Disclaimer: Not mine.

Warning 2 (1st was in the summary): - If you are offended then visit my profile.

Halloween, 1981

James came in bustling in his; he had been celebrating Halloween with Sirius a pub nearby under polyjuice potion. He was going mad being locked up in his house with nothing to do. All the liquor that he had downed evaporated from his body as he saw the scene that greeted him at his house.

The door was barely hanging by its hinges; the walls surrounding it were blackened by the effect of the curse that had hit the door. James' mind caught up quickly what this meant but all his mind could worry about was his wife and his son.

He ran inside searching and hoping desperately that his wife and son were all right but with every step he was losing hope that he had barely holding. He checked the ground floor but finding nothing, he ran up to Harry's nursery.

The sight caused James to drop on his knees. His wife lay dead on the floor as if asleep. His son was lying not too far from there. A dark cloak lay near the entrance of the door near James' feet. James could not comprehend what had happened; his brain was still trying to process the information that his family was now dead. He was shaken out of his still mind by the shrill voice of an infant's cry. James looked up and his gaze fell on Harry who was crying in his crib.

Slowly James raised himself and forced his feet to move forward. He reached Harry and stared at the crying infant for a moment that had his eyes closed and his face scrunched. Harry as if sensing his father, opened his eyes to look at his father.

Those eyes, those green vibrant eyes, those eyes that belonged to his lovely wife, stared back at him. In that moment James did not see his son but all he saw were his wife's eyes staring back at him.

James lowered himself and scooped the crying infant in his hands. James stared at his son for some more time and then pressed him against his chest. "Daddy's going to look after you, son."

James then brought the infant so that Harry was facing James. "Daddy loves you, Harry." James kissed the child's forehead. "Daddy loves you son." James then proceeded to kiss the child's cheek. "Daddy loves you so, so much." James then kissed the child on lips and gave Harry his first of the many father son kisses.



A five year old Harry came in the house running, his clothes dirty. Mud covered his pants, especially near the edges, ankles, and knees. "Da! Da!" the child cried out for his father in obvious joy.

"What is it Harry?" came a questioning voice from somewhere inside the house. The voice was followed by the man himself, who had been called by the child.

"Look what mess you have created." The man said with obvious disapproval. "You need a bath." The man continued with a sadistic glee. The child scrunched his face in distaste but said nothing. James then picked his son and proceeded to rake him towards the bathroom.

James opened the tap to fill the bath tub and then threw in some salts for the bath. James then proceeded to strip himself and removed all his clothes. He then did the same to Harry and removed his clothes too.

Soon both the father and son were standing naked as the day they were born. James eyed the form of son as he appreciated it. The only difference between the father and son besides the size difference was that the father's cock was hard as he eyed his son hungrily but the child's cock was small as it should be.

James then went and sat in the tub and motioned for Harry to come in too. Harry came in the tub, eyeing the water warily. When the child was inside the tub, James picked his son and put him in his lap such that James' cock was laying flat against his son's ass.

"So what were you telling me?" James asked the child, trying to distract the child. It was all the initiation Harry needed as he began telling his father all about his day at the speed of a mile a minute. James listened to his son and hummed and grunted at appropriate places, as he bathes his son.

When James had bathed Harry and Harry had finished his story, James picked up the child again. James then repositioned himself so that he was half lying in the tub. James then put Harry back again such that James' cock was presses between his body and his son's ass. "You know that your daddy loves you right?" James asked his son. Harry only nodded as he shifted to make himself comfortable on his father's cock. He squirmed till both his ass cheeks were on the either side of James' cock and Harry's ass hole was rubbing against James' hard shaft.

James moaned in pleasure as Harry adjusted himself. He then bent forward and kissed Harry squrly on the lips. James kissed Harry lightly at first but slowly he began to increase the intensity of the kisses until he was full on snogging his son. "Open your mouth." James ordered between the hot breaths and pants which harry followed.

James thrust his tongue down Harry's throat and took n everything Harry's mouth had to offer. Then slowly James begen moving don and started kissing Harry's neck. "Move son, move your hips." James ordered again and Harry followed the orders again without questioning. Harry moved his butt with practiced precision and rubbed his ass on his father's cock. James moaned in pleasure as he held the sided of the tub tightly.

Harry continued rubbing his ass, the soft, soft ass cheeks that rubbed James cock sideways all along its length. The tight puckered hole that rubbed itself against James' cock sent psalms of pleasure throughout James body. James moaned again but this time he moaned Harry's name. "Ah…Ha… harry."

Hearing his father take his name, Harry increased the pace and the result were instantaneous. "Yes son… move faster… fuck."

Hearing the encouragement, Harry started rubbing his hole against his father's cock even tighter and increased his speed even more. "Fuck this Harry… fuck you father… yes son…. Fuck your father." James moaned as he climaxed and cummed all over Harry's ass. "Daddy loves you son."

"I love you too Daddy." Came a reply from a panting 5 year old.


Next chapter a blowjob and then all the way at ages 11, 13 and 15.