CH. 4 An Old...Friend Returns
Chapter 4 is here after so long, You guys can skip this you want, because I know you all want to read this. The reason I took so long is because I have college, as well as monetary problems that I had to help the family with, so I had to spend most of my time finding a way to get a new job as well. Now to make things clear I will make sure to not quit on this story or any others I may do. Also I decided to speed up the story a bit from what i originally intended, I may have also made mistakes so sorry for those, so there won't be any announcement in the bottom also. Oh and be warned for some OOCness. Now onto the story! (Sorry for taking so long.)
Disclaimer: I own nothing! Nothing I say! …Well...except this laptop...and my clothes…
"Wow the food here is good huh?" Izumi said as she grabbed some fried rice from her bowl, enjoying the taste of her food. All the while looking at Orion who was eating his own food.
"Indeed, I am enjoying this…Udon I believe it's called?" Orion said, getting a nod from Izumi telling him that he was correct. "Perhaps one day I shall try to learn to make some as good as this." Optimus said honestly, as he enjoyed his bowl of noodles and toppings.
"I wouldn't mind being able to make something as good as this." Izumi said, as she began to finish her dish and her drink, "I wonder what their other dishes would taste like," She said wondering about the other types of food they had here, she looked at Optimus and saw him finish his with a satisfied sigh. "Maybe I should try the Udon next time."
"It is quite good, my hunger quickly vanished the moment I have tried it." Optimus told her, with Izumi smiling at him and gave a small nod.
"Thanks for this Orion, next time I'll help pay to make up for today." She told him, seeing him shake his head.
"You don't have to Izumi, I would gladly pay for next time as well, like I said money would not be of concern, and as long as you are happy it is fine." Orion told her, as he finished his drink. Izumi sighed, somehow knowing that she wouldn't be able to change his mind about it and just nodded.
"Fine, but I will still try to make up for this alright?" She told him, as she then put a finger on his chest, as she looked at him with seriousness but had a smile on her face. This in turn made Orion get a small smile.
"Very well but until then I will gladly pay for you."
Izumi shook her head at that, 'Looks like I was right then,' Izumi giggled a bit 'Orion definitely a nice guy alright even if we only met about a week or so he already sees me as a friend, and he has this strange feeling of protection he gives off, I wonder if he knows or maybe thats just me?' Shrugging, she began to get up from her seat, with Optimus doing the same, and began to stretch a bit while following the blue haired teen to see him pay for the two.
After exiting the building Optimus looked at his phone to see the time and saw that there was enough time in the day for him to do anything, he then remembered what he told Izumi earlier.
"Izumi do you want me to help you with your work?" He asked her, confusing Izumi for a moment until she remembered their conversation near the forest, as well as remembering the small but honest compliment from him.
"Ah, sure I don't have anything to do right now anyway." She told him with a smile. Seeing him nod she then began to head in the direction to where their homes were, "Well lets go!" She said cheerfully she began to walk with Orion following, and as soon as he walked next to her, she wrapped her arms around his left arm, with Optimus getting used to her being in such a close proximity, he did not think much of it.
As they walked however they did not notice that they were being watched by someone who was sitting near a bench bus stop, this person put the newspaper he had down to see them walk away, showing that it was the the white robed man that had sent Optimus to this world, wearing a white hoodie that covered his face and normal blue jeans and brown shoes.
"Huh, seems Mr. Prime has already become friends with the dragon sacred gear user I see…could of sworn the that one was a male...meh." He said shrugging his shoulders, as soon as he saw them vanish from his sight, he began to fold the newspaper and had put it in a recycling bin next to him, then stood up, looking at the direction the two had walked, and began to leave. "Now I should probably finish working on them, the two only have a few days till they are ready so I should go and make sure everything is in order."
Before he left he heard a small beeping on his right ear, he put his middle and index fingers on his ear and answered (Like a codec from MGS) and a robotic female voice asked. "Sir, are you done with your surveillance?"
"Actually I was just coming back, something Happen Glados?" He asked as he entered an alley way.
"Yes unfortunately…" Glados answered exasperatedly. This caused the robed figure to stop, as he closed his eyes and began to hope it that it didn't involve…him.
"What happened?" He asked breathing deeply as he prepared for the answer.
"It seems the moron (Hooded man: Sonofabitch!) worked on...the other one, by following the steps you did to the previous transformer and has finished with his progress, and I believe he will awaken in a hour or two… I will give him credit however as he did the job well all things considered."
This surprised him, Glados? Praising Wheatley?
…Did This worlds hell freeze over?
...Or did a alternate universe flash from existence?
...Wait the other one? ...Damnit.
"*Sigh* Well better get there before things turn ugly. Guess I will have to speed things along for the other two then." A step later and he disappeared in a flash of light that no one would have noticed even if they paid attention. HOwever if someone were nearby they would have heard a voice saying 'Goddamnit Wheatley'.
Inside the old school building of Kuoh Academy…
Inside a room we can see the four members of the Occult Club inside and they were all looking at something with three of them looking as if they were in thought and one looking the same as she normally does.
"…Are you sure he could not be an angel captain?" Kiba said, as he looked towards their red haired leader, "It could still be a possibility."
Rias Gremory shook her head as she looked at the small blue strand of hair they brought with them which was placed on top of a small table. "I am quite sure he is not one, although I could be wrong however I can not be certain." She said as Rias looked towards the knight, "Did you managed to see something that could give you a clue from the times you observed him?" She asked, and saw him shake his head.
"No unfortunately I didn't, but he does not seem like someone that could be associated with those such as the fallen angels, that I can tell." He said, as he gained the attention of the other two.
"What makes you say that Kiba?" Akeno asked with a tilt to her head, curious on why the blond knight could be sure the blue haired enigma was not a fallen angel.
"Well although he has only been for a week or so, you have admit that a fallen angel would not suit him." Kiba told them as he saw them look thoughtful for a while before they nodded.
"Yes, I do have to admit that Orion Pax does not seem give the sense of danger for all those times we saw him." Rias admitted, as she then began to remember that the young blue haired man would give off this strange aura, not of malevolence, but one that could give the strange sense of peace and…something else.
"He could be a devil, however I feel that could not be any closer from the truth…" Akeno said as she threw in her thoughts, gaining the attention of the others. And strangely they all agreed to that.
"Alright so he may or may not be an angel, that we can tell, Kiba when you get the chance try to observe Orion Pax just as you have done for the past few days, maybe then we can be sure if he is an angel or not." Rias said as she faced him and saw him be in thought for a bit before he nodded. "Is there something wrong Kiba?" She asked wondering why the knight seemed to be in thought.
Kiba looked and saw that Rias, as well as Akeno and Koneko looked at him wanting to know what was on his mind. And he told them, "I believe that …might know that he is being watched." This surprised them, as well as Koneko as her eyebrows went up a bit.
"Are you certain of that Kiba?" Rias asked, and got another nod from him.
"Yes in fact, I believe the only times I could observe him well was when he was with Izumi Hyoudou and her friends after a while." Kiba answered truthfully, and began to tell a bit more. "I believe that our suspicions of being some sort of warrior could be considered truthful if the death of the stray devil would not be proof enough."
"Agreed." Koneko said as Kiba nodded at her direction and she nodded back.
"Well then…it seems that if we want answers…" Rias began, and Akeno got a big smile as she knew what their buxom red haired leader had in mind.
"Perhaps you should try to befriend him then Kiba." Akeno said, as Rias looked at her queen and nodded in agreement and began to ask him.
"Indeed, do you think you will be able too?"
"I think I can actually, he doesn't seem like one to have bad intentions, and I think maybe we could get along." Kiba said truthfully. Surprising Rias at how he seemed to be sure that he and the blue haired enigma could indeed be trustworthy, and somehow she felt that indeed he could.
"My my Kiba, you sound really sure about that, but I do believe you are right." Akeno said as she put her arm under her bountiful breasts, voicing what the three females of the peerage were thinking. This made Kiba scratch the back of his head as he chuckled, agreeing that it did seem strange but Akeno was certain that it could be true. "But it does seem like that, doesn't it? I guess if we really wish to know we could all try to befriend him to know as well." She said, as she saw Koneko nod at that.
"Well then is what we will do, and we can find out if he really is an angel or not, and we can do this without any problems for anyone, however I don't think we will need to worry about that." Rias said, seeing that if both Kiba and Akeno were sure then she would put her trust in them. And after a while Rias also added.
"Orion Pax is also friends with Izumi Hyoudou so perhaps he knows what she holds inside of her, and if what we can tell is certain then indeed, he has no intentions in harming her since we can be sure that he will not do such a thing."
"When do think you think will be a good time captain?" Akeno asked her friend wondering when she will let the brown haired girl in on their peerage.
"When the time is ready, although I do not know when but I believe that somehow i will know." Rias answered truthfully, Akeno nod with a smile. "Well then we should probably finish these contracts of ours then."
"Right." Kiba said, as he prepared to make some take some contracts and then began to leave, with Koneko preparing to do the same.
"Well captain, should we get started on finishing our own contracts?" Akeno asked her friend, as she saw Rias sigh and nod.
"Yes lets see if we can finish early so I can take a shower." She said as she prepared to leave with Akeno following her. Before they did however Rias wanted to ask Akeno something. "Akeno."
"Yes captain?" Akeno said as she faced the red head.
"Do you think Kiba was right about being able to befriend Orion Pax?" Rias didn't have any doubts about Kiba able to, she just wanted to know what her queen thought about it since she agreed with him.
Akeno hummed as she tapped her chin with her index finger, and then faced Rias and smiled, "I believe he can captain, if he says Mr. Pax means no harm then we can trust Kiba." Rias smiled and nodded as they now disappeared in a flash of light and were gone from the room.
Back with Optimus…
Optimus was not sure why, but he felt his nose twitch again as it had done a few days ago, but ignored it, as he looked towards Izumi who was looking at him with wonder in her eyes, making him sweatdrop.
"You make this look easy Orion!" Izumi told him, as she began to look over her schoolwork from where she was seated, seeing as she managed to finish it in an hour or so thanks to Orion giving her advice, who was standing the whole time he helped her. "This was the fastest time I've finished any kind of work the school would leave us.
'Well I have somehow been given the ability to still think fast as a machine even with my human body so that definitely helped…' Optimus thought to himself. "Well I am glad I was able to help you Izumi, and if you need any help in the future do not hesitate to ask." He told her, which made Izumi smile in gratitude.
"Thanks Orion, oh and sorry about my parents being…strange earlier." She said looking embarrassed while scratching her cheek. Optimus remembered earlier when Izumi introduced him and he greeted them as their neighbor, both her parents were staring at him in amazement, and started looking at him, then at Izumi, and then back to him, making him wonder if there was something wrong.
After they introduced themselves to him, Izumi told them that Optimus was going to help her with her homework, they told her not to do anything to traumatize the poor boy. Confusing him, while making Izumi yell out what they meant, which earned her a look from both of them that said, 'You know what we mean'. This made her eyebrow twitch with a blush on her face, while Optimus only watched, still confused.
"It is fine, really…" Although Optimus still was confused about that but he let it drop. "I suppose I shall head back home and spend the rest of my day there." He said, as he stretched a bit and saw Izumi stand up to do the same.
"Alright, seems fair." She told him, earning her another nod from him. As they both headed towards the front door and Optimus thanked her parents for having him in their home, which they told him was no problem and that he can visit when he wants to.
"Well Izumi, I hope I have done well in helping you." Optimus told her, as she and him both stood in the front of her home.
"You did great Orion really." She told him honestly, which earned her another of his smiles, which were quickly becoming one of her favorite things about him while making her heart beat a bit faster .
"Have a wonderful night then Izumi." He told her as began to leave making a quick wave goodbye, which she returned as she saw him disappear into his home and after a while she entered her home, as she did she sighed happily as she then began to think of ways to make sure she and Orion would be a couple.
Seeing her daughter back Ms. Hyoudou said something to her, breaking Izumi of her thoughts. "Hmm? What was that mom?"
"Oh, I said that Orion seemed really nice." Izumi nodded.
"Yeah he is *Sigh* and soon he'll be my boyfriend…" She said as she again started getting thoughts of the two of them together, then began to remember how fit Orion was from that time in the academy which made her start to laugh perversely.
Seeing this her mother sweatdropped and and sighed. "Again, just please try not to traumatize the poor boy dear." She reminded her daughter of what they said to her earlier, as she remembered how Izumi spoke of this boy, who they didn't know was their new neighbor, for a week, honestly the adults thought that their daughter was making up another fake boyfriend until she brought him here.
This made Izumi's eye twitch, "Could you please stop saying that, and please don't say those type of things when he is around." This earned her the same look from earlier, making Izumi's eyebrow twitch faster, "And please stop giving me that look!"
With Optimus…
Once Inside his home when Optimus closed and locked the door he saw a few of the small cleaning machines in the corner under a table, and they appeared to be shaking in terror from something, deciding to know what was scaring them Optimus approached the small bundle and asked the small machines. "What has gotten you all afraid?" As soon as he finished saying that Optimus heard a very familiar voice that made him freeze on the spot.
"Optimus Prime, it has been a while." The owner of the voice said as he approached from a few feet away from Optimus.
Facing the one who spoke to him, Optimus saw bright red human eyes staring at him as their face and their body was being covered by the darkness of the house.
"Megatron." Optimus said without a hint of emotion in his voice. Looking at him straight in the eyes which also gave no emotion away.
As soon as he said his name, Megatron grinned and took a step forward in near a window, with the moonlight now shining on his face, Optimus was surprised at his oldest enemy new appearance but did not show it, he began to walk towards him slowly and stopped in front of him, while taking in his appearance.
He was the same height as Optimus, but that was all that made Megatron similar to him, as this new Megatron had grayish hair that seem to match the color of his old machine body, his red eyes that looked at Optimus in amusement, and was wearing the same type of clothing Optimus was now wearing, but with Megatrons old color which was grey mixed with a bit of purple.
Megatron opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted, by a hard punch to the face courtesy of Optimus, said punch had created a shockwave around the house which blew a few things away, while a few things hanging from the walls fell down, and breaking the window that they were both standing near. Said punched also made Megatron fall right on his face and destroyed a bit of the floor in the process.
A few seconds passed and no noise was heard except from the small machines which were still trembling from behind Optimus. Then the silence was broken by the sound of a chuckle, which soon turned into laughter, as Megatron began to stand up and despite being a bit disoriented however, he successfully managed to stand up, now facing Optimus, making Optimus see how much damage he gave his old nemesis.
Megatron's face however showed minor damage with him bleeding from his mouth, as a helmet which looked similar to Megatron's old robotic face began to disappear in a small crackle of electricity as it began to fix itself from the well placed dent that was left on it, showing that the helmet took the brunt of the attack.
"So...was that enough or would you like to through a few more?" Megatron asked as he wiped the blood from his mouth.
Breathing in deeply and letting it out, Optimus calmly answered him. "Yes...and it was satisfying."
Chuckling Megatron headed to the kitchen and turned on the sink, as he began to spit out blood out while taking in water, "So then you probably know why I am here then." He asked, continuing with getting the taste of blood out of his mouth.
"Indeed...although I am surprised you went along with it." Optimus told him, getting another chuckle from Megatron.
"I was furious at first, extremely, but after I found out you were involved, I went along with it." Done cleaning his mouth, Megatron turned of the sink and cleaned his face with a towel.
"So you wish to see this world's progress?"
"Prime, it is war, something that we are both familiar with."
"...*Sigh* Try not to cause trouble will you, I will tell you a bit of one of the creatures we may face in the future tomorrow, I will be heading to sleep." This made Megatron, raise an eyebrow as he saw that Optimus climbing the stairs to what he guessed would be his room.
"...Well that was...easy" Megatron said, as he began to take out what looked like a chocolate bar from the one of the cabinets and began to eat it. "*Crunch**Crunch* I will admit *Crunch* these earthling treats are heavenly on my newly aquired taste buds…" Megatron said as he began to finish the chocolate, but before he could he was once again punched again by Optimus, making Megatron fall into the kitchens tile floor while Optimus started to pick up the rest of the Chocolates and began to take them with him.
"These are off limits to anyone but me. You have been warned" Was all Optimus said as he disappeared back upstairs. Leaving Megatron on the floor with his face on the cold floor.
"I believe this is what humans would call…worth" Megatron said, as blood began to pool up and a crunching noise could be heard, "Yes...worth." The small machines that were afraid of him began to do their job as a few more began to show up and now began to clean the home, with few were being brave enough to get close enough to Megatron's floored body to clean up his blood as the others cleaned the kitchen due to Optimus's punch.
One machine in particular could be heard making a small beeps showing its amusement of seeing the 'Almighty Megatron' in such a state.