The rabbit and the wolf lay under the moonlight. The wolf clutched the rabbit close while the herbivore cuddled, murmuring softly, into the predator's chest. It was then that Yamato spoke; of himself, of his life. And Hibiki listened, entranced at the smooth, even tone of Yamato's voice.

"I was... I am the chief of the wolf pack that resided at the edge of the forest. My parents died in a brushfire when I was young. I was taken by the wolf elders and was raised away from the other wolves of the pack. I was trained in all subjects they considered "relevant", such as hunting, pack politics, and of course, using my powers. All other things were considered irrelevant. The elders made me chief when I was little more than a cub. And under my leadership and at the elders' prompting, our pack's territory expanded. Our hunting grounds were larger than ever before, but most of the pack was starving as the elders and their followers always get their paws first in any prey that we hunt. Afterwards, there's hardly anything left for the rest of the pack to eat. Even then, the elders kept on telling me to use my powers in the hunt, to get more food to gorge themselves on while my people die starving. I'd had enough of their reprehensible deeds…" Yamato growled. Dark anger showed on his face and his ears twitched in agitation. Then the rabbit, his rabbit shifted beside him. Instantly, his dark mood lightened and he calmed down, turning to stare at the herbivore's blue eyes. The rabbit's eyes held no pity, only concern. Yamato was grateful for that. "…So, that night when you saw me… I planned to separate the rest of the pack from the elders and their followers by baiting myself on that rock. It was also there that I could see my followers slipping away while the elders searched for me, tracking my scent in the wind. But… when I saw you, all I thought was that the other wolves would be here soon and you, a rabbit, would have little chance to survive if I had to fight a dozen or so wolves right there and then… So… I slipped away before the elders could figure out that I was in that direction…"

Yamato looked astonished, like he had just realized what he was saying. "I had no idea why I did such a thing…" He said wonderingly.

Hibiki laid a hand on Yamato's cheek. "Mmm, there were a lot of things that can't be explained that night. Like the part where I realized that I couldn't run away from you, wolf, and I didn't even think of running from an animal that could eat me."

"Already eaten by me…" Yamato smirked and nipped at that hand.

"You- baka!" Hibiki swatted playfully at Yamato. The wolf chuckled in response. This started a bout of play-fighting between prey and predator that sent laughter echoing into the night air.

After a while, Hibiki stilled and snuggled back into Yamato's chest. "…Even then, Yamato, I felt drawn to you… Did you feel the same for me back then…?" He asked softly.

Yamato became silent. "…Yes" He finally acceded. Hibiki felt his heart soar at his one word. "Even then… I felt that you were a half of me that I cannot explain."

"Yamato…" Hibiki could say no more as his lips were claimed once more in a kiss. Then prey and predator shifted closer to each other in their embrace.

But there was a question burning in Hibiki's mind. There was one more thing he was dying to know from his lover. "Yamato, how did you get your powers?"

"Hmm?" Yamato turned to look at Hibiki. "They were bestowed on me from the moon. I had them since I was a child."

"Oh…" Hibiki went silent. Then what he said next caused Yamato to sit upright in shock. "I want you to use them on me."

Yamato was dumbfounded. "You… want me to use them on you…?" No one had been willing to be subjected to his powers before. His powers do not cause direct harm but they cause a great disadvantage to the ones he'd used it on. "Are you serious?"

Hibiki sat up as well and pinned serious blue eyes on the wolf. "Yes I am, Yamato. Please… use your powers on me." He said in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Alright… If that is what you want…" Yamato said uncertainly. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to manipulate the shadows cast by the moonlight around them to blind the rabbit just a little bit.

Hibiki pouted. "Are you holding back on me, Yamato? You don't have to, my wolf. Do it like you did to those wolves earlier."

This time it was Yamato who frowned in concentration. He used his powers to their full extent until the clearing they were in seemed to be devoid of light. But the rabbit's blue eyes still shone in the darkness.

"…I don't understand…" Hibiki muttered dejectedly. "I could feel your powers working and it's all dark around… But I can still see…"

"I'm trying…" Yamato grit his teeth in concentration. Suddenly, something occurred to him. "Wait, you could feel my powers working?" His tone echoed in surprise.

"Hello, Yamato the wolf."

"GYAAAHHH!" Hibiki jumped a foot in the air then whirled around at the voice that spoke right behind him. What he saw was… a being. A being floating off the ground, dressed in a black-and-red-ensemble, white hair, white eyes, and glowing with a mysterious aura. One thing was for sure, this guy is not from Earth.

"It has been a while since you used your powers this intensely, Yamato-ookami." The being smiled mysteriously. "How have you been faring?"

"…Alcor." Yamato crossed his arms and glared at the guy, a little annoyed that his glare didn't have an effect on the latter who continued smiling. Usually, Alcor's visits are unwanted and unwelcome for the wolf but this time Yamato was a little thankful that he decided to show up. He might have the answer as to why his powers didn't work on Hibiki. Even more peculiar was the fact that Hibiki could sense his powers even when he wasn't affected by them. Every other creature Yamato used his powers on unerringly lost their sight and failed to sense or see him until he struck his first blow. The rabbit was the only one immune to his powers.

"A-alcor? Who- what is he…?" Hibiki whispered at his side.

Yamato looped an arm around the rabbit. "He is a moon spirit. He's the one who gave me my powers."

"Really…? He did?" Hibiki trained wide eyes on Alcor and his ears perked in the moon spirit's direction. Yamato could almost feel the herbivore's curiosity at the ethereal creature. The wolf was amused. His rabbit was not afraid, just startled when Alcor popped out of nowhere. /I don't blame him… I used to jump out of my skin whenever Alcor did that when I was a cub./ Yamato snickered.

"Oh? How rare…" Alcor floated to the side where Yamato kept Hibiki partially hidden. Yamato growled slightly while tightening his hand on the rabbit's shoulder. "A hare and a wolf… together. Woodland animals are such interesting creatures." The moon spirit's grin could only be described as happy.

Alcor stopped and levitated where he was. "Yet… there is something about you…" He cupped his chin in a contemplative gesture, staring at the blue eyes of the rabbit.

"Yes, yes, Alcor." Yamato said impatiently. "He isn't affected by my powers. He can even detect them."

"Can't be affected by Yamato's powers…? A hare that can feel the power of the moon…?" Alcor said wonderingly. Suddenly, Alcor clapped his hands. He had a happy twinkle in his eyes. "Aha! You have found him, Yamato-ookami!" The spirit floated closer to Hibiki and surprised both wolf and rabbit when he grabbed both of Hibiki's hands.

"What?" Yamato barked, unnerved at the sudden closeness of the spirit and tamping down the desire to lash out at him for daring to touch his rabbit.

"You have found him! You have found the Shining One, Yamato!" Alcor smiled, unmindful of Yamato's predicament. He shook Hibiki's hands vigorously in his excitement.

"Shining… One…?" Hibiki looked utterly confused. Yamato would've laughed at his expression if he wasn't busy controlling his mad desire to tear Alcor into shreds.

"Yes, Shining One." The moon spirit grinned more widely. "You are the Lunar Hare. You are Yamato's other half."

"I… I am?" The blue eyes were wide in wonder.

"What do you mean, Alcor?" Yamato asked, heart beating wildly.

"You see, Shining One, Yamato draws his powers from the dark side of the moon. Yours, if you choose to accept it, will come from the light side of the moon." Alcor explained. "Therefore, with the two of you together, the both of you will become immeasurably stronger. None will be able to harm you and the denizens of this forest as long as you two shall live."

The moon spirit let go of the rabbit's hands and floated in front of the two. He lifted his hands palms-up and trained twinkling eyes on the rabbit and the wolf in front of him.

"Will you, Hibiki the Rabbit, become the Lunar Hare and accept your destiny as a guardian of the forest?" Alcor intoned, his voice echoing throughout the clearing. "Will you reaffirm your bond with Yamato the Lunar Wolf and become the true half of his being?"

Hibiki's heart beat a fast tempo in his ears as he took in Alcor's words. He glanced at the welcoming, glowing moon spirit and then at the wolf, his wolf. For once, Yamato seemed stunned beyond words, staring blankly ahead with wide eyes. But he broke out of his trance at the feel of the herbivore's expectant eyes on him and he turned to face the rabbit. Hibiki's heart skipped a beat as Yamato smiled a breath-taking grin and took his hand into the warmth of the wolf's own.

"I will." The rabbit said softly. Tears of sheer joy gathered in the corners of his eyes. Everything was happening so fast! He and his wolf had just consummated their love. Now, an otherworldly creature is offering him the power to protect himself and his mate. His… no, their friends, their home, their lives… He'll have the power to protect them all. It was overwhelming! It was mind-blowing! It was all he ever wanted. "I do."

Alcor heard and he smiled. The clearing brightened as shafts of moonlight rained down upon them. "Then… the blessing of the moon is with you, Hibiki the Lunar Hare."

Suddenly, the beams of light honed in on Hibiki like a beacon. Yamato watched transfixed as Hibiki was bathed in pearly white light of the moon. The enchanted light reflected off the rabbit's silky midnight locks like morning dew upon a leaf and his white coat gleamed like sunlight. Hibiki slowly raised his hands as if seeing them for the first time. And when he turned and looked at Yamato, it was as if time had stopped as the wolf was captured into those eyes… Those eyes of the bluest sky the wolf has ever seen.

"Beautiful." Yamato hardly noticed that he said it, but he realized that he must have when Hibiki's cheeks tinged red as he blushed. Somehow, his slightly embarrassed reaction perfected the vision Yamato had of his mate. And even if he could, he would never avert his eyes from the beauty that was right in front of him.

Alcor smiled knowingly. Yamato was too transfixed on his mate to display his usual hostility towards him. That's why he just blindly reached out his hand as Alcor said: "Now, you two. Please hold out your hands to me." Hibiki followed tentatively as well, as he was also staring at Yamato.

Alcor's smile widened. "Now, let's fly."

"What? Woah!" Hibiki exclaimed as he was tugged upwards by Alcor who took off like a falcon. He heard Yamato grumbling audibly by his side; something about a "freaky alien-spirit" and "the worst timing ever". He laughed in exhilaration, then laughed even more at the feel of the air rushing through his ears and his coat, and the view of the forest from up high. His laughter turned Yamato's frown upside down and reaffirmed Alcor's conviction. The two were fated to be companions. He was sure of that now. If they are together, they will be able to use the moon's gift to the fullest extent. And that means; they will be able to do this as well.

"I am going to let the two of you go now." Alcor said brightly, ignoring the surprised "Huh?!" from Hibiki and the "Hrgh." grumble from Yamato. "You should be able to fly with you and Yamato's combined abilities. Don't worry, you should be able to do it. Ta~!" And with that, Alcor let go of their hands.

"Wahhhhhhhh!" The two woodland animals tumbled down from dizzying height, the cold, hard ground approaching them rapidly. Hibiki had his arms stretched out in a vain attempt to imitate the birds but it didn't slow down his descent at all. Then he felt warm fingers twine with his own. A glance beside him told him that Yamato's hand had intertwined with his. Somehow, the sight of his lover calmed his heart tremendously.

"It's all right, Hibiki. If Alcor says we can do it, then we can. He hasn't lied yet." The expression though on Yamato's face plainly said that he will murder that moon spirit as soon as he'll get his hands on him. Hibiki would've felt worried for Alcor if he wasn't busy worrying about their imminent demise right now.

"Okay, we'll activate our powers on the count of three. Ready?" Yamato shouted above the rushing wind. The rabbit nodded, bracing himself.

"Three!" Hibiki activated his newly acquired powers and he could feel that Yamato had activated his own. There was a heart-stopping split-second when he thought that it didn't work, that they'll just end up as road kill on the ground, but gradually, miraculously, their descent slowed and stopped altogether. A pearly-white aura glowed around the two as they floated in mid-air. They revolved around each other, seemingly encased in a gravitational field of their own.

"Are you alright, Hibiki?" Yamato asked, concerned.

"Yes… I'm alright, Yamato. How about you?"

"Never been better." Yamato said with a cocksure grin. He pulled the rabbit closer. "Now, Hibiki, want to try flying once more?"

"If I'm with you, Yamato, I'd try anything." Came Hibiki's confident reply. Yamato smirked. /That's my rabbit./

"Hold close to me now. Here… we… go!" As one, they shot off into the sky. Hibiki watched in awe as the ground shrank below them. He looked up and he saw the clouds growing larger as they sped towards the heavens. He glanced at Yamato when they broke through the cloud line and saw him smile. A genuine, true smile… Without a care in the world. The sight had him grinning like an idiot, immensely happy that Yamato could make such an expression and that he was there to see it. He felt Yamato's arms tighten around him. He opened his eyes to see bright gray eyes staring straight into his. Slowly, their foreheads touched and their breaths became one. Their intertwined forms became one silhouette under the light of the moon.

Alcor floated by the side, unnoticed by the two who were so intent with one another. But he didn't mind. He was glad for them. Finally, the half can be whole once more. The wolf won't be lonely anymore now that he's found his equal… his other half. With this, the ancient pact of the moon is fulfilled. He had done his job. All that's left is to watch them from afar… and visit unexpectedly from time to time. He chuckled, the sound echoing thru the night air as he ascended in a beam of light towards the heavens.

Slowly, Yamato and Hibiki descended. They landed on an outcropping of rock surrounded by a meadow on the edge of the forest.

"Do you remember this place, Hibiki?" Yamato asked quietly, holding Hibiki's hand.

Hibiki smiled. "How could I not remember? This was the place where we first met, Yamato."

Yamato's hand tightened around his. "Yes, and we've gone full circle since then, my rabbit."

Hibiki chuckled. "I don't regret the things that have led me to this very moment, Yamato. I don't regret the things that have led me to you."

"As do I, my rabbit… As do I."

Yamato lifted Hibiki's hand and gently, reverently, kissed it. "Will you go on this adventure with me, Hibiki?"

"Always, Yamato."