
Thanks for the reviews and the story alerts. They always make me happy :D
So here is the last chapter of this story.


' So here you have been hiding, master Baggins.'

Bilbo turned on his heels, finding Thorin standing in the doorway.

A quick look around made clear there was no escaping, he was stuck.

' Oh no, you have no way to go, little one.' The dwarf chuckled as he came in, closing the door behind him.

Bilbo, who was scared to death now he was alone in a room with Thorin, stood with his back against the wall.

He shivered when the dwarven king pierced his blue eyes on him, slowly coming towards him.

' You can run, but you can't hide, Bilbo.' Thorin said when he was right in front of the halfling.

Bilbo tried to slip past the dwarf, if he succeeded he would have a shot to get at the door.

Thorin prevented his escape, he pinned the little hobbit against the wall, keeping him there by leaning over him, only his hand touching the wall.

Bilbo felt intimidated by the dwarf, he felt so tiny now the dwarf leaned over him, so tall and so confident as he was.

' What are you keeping from me, Bilbo?' Thorin asked as he caught the halfling's gaze.

Bilbo felt his cheeks flush red, his heart started to beat like crazy and he couldn't breath.
He felt like fainting now Thorin was so close to him.

' Not... Nothing.' Bilbo stuttered. ' I swear.'

Thorin slightly raised his eyebrow, what made Bilbo's heart beat even faster.

' Don't lie to me, master Baggins.' The dwarven king said, his voice soft. ' I do not appreciate liars.'

Bilbo swallowed loudly. ' Thorin, please. I can't breath when you are this close to me.'

The halfling was on the edge of bursting out into tears and as Thorin noticed it, he took a step back from him.

' Calm down, Bilbo.' He said, giving the hobbit a little smile. ' I'm not mad at you, I'm not going to harm you. I only want to know what you are not telling me.'

' I know you would never harm me.' Bilbo replied, trying to catch his breath.

Now the dwarf was a few steps away from him and Bilbo himself wasn't distracted by Thorin's lips anymore, he started to think straight again.

' Bilbo..., I'm waiting.' Thorin said, hoping to get an answer.

' Fine then.' Bilbo sighed. ' I'll tell you.'

The halfling sat down in one of the chairs, Thorin following his lead.

' I wanted to leave, I wanted to go back to the Shire.' Bilbo started, trying to keep his voice from breaking. ' Things where said, but when I actually left, you came after me and you tripped on the staircase, which made you fall and hit your head, leading to unconsciousness.'

Thorin frowned. ' What things where said?'

' Please don't make me repeat them.' Bilbo whispered. ' Please don't do that to me.'

' Come here.' Thorin sighed, realizing the hobbit wasn't comfortable with his questions.

' Why?' He squeaked, his eyes growing wide out of fear.

' Get over here, Bilbo!'

The halfling almost jumped out of his chair, then slowly walked to Thorin, who picked him up and established him on his lap.

Bilbo looked at him in wonder, what was he doing?

' Tell me, Bilbo.' The dwarven king whispered. ' I need to know.'

' You told me how you felt about me.' Bilbo blurted out. ' At least, the you without memories did.'

He stared at Thorin, not knowing what to expect from him now he had told him.

The dwarven king slowly nodded. ' I can believe that.'

' And I ran away, I only wanted the you with memories.' Bilbo continued, burying his face in Thorin's chest. ' Because those shared memories matter to me.'

Bilbo looked up when Thorin didn't immediately answer, his breath stocked in his troth when he saw the dwarf's face.

' Thorin?' He managed to get out.

The dwarf smiled. ' Breath, Bilbo. Breath.'

Bilbo sighed in relief when he saw the love in Thorin's eyes, he did care for him.

' I need to tell you something.' Thorin said, his face slightly worried. ' And I don't know how you are going to react on it.'

' Go on.' Bilbo said, wondering what could be worse then what he just had to do.

' When I got my memories back.' Thorin started. ' I remembered something what happened in what I thought where my last seconds on earth. I only don't know if it was real or if it was a dream.'

The hobbit's entire face flashed fire red when he realized where Thorin was going.

' About,.. About that,... I wasn't... thinking,...'

Before another word could come out of his mouth, Thorin's lips captured his.

Surprised by this sudden gesture of love, Bilbo let out a small shriek, which made Thorin pull back.

' You don't want this?' He asked disappointed when he saw the halflings confused face. ' I'm sorry, I thought...'

' No,... no,... I do, I only..., wasn't... I wasn't,... expecting this.' Bilbo stuttered, his heart racing in his chest. ' For the love of Mahal, Thorin. Don't you see what you are doing with me!'

' Tell me, what am I doing to you?' The dwarf asked, a little smile around the corner of his lips.

' You are driving me crazy. Whenever you are around my heart is beating like crazy.'Bilbo blurted out. ' If you touch me, even by accident, my mind goes blank and when you are this close to me I'm just not able to breath.'

' You have the same effect on me, little one.' Thorin replied, his cheeks flushing red with this confession. ' It's like you are a drug and I am the addict. I should stay away from you but I can't.'

' We both should go into rehab.' Bilbo whispered softly.

' Or we just loose ourselves in our addiction.' Thorin growled, his voice hoarse.

The dwarf's blue eyes locked with the halfling's brown ones and for a moment they kept staring at each other, both faces filled with desire for the other.

Bilbo let out a little moan of pleasure when Thorin gently kissed him again, the dwarf's beard pleasantly tickling his face.

Thorin brushed Bilbo's hair with his fingers, cupping the hobbit's face with his other hand.

He let out a little growl when the halfling bit his lip, making him open his mouth a little to let his lover's tongue explore.

He felt like his entire being was on fire and yet it didn't hurt, it was overwhelming actually, the amount of love he felt for such a tiny being.

Bilbo felt the same, passion burning in every fiber of his being, they could steal his house and he wouldn't care, because only now he had found his home, with Thorin.

Both where breathing heavy when they pulled back, their heads still against each other.

' I am so not going into rehab.' Bilbo stated.

And with that his lips attacked Thorin's once more.

So, I hope you liked it.
Don't forget to leave a review. ;)
