DISCLAIMER: Yata Misaki, Fushimi Saruhiko, and anything else you regonize does not belong to me.

Times Lost

Yata sat on the floor, eyes focused on the tv and fingers jamming on the controller.

He heard the front door reek open as the screen flashed game over in bright red.

"I'm home."

Crawling to his feet, Yata called back, "Welcome back. Did you get the cola and yogurt?"

"Yeah. I bought pickles for myself so keep your hands off them." Yata walked into the kitchen, finding Fushimi already putting the groceries in the fridge.

"Uh huh." Yata plopped down on a stool by the island and started shifting through the bag. "Mom called. They're in Austria now."

"I'll call mine later and remind her to go see an opera." Yata twisted the cap off the jar he pulled from the plastic as Fushimi spoke, "You did your chem worksheet right?"

"No. I'll do it after i beat this level."

Fushimi must have noticed that his words were muffled and slurred because he turned around. His eyes narrowed. "Didn't I just say those were mine?"

Yata spoke around the pickle in his mouth, "But you got the food ones."

Fushimi darted forward, hand out stretched, just as Yata flipped off the stool.

They sat there for a moment, apartment deadly silent with Fushimi folded in half over the island and Yata on the floor with a pickle in his mouth, before bursting into laughter.

"-ta! -ata!"

Yata woke up to find Shouhei and Chitose looming over him with worry in their eyes.

"What?" he questioned,glancing between the two.

Shouhei chewed on his lip before glancing at Chitose.

The senior HOMRA member sighed. He ran a hand through his hair before saying, "You haven't been sleeping a lot since you haven't been sleeping lately but..."

"But what?" Yata growled. "Just get to the point."

"You started crying," Kusanagi informed from the bar. Yata reached up to touch his cheek and huh, it was actually wet. "Is everything okay?"

Yata thought of the memory before answering. "Yeah...It was just a nightmare."

E/n: All the new information on their relationship pre-separation made me want to write something on these two even though it's something I don't typically write, so I apologize if I've butchered their characters.

There's also a line in here about their mothers so I thought i'd explain: My take on them living together is that their mothers are close friends gallivanting around the world together.