her shoulder instead. She smiled at him.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. I'm a cop. I'll just file a report in tomorrow. We'll find him no time." Jake was uncertain but agreed anyways. He didn't want to argue with her after such rough night.

"So should I drop you off at home?" Jake asked. Amy shook her head.

"Actually can you drop me off at my brother's place? My keys were in my purse." Jake thought over it a bit but then came to an idea.

"Why don't you just crash at my place? I live 2 minutes away from here. You seem tired anyways." Amy pondered on the idea but decided against it.

"It's alright. I'll take a taxi to my brother's place, I've bothered you enough." She replied with sincerity. She opened his car door to leave but Jake stopped her.

"Don't be silly Santiago, just come stay over at my place. I promise I won't try anything. Unless, you want me to." He said with a wink. She smirked and closed the car door.

"Fine, but if you try anything it will not be good for your health."

How is it? Please be nice. It's my first story. Also I'll try to update every Wednesday but I have exams coming up so please don't be mad if I can't update regularly.