Hello Readers. Because of the great feedback I got on this story, I am going to make this a multi-page story. I am going to change somethings around but don't worry this WILL be the same story.
Main thanks goes to Leradomi.
OCTOBER 4th, 2010
10:24 AM
Dick or "Richard" Grayson was at Gotham City Academy school, pretending to pay attention to math, with a particular emphasis on the word pretending. The night before, Batman and Robin had stopped Scarecrow's recruitment night as Scarecrow had attempted to take over the criminal underworld by manipulation of fear gas and tyranny.
He didn't tell Batman at the end of the fight, one of the goons had managed to crack the breathing mask he had been wearing. He was fine or he felt fine. He didn't need to worry Bruce, who had got some fear gas himself, when his mask had been removed all together, distracting everyone while he freed the hostages (because there were always damn hostages!). Anyways Bruce was still asleep after he drove the two home and Alfred had to watch Bruce.
"Richard?" an "authoritatively loud" voice called.
Dick shot up, out of his chair. Had he almost just gone to sleep? In school? Man, Batman would kill him for that!
"Are you alright?"
He looked at the direction of the voice. His teacher, Mr. Daniels.
Only it wasn't Mr. Daniels.
It was his fathers' head on Mr. Daniels body.
His father? No-his father was dead. Dead when he was nine years old. But here he was. His fathers' eyes- identical to his own, that startling shade of blue- looked concerned.
He blinked and rubbed his eyes, trying not to let his fear break out.
"Fine." Dick squeaked. He must be seeing things. This wasn't happening. "Just, uh, tired... I guess." Focus! He squeezed his eyes shut and blinked hard. You're fine.
The classroom door opened and his mother walked through the door. Of all the times he wanted to see her one more time, the dreams he had at night of her not being dead, this was not one of them. This would be a scene out of a nightmare. His mother's head, her tiny rose coloured lips smiling and green eyes twinkling on Barbra Gordon's body.
"Dick?" Asked his mother, looking at him.
Mom. No, she's-How is this happening?
"Richard. It's okay son."
NO! Did he have to say that last part? Son? Both Mr. Daniels and Dad called him that, for different was saying what?!
Why is this happening? This has never happened before- has it?
His mother...his father...dead...appearing...voices...
In three seconds, he pieced it together. Thefeargasmustbeaffectinghisbrain...
The fear gas must be affecting his brain.
The hallucinations were starting. One could never tell what might happen next. He could be falling off a building a hundred feet up. He could be in the circus. He could be in the Cave. He could go into the fail-simulation. His worst fears. Brought to life.
And it would get worse without medical help.
Dick breathed heavily. He knew it was Mr. Daniels, but in two minutes, he could full out hallucinate. He put his hand to his mouth, a universal sign for "I'm-going-to-hurl" and ran out of class.
He charged out of the classroom into the hallway-
-promptly running straight into Artemis.
"Artemis? Oh no!" Dick whispered, not wanting to vomit up bile at what he was seeing.