It had been 5 long years since Selene had been on the planet Pandora and now, in its version of winter, she found herself standing in front of the door to Sir Hammerlock's house. Looking down at the little vile on a chain around her neck that held one of Bloodwing's feathers in it, she smiled and sighed happily, her body was trembling, and she wasn't sure if it was from the cold or from the anticipation of coming back. "Finally," she whispered to herself.

She knocked on the big metal door and a moment later she heard Hammerlock's voice. "I'll be right there!," the door swung open and Selene was greeted by a very overjoyed Hammerlock who proceeded to scoop Selene up and hug her while laughing. "You're here!" he cried, "You are finally here!"

"I'm glad to see I did not go forgotten," Selene laughed as they walked inside.

"Just wait till you see Itus."

Selene was itching to see her pet again. They walked down the hall and Hammerlock opened a door and inside was a big mattress on the floor with a HUGE Badass Skag laying on it. "Oh.." Selene gasped, "He's grown so much…"

Itus woke up at the sound of her voice and leaped from the bed to pounce his owner and kiss her a whole bunch. He must have been at least twice the size he was 5 years ago. Selene laughed and hugged her old friend. "I missed you so much, Itus!" Itus roared happily I reply, he was twice as loud as she remembered too.

Selene stood up and as Hammerlock walked threw the light of the lamp on his desk, she noticed that his right arm and leg had been replaced with mechanical ones. "Dude," she gasped, "Hammerlock, what the hell?"

Hammerlock looked over to her, "hmm?" he saw the shock on her face, "Oh, my limbs?"

Selene nodded slowly.

"Lost em to a thresher some time after you left. Got away with it too. Damn creature…" Hammerlock sighed, "But its fine, I am still alive after all."

Itus roared again and bounced all over the room excitedly and Selene got up off the ground. "So I heard that Hyperion took over like… everything?" she asked.

"Sadly, yes. They attacked New Haven not too long ago… but a those 4 vault hunters who opened the vault right after you left ended up saving them. The leader of the Crimson Raiders, Roland and them. He actually founded a city called Sanctuary for all the people of New Haven to run to be safe. So far, Hyperion hasn't been able to take them over."

Selene could barely wait until he stopped talking, "Roland?" she asked, "Black, Soldier Roland?"

Hammerlock laughed, "Yes, that Roland. And his 3 Vault hunter friends, the Berserker, the Siren and the…"

"Hunter?" Selene cut him off, "oh, you have to take me to the city, Hammerlock! Please!"

"Alright alright!" Hammerlock replied, eyes wide with confusion, "You seem quite excited about all this."

"Well, lets just say they are old friends of mine."