Yo yo yo, whatup people. I'm back with another story. This idea came to me in a dream one night. Wanted to see how I would put it into a story. Anyway, it's another Dira story. Alright, and now, chapter 1. I don't own Ice Age. :( Oh, and can anybody tell me if you can do movie-show crossovers?

It was a few months since the herd got to Switchback Cove. Everyone was happy. But a certain saber was even happier. Everyday, he would spend a lot of time with his siren, Shira. The two would play, hunt, and laugh together. But Diego wanted to be more them friends with Shira. He wanted her as a girlfriend. No, more then a girlfriend. A mate. Everyday he spend time with her, those feelings came back to him even stronger then the last time.

"Hey Softie, you comin' or not?"

Shira asked one morning as she went out to go hunting. Diego, who was just looking at her, nodded and walked up to her.

"So, uh, what do we hunt today?"


The two walked off. But Shira had a feeling that something was bugging Diego. When they were finished, they washed up in the nearby lake. When they got back, the rest of the herd was awake. Manny looked at the two.

"Well, now that we're all here, let's go to the beach."

It was a hot summer day. And the Manny decided that the herd should go to the beach to cool off. As they walked, Manny saw Diego looking at Shira.

"So, when are you gonna tie the knot with her?"

Diego turned and looked at Manny annoyed.

"I do not like her."

"Yes you do."

Manny said as he punched Diego on the arm playfully. Diego growled at this.

"Stop it. Or I shred you to bites."

Manny stepped back.

"Okay, okay, fine. But you can't hide from love forever."


Then Diego walked off. When the herd arrived at the beach, Diego said that he would teach Shira how to swim.

"Ok, I'm gonna teach you to swim."

"Riiiight, whatever. Let's just get started."

"Uh-hu. Ok so, get in the water."

Shira looked at the water.

"Um, not saying that I'm scared but, are you sure this is safe?"

"Just get in. unless you want me to make you."

"Ok ok Mr. bossy."

Shira put one paw in the water. Then the other. Until she was fully in the water. Diego joined in after her. Shira hooked her claws on the shore line. Diego swan up to her.

"C'mon. you can't swim while hanging on to the shore."

Shira was a little scared because the water was deep and she never swam. And the fear or her being thrown over bored and almost drowning, came back to her. But she wasn't going to admit that to Diego. She looked at him and saw that he was swimming farther away. Diego thought of a way to get her to come to her.

"Hey Kitty!"


Shira shouted. But Diego just laughed. Shira unhooked her claws and stared to flail in the water. Diego just looked at her.

"Ha ha that's it! Claw and kick!"

Shira finally got her head above the water's surface. She caught a few times before turning to Diego.

"Not cool dude, not cool!"

"Ok ok fine, it was a but cruel. Now come here. Just claw and kick. Stalk the pray."

Shira started to 'stalk the pray' and found that it worked well. She didn't sink as fast. She swam towards Diego. He swam away from her.

"C'mon Shira, that's it. Just claw and kick."

The two sabers made it out to deeper waters and Shira was starting to get nervous. But Diego helped her out. At one point, Shira started to panic and splash in the water. Her head went under and Diego pulled her above. She caught and choked out water as she rested her head on his chest.

"Are you okay?"

Shira nodded her head. As Diego looked at her, he couldn't help but wished that he could have her.

"Come on guys, time to go home!"

Manny shouted from across the lake. The two sabers looked at each other.


Diego asked Shira.

"To swim back to shore?"

Diego nodded and let Shira go and she started swimming to the shoreline. When they got there, Manny was waiting for them. Diego and Shira shook the water off their fur coast. Diego couldn't believe how pretty Shira looked when she shook the water off her coat.


Shira turned.


"Um…nothing. Let's just leave now."

And the herd walked off. But Shira still had an odd feeling about her friend Diego.

And I'm done. Hoped you all enjoyed reading it. I'll get chapter 2 up soon. But right now, I've gotta go. Oh, and I have this crazy idea for a Percy Jackson and Ice Age fanfic. Tell me what you guys thing and I'll get started right away. Peace out readers! Review. :)