(A/N: This is the second chapter! It was supposed to be longer but I cut it short because I decided to rewrite the other part to it. I hope you enjoy. I hope none of the character are OOC or if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes.)

All this characters in this story belong Koji Oji and Kyoto Animation.

The poem is called "Wind and Wind Flower" by Robert Forest. The poem analysis described in this story is all done by me.

She's like a rainbow

When she comes up, all are lit up.

"I don't get it, Gou!" Nagisa dropped his head on the table and groaned. They were at his house, working on their project that was due next week. Gou had suggested that they work in his house when they could not work on it during school. Nagisa agreed with her, but found it quite out of the norm that she did not invite him to her house instead. But, he never brought that up with her; he figured that she had her reasons. "I don't understand how we can turn this poem into a five minute to ten minute oral report presentation without just saying the poem is about a winter breeze that is unable to win its love."

Gou reached over and patted him on his shoulder. "The name is Kou, but I was aiming for the minimum required time when I chose that poem." She opened her textbook to the poem. "But Nagisa, that is not a bad place to start, in fact it is actually a good place to start."

Nagisa raised his head slowly. His eyes lit up as a small smile appeared on his face. "Really, are you sure?!" He asked, ignoring the name change. He was going to call her by Gou, after that was the name that she was born with.

Her head nodded. "Positive. We can start our report by talking about how Frost wants his readers –mostly young romantic poets– to forget the idea of an innocent and everlasting love by telling the story of the unrequited love between the winter breeze and the window flower. They are total opposites, right?!" She asked. It was a rhetorical question, but Nagisa could not help but response.

"Yeah, the winter breeze obviously associates with the winter and the window flower obviously associates with the spring. So, of course, they are opposites; winter is death and spring is life; death is the opposite of life."

Gou gasped, astonished. She was so proud of him that she wanted to jump up and hug him. But, of course, she was not going to do that. She had to keep her distance. So instead, she took a hold of his hands, and smiled a winning smile, surprising the boy a little. His face reddened and Gou found it cute, but she was not going to admit that, now was she? Feeling her own face heating up, she released his hands rather quickly. She coughed. "Exactly, they are total opposites! Keep what you said in mind during our presentation next week. It is important. After we talk about the unrequited love; we can talk about how their opposite natures keep them further apart. Frost symbolizes their opposing natures clashing together by using the window." She paused and looked at Nagisa. He had a confused look on his face and his face was slightly red for whatever reason. Maybe, he was coming down cold or something. She thought. Gou chose to ignore it as she continued. "Yes, the window! The window in the poem serves as a barrier to keep the two opposing forces -winter and spring, life and death- from meeting each other; spring and life stays inside the house and winter and death stays outside. And finally, after we talk about the opposite forces, we can talk about why the window flower "leaned aside" and let the winter breeze fly by without saying anything. The flower-"

A cell phone's rings filled the air, cutting the red headed girl off in her thorough analysis of the poem. She dug into her messenger bag and pulled out her pink phone. She scowled at her phone before getting up from her seat and heading to the bathroom and answering the call. Gou did not stay in bathroom as the call ended rather quickly. She grabbed her bag and flung it over her shoulders. "I have to go now; my step father wants me to come home." She said with a smile. But, Nagisa did not buy into that; he knew her long enough to know that she was not smiling. When Gou smiled, it was as if the world stood still for him and he could not possibly understand why. But now, her smile was broken, her face was red, and just a little he could see her eyes watered as if she was struggling not to cry. And it absolutely broke his heart. And as much as it hurt him, Nagisa did not comment on it.

"Oh okay. I guess I will see you tomorrow, then."

"Y-yes!" She stammered, and made her way to the door.

"Gou, what about the window flower? Why did it "leaned aside" and let the winter breeze fly by without say anything?" He asked, calling out to her.

Gou did not turn around as she replied back. "I will tell you later in English class."

Nagisa said nothing after, and watched the girl walked out the door. He would never know why the window flower "leaned aside" and let the winter breeze fly by without saying anything. Gou never brought it up in class or in the presentation. He never questioned why.