This is it: the final chapter of this story. I want to thank everyone who read and reviewed it, which kept me motivated to continue this little side project of mine. I'm generally pleased with how it turned out. I don't think there are enough good Helga/Olga fics out there and I was just motivated to make one. Since I've generally been pleased with this one I decided to explore a different aspect of the show: I've begun a prequel to this fic centered around the initial stages in Louis and Olga's relationship. There isn't really ANYTHING out there regarding how Olga is when she's away from her family, and I wanted to try and explore that topic. The first chapter of that fic has been released in concert with the last chapter of this one. It's called Fortune.

Anyway, for those of you reading this, I'm glad you enjoyed this fic, and hope to see you on the new one. Enjoy the last chapter!

It had been a little over three months since Helga had moved in with her sister and Louis. She was very pleased with the new house. It was a nice two-story townhouse which actually was within very easy walking distance of Phoebe's residence. This meant that Helga could spend more time with her best friend, a fact that she appreciated.

She hadn't heard a peep from either Bob or Miriam since that night. A few weeks after the confrontation, Helga was informed that legal guardianship over her had been quietly transferred to Olga. She really didn't think Bob cared that much, as long as his beeper business was safe. This made her sad and angry, but these feelings were now muted and manageable because of her new living situation. She wondered what Miriam thought of the whole thing, but didn't plan on contacting anyone in that house anytime soon.

She was told that Bob had tepidly tried to contact Olga a few times and sneak into the Philharmonic to see her perform, but Louis would have none of it, and Bob would not press the issue. He was simply put, terrified that Louis would pull the trigger and destroy his "beeper empire."

Helga sat in her room and laughed. It was such a stupid slogan for his business, even if it was successful. It sounded so pretentious, so blowhard-ish, so...Bob.

Still, Louis took no chances. In the unlikely even that Bob would try something, he had Helga get written affidavits from her therapist Dr. Bliss and her teachers at school. These reported on her progress, describing how much better she'd been doing since moving in with Louis and her sister. Her grades had improved, as well as her noticeable self-esteem. Although she was still bossy, Helga had stopped with the most obnoxious aspects of her bullying behavior, and got along much better with her classmates.

She looked out the window and smiled. Olga had cooked her a good breakfast, as usual. Olga had been kind as the day was long to her, taking meticulous care of her nutritional needs. She did not go to school without a tasty and healthy lunch courtesy of her sister, and Olga's desserts were some of of the most valuable commodities at P.S. 118. Helga had traded them for many a cool trinket at times.

Helga sat in her room this morning though, nervous. Today was a big day for her - the day of the contest held by the Playwright Society for Boys and Girls. With the encouragement of her sister and Louis, she had entered, and in his honor, Helga had crafted a play based around his family history: the court of King Louis XIV at Versailles. Louis thought the idea amusing, and generously allowed Helga access to his ancestor Louis Henri de Bourbon's memoirs (which he had digitized) of his father the King, his life at Versailles, and his later life in North America. Lovingly, she had cast Arnold in the role of Louis XIV. Who else would be worthy to play him?

Helga sighed in a daydream. She had not told Arnold her feelings yet of course, but she was growing more confident every day. Maybe...maybe sometime soon...

Her daydream was interrupted by a soft knock on her door. She knew who that was.

"Come in!"

Olga smiled at her and walked in softly. She was holding an elaborate dress that was wrapped in plastic to keep out dust.

"I've ironed your costume Helga. I think it'll look really good on you today. I just hope the other kids have paid attention to theirs!"

"Thanks Olga."

Olga smiled at her and placed it gently on the bed. She looked down at it gingerly.

"Are you ready for today? Do you want me to go over your lines with you one more time?"

"No, I think I'm ready." Helga answered.

"I suppose so. You've spent so much time with Phoebe on this...and especially with that Arnold kid! He's spent so much time here that he might as well be considered one of my own by now, I've cooked for him so many times!"

"Well...Arnold's the King...and I'm Madame de Maintenon, the King's secret wife. It's natural that we'd do a lot of practicing together."

"I wonder why though. It seemed you had your heart set on Arnold playing the King from the very beginning, and you would be Madame de Maintenon." Olga smiled.

Helga began to blush, and Olga smiled even more warmly.

"And cast Lila in the role of Madame de Montespan, the King's previous favorite mistress...and Louis' eighth great grandmother. Although Madame de Montespan was extremely beautiful and charmed Louis XIV for many years and bore him many was ultimately Madame de Maintenon that supplanted her and won his real love..." Olga trailed with the same warm smile. "And I've heard from Lila that Arnold used to have a big crush on her. He might even still have one, though he hasn't made any more moves." Now her smile grew devious. "Is there some kind of hidden message you want to convey here, my dearest baby sister?"

Helga's blush deepened. "! No...nothing like that!" She waved her hands in a nervous voice of denial. "It's's just...Arnold has the calmness needed to play the King that's all and I'm...I'm...the only one smart enough to play Madame de Maintenon!"

Olga's smile hadn't changed. "Whatever you say, Helga." She beamed and exited the room gracefully.

"Whew!" Helga wiped her brow and sauntered over to finish her breakfast, looking back at the dress a few times.

Helga walked down the stairs carrying her costume. She saw Louis waiting for her.

"Is Olga in the car?" She asked.

"Yeah." Louis answered. "You ready?" He smirked.

"Well...kind of." Helga trailed nervously.

"What do you mean kind of?" He asked curiously.

"Well it's just...there are so many other entrants in this contest from all over the city. I've been thinking about it. I'm nervous. I'm even scared. I've never really done anything like this before, except that spelling bee, and that's only because of Bob. What if all my work comes out to nothing? What if they don't like it?"

Louis grinned and knelt down to get a level view of her.

"Listen. In this world there's no guarantee of anything. You can't go on living by others expectations and thoughts. The only thing that should really matter to you is what's in here." He said, gently poking Helga's head.

"I know, but..."

"Helga, I have to say that I really think this one's a winner. It's ten times better than your last play, and keep in mind I wasn't the only one that thought that one was really good too. I've been to Versailles in person. I've seen it. I've listened and read all the family stories. Versailles is literally in my blood, and I think you capture its atmosphere as perfectly as someone your age can do. It's like Henry said to me: you've pushed yourself harder than you ever thought possible. That's really all that matters. You took a hit from the blowhard, got up, and put on something amazing. All the parents loved your dress rehearsals at school, remember that?"

Helga smiled and nodded.

"But Helga, even that part doesn't matter. All that matters is that you go out there and bring out the best in yourself. Your sister thinks you can win do I...but at the end of the day you need to do this for yourself. Yourself and no one else. And if you're satisfied with what you did, if you've poured your heart and soul into it with no alibis or excuses, then you've really already won, and I think you have."

Helga frowned and looked down at the ground, then back up again with a somber expression.

"I love you Louis." She said in an almost teary expression and threw her arms around him. He returned the embrace.

"I love you too." He smirked and then stood up. "C'mon or you're gonna be late." He declared while patting her on the back, moving her subtly towards the door.

"OK!" Helga said excitedly and rushed outside, taking one last look at the foyer of this, her new and beautiful home, cherishing it every day.

Olga honked her horn, and Helga turned to look at the stupidly-painted car. It was so annoying and girly! But Helga loved it all the same, and her sister, and everything that had to do with her. As Louis locked the door and got into the passenger seat, Helga only smiled and hugged them both before the car took off toward the Civic Auditorium.

It was the same place as the spelling bee from before, the same place where Olga had won many of her own trophies, which she had happily discarded from her concerns, leaving them behind in the past. Helga felt the same. She had come full circle, and the Civic Auditorium was a good place to end it all. Now she only desired one thing: to put on a good show and push herself as far as she could.

She was no longer really concerned about winning.