Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time or any elements it includes.


A peaceful stroll through the grasslands could do wonders for a person's spiritual cleansing. The wide open plains and gentle wind brought about an atmosphere of stillness, one that, simply put, relaxed the mind and gave time to think deeply and remove any bad vibes from within. Although, this was purely unintentional by Finn's standards. He just liked how the wind felt against his face.

The fifteen year-old human was casually pacing over the pleasant hills of his native environment, pack on his back and dragging what appeared to be a massive power cable under one arm. If the scraping noise the item produced wasn't enough to discourage a quiet moment, then Finn's whistling definitely was.

The tune he was playing was completely random and basically just practice. He had learned to better his skills ever since he got the crazy idea that he could use it to train and call in a giant bird to lift him off to another adventure whenever he wanted. Naturally, Jake spent a good five minutes explaining everything that was incorrect with that plan.

Even with the bursting of his bubble, the young hero still managed to get the action stuck in his head, and so tweeted along with little notice that he was in fact blowing the sharp sound all over the place. Sadly, there was no wind today, making for a stale and frankly quite boring trek over the fields of grass. Still, a hero's work is never done, and Finn had a duty to deliver the component he had recently sliced off of the robotic candy cultivator Princess Bubblegum had him fight after it went rampant and began leveling entire forests.

His sword was currently covered in oil, giving off an unpleasant smell as the weapon remained tucked in his pack. For a replacement, the blade wasn't half bad. It did the job, defeated evil stuff, and performed excellently whenever he needed to bash open a piñata at a party. Such a simple steel construct, but remarkably reliable.

In the meantime, the human made it to the edge of the cotton candy forest and was enveloped by the pink trees and their sugary payloads. The Candy Kingdom's castle was soon within sight, towering over the rest of the sweet land with is distinguished height and the large treetop sprouting from its roof.

On approach to the front gates, Finn was met with the friendly greetings of the banana guards watching over the entrance. After a return wave, the hero proceeded through and walked down the street towards PB's place. Even in the kingdom, it was a slow day. Not that many candy people were seen outside, and those that were just sat around napping or were on their way home to likely stay there for the rest of the evening.

Kicking open the front doors of the great hall, the human was met by the plain voice of Manfried, who was hanging from the ceiling as always. Even within the castle, there were very few servants rushing about. Apparently it was a very lazy day. Ignoring the odd lack of activity, Finn resumed dragging along the machinery under his arm and began his journey down a spiraling staircase leading to Bubblegum's lab.

Once reaching the eerie, confined spaces of the castle's underbelly, the young hero knocked firmly on the large wooden door and waited patiently for an invitation to enter.

"Come in," replied a feminine voice.

Finn went ahead and opened the entrance to the lab and walked in. He had a bit of trouble when the cables got wedged in the door, but a few quick jerks freed the mechanical item of its predicament.

"Careful," Peebles spoke.

Finn sheepishly apologized and gently placed the component on a nearby examination table.

"So how's it been, PB?"

The pink princess sighed and brushed off a few beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Still can't figure out where the cultivator malfunctioned. I checked the motherboard, the mainframe, every inch of circuits, gears, and gizmos. Nothing."

Frustrated, she sat back on a nearby chair, eyeing the cabling her friend just brought in through her pair of protective goggles.

"Hopefully, I can dissect this crucial part and determine the cause."

Finn nodded.

"What's this thing for anyway?"

Bubblegum got up and gestured for the hero to watch a diagram on her computer monitor.

"The Candy Kingdom is always looking for improvements. If we can mechanize our rural activities, we'll have a much more efficient method of gathering resources. I just figured we'd start at our food supply."

Finn nodded again, now understanding. He curiously walked over as the princess started zapping the cabling with a small welding torch. Instead of fusing components however, she was using it to cut away several sections of the device, careful to not strike any vital wiring. The monarch huffed.

"Couldn't you have sliced off a bit higher, Finn?"

The human rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry, it was kinda about to run me over and I just acted on instinct."

PB shrugged, realizing no decapitation was perfect, and returned to her work. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before her focus and aim was being thrown off by a rattling.

"Finn, would you please stop shaking the table, it's very distracting."

The young human raised an eyebrow.

"Um, I'm not even touching the table."

Peebles stopped her cutting and eyed her friend. He was telling the truth. Finn was actually a few feet away from her work area, standing with subtle interest. PB furrowed her brow as she gazed at her tabletop. It was still shaking. However, now there was an additional vibration coming from the floor. Bubblegum heard the clinging of multiple glass beakers on her holding rack as the whole room shook roughly.

"Is that an earthquake!?" Finn shouted out, trying to keep calm.

Peebles stumbled over to her computer, not able to walk straight for the moment due to unsettled flooring. A few moments of typing brought up her scans of underground activity. The results showed up negative.

"No, I don't know what it is."

Suddenly, the megaphone installed in the upper corner of the room crackled in, releasing the concerned voice of Peppermint Butler.

"Princess, please come up to the observation balcony immediately!"

Not bothering to question the candy man's request, PB instantly tore off her goggles and rushed to the door.

"Let's go, Finn."

The hero acknowledged and ran after her. It took a few minutes of climbing and dodging scared candy people to make it to their destination, but nevertheless, both of them soon joined Pep But on the highest opening on the castle. The short striped being had an urgent expression upon his face as he gestured with his finger at the sky above.

When the other two looked to where he was pointing, they gasped. A small group of what appeared to be shooting stars was heading towards the ground, igniting the sky with streaks of red-orange.

"What the heck are those?!" Finn asked while gazing in slight disposition at the falling objects.

Bubblegum stepped over and brought her eye to the lens of a miniature telescope fastened to the balcony's edge. Seeing the approaching mass in greater detail, she was sure of what they were.

"Meteors; and it looks like they're going to strike somewhere in the grasslands."

He voice was urgent, but somehow also relieved.

"Thank Glob. I couldn't imagine the damage if any of them came close to one of the kingdoms."

As if jinxed by her words, the candy monarch and her companions stared dumbfounded as the group of plummeting flames suddenly broke off into differing directions, as if in formation. It was now clear that there were five of them. Four of these shot off into the horizon, but the fifth headed right for the Candy Kingdom. All eyes went wide as the glowing object bared down on the castle.

"Everybody duck!"

The others followed Finn's order and hit the floor, covering their ears and preparing for the worst. Surprisingly, the 'meteor' didn't hit the building. Instead, it zoomed past, aiming at another target. The three on the castle's balcony quickly got up upon discovering they weren't dead and ran over to the edge in order to track the object's path.

After clearing the borders of the kingdom on the other side, the falling mass at last struck just outside the walls of the city, unleashing a blinding light, followed by a horrendous boom and a terrifying gust of backlash wind. PB, Finn, and Peppermint were barely able to stay on their feet while shielding their eyes from the potential debris flung into the air by the hit.

Once the resonating shocks of the impact had subsided, sights fell upon the smoking hole in the ground just beyond the kingdom borders. The scared and worried cried of candy people could be heard far below, as no one had any idea what was transpiring. However, the ever calm Princess Bubblegum swiftly peered over the balcony and cupped her hands around her mouth.

"Banana guards!"

A troop of concerned yellow beings stopped their bewildered chatter and looked up, having heard their leader's yell.

"Get over the crash site and secure the area. I don't want anyone getting hurt from whatever struck over there."

The guards saluted and quickly sprinted in unison to the other end of the kingdom, intent on following PB's orders. Meanwhile, the monarch turned her attention to the horizon. She could faintly make out the forms of four additional plumes of smoke, rising into the sky like beacons, indicating the locations the other objects had fallen at.

Once her initial analysis was put together, Peebles faced her human friend.

"Finn, I need you to go check out those other crash sites. There's no telling what was in those things."

The hero frowned.

"Why not?"

PB crossed her arms and gazed at the ground with concern.

"Normal meteors can't blatantly shift their trajectory at any given moment. Something else was controlling their decent. We need to figure things out before some other anomaly occurs."

While only understanding about half of that, Finn got the gist of it and did a quick bow.

"Right away, Prubs."

Pep But walked up to the princess and handed her a laptop he had just fetched. She thanked the stout man and tapped a multitude of keys before pulling a tiny data chip from the computer's input terminal. Peebles then took out a pink crystal pendant and slipped the chip inside, briefly making it blink green.

She then handed the item to Finn.

"This contains the locations of the other sites. They're confirmed to have all landed in or near a kingdom. This includes the Ice, Goblin, Slime, and Fire Kingdom."

Finn nodded with determination and suddenly pulled out a phone from his pack, dialing a number at lightning speed. He allowed the device to ring before the line connected and instantly released a freaked-out voice that was all too familiar.

"Finn! Bro! What the nuts is happening!"

The human did his best to calm his best friend.

"Jake, chill out, dude. PB just asked me to help figure this junk out. Care to join?"

The magical dog though for a moment.

"Yeah, sure. Where do I meet you?"

Finn walked over to the edge of the balcony and casually looked down at the ground level.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the Candy Kingdom, hanging with Lady outside the smoothie shop."

The young hero grinned as he took a few steps back from the edge.

"Hey, could you do me a favor and turn into a huge pillow for a minute?"

Jake did a double-take on the opposite end.

"What? Why?"

Finn cracked his neck and did a few knee bends.

"Just trust me."

Reluctant due to his brother's reckless habits, Jake took great consideration before reconfiguring his stretchy body into the form requested.

"Alright. Now what?"

Finn took a knee, preparing for a sprint.

"I'll be there in about ten seconds."

"Wait! Wha-"

The human hung up and replaced the phone, then dashed at the edge in a blur.

"Finn!" Peebles cried out.

But it was too late; the thrill-seeking boy was already doing a few boastful front flips off the side of the balcony.


With a quick readjustment, Finn was now shooting downward at high speed, directly into the waiting mass that was Jake. Upon impacting the canine's moldable flesh, Finn grunted slightly, having not quite made a perfect landing, but for the most part was unharmed. Jake on the other hand, let out a pained groaned and instantly shrunk back down to his normal shape, lying on his stomach in a fetal position.

"Oooooh, you landed right on where you shouldn't have landed, ooooohh."

Feeling back for his bro's suffering, Finn kneeled down and patted the dog's head.

"I'm really sorry, man. I just love making a dramatic entrance."

Jake let out a huff and returned to groaning over his injured doggy bag. In the meantime, Lady Rainicorn was coming outside from ordering another smoothie, which she dropped out of shock when she saw her boyfriend's condition.

"Jake! 무슨 일이 있었나요?"

The yellow canine gave the best grin he could muster.

"Oh, just the usual, Finn here is being inconsiderate of other peoples' physical well-being."

The human scoffed.

"Do you really want to go through the whole Jakesuit ordeal again?"

At the mention of his and Finn's previous bet, the dog grunted in defeat and finally managed to get to his feet, albeit standing in an awkward position.

"So where are we going?"

Finn pulled out the holo-pendant, now hanging around his neck, and displayed the map to his buddy.

"PB gave me all the places we've got to go to. So let's get going."

The dog nodded and turned to his girlfriend.

"Well, a hero's work is never done. Sorry about the interrupted date, Lady. I'll make it up to you."

The rainicorn just smiled and held up her hand.

"그것은 좋아, 사탕 과자입니다. 내 큰 영웅이 이동합니다."

Jake blushed and giggled a bit at the comment as Lady kissed him on the top of his head. After a finger snap in front of his face, courtesy of Finn, he shook off the giddy feeling and began to grow his body. Once he reached a size of around fifty feet, he reached down and plucked Finn off the ground, placing the human on top of his head.

He then stretched out his legs and in one step cleared the walls of the kingdom, heading in the general direction of their targets.

"So, which one should we scope out first?"

Finn rubbed his chin in thought.

"Let's try the Fire Kingdom."

Jake couldn't help smirking.

"heh heh, I knew you were gonna say that."

Finn rolled his eyes, ignoring the comment. As the duo headed for the dark mountain range that hid the blazing kingdom, the ever present pillar of smoke poured out of its center, worrying the adventurers as to what the object had struck. Once the lands were within range, Finn began looking around, trying to spot their ticket into the borders.

Lucky, Flambo was easily visible, staring with wonder from the highest point he could reach in order to view the crash site that now drew attention of his entire native kingdom. Jake scaled the mountain and came up behind the flambit, who immediately noticed the pair.

"Hey there, guys. Yous here to check out that hole in the ground?"

Finn slid down onto Jake's nose to get closer.

"Yeah. We're on assignment from PB. Can you spare a couple flame shields?"

Flambo nodded without further question, understanding the severity the situation might hold. With a few quick chants, he pressed his extended finger tips against the brothers' foreheads, coating them in the protective charm. The heroes thanked the little guy and began heading over the rest of the Fire Kingdom's borders.

"Wait! I'm goin with."

Flambo scampered over a few jagged points of rock and made it onto Jake's back, then climbed the canine's head to finally reach his destination and hopped onto Finn's shoulder. The human obviously had no argument against the flambit joining and so the young hero's bro kept going across the range, ever closing in on the volcanic city.

As Jake shrunk down a bit to accommodate for the lack of stable ground to walk on, Finn began zeroing in on the smoke, still billowing out from an area next to the palace. Amazingly, it had landed on actual earth and not one of the many pools of molten rock surrounding the kingdom. Upon nearing the epicenter of the crater, Jake shrunk down further until his passengers had ample distance from the ground to jump off safely.

Whe the trio ran up to the site, they instantly saw a line of fire guards vigilantly encircling the area. When Finn walked up to the barrier of sturdy elementals, they crossed their spears to block his path and glared at him.

"Halt! State your business. And don't even think about lying!"

Finn furrowed his brow slightly and rubbed his neck.

"Uh, I'm just here to make sure none of ya'll are hurt."

A few of the guards looked at each other, then shrugged and parted a path for the human to go through.

"Go ahead; the king might want a word with you anyway."

The three proceeded past the fire elementals and made their way to the core of the chaotic phenomenon. The smoke was decreasing visibility by this point, making it difficult to make out much from the hazy air. However, one thing that wasn't hard to see was a reddish glow nearby. The shape was that of a fire, but the group knew who it really was.

"Flame Princess!"

Finn instantly regretted that he didn't think about the fiery girl's reaction to a sudden noise. Her response was to swiftly spin around and blast a large amount of flames at the human, who only managed to close his eyes as the fire engulfed him. When the blaze subsided, the young hero stood for the most part unharmed, but still had significant scorch marks on his face and body. Flame shield was good, but still couldn't withstand combustion that was specifically meant to hurt someone.

The flame king's defensive expression quickly melted away, replaced by one of surprise, then finally concern.

"Oh Gob! Finn, are you ok?"

The hero let out a single cough, but then gave a thumbs up and grinned.

"Of course. I'm not going down just because of a little fire."

FP sighed and shook her head.

"I'll never understand you."

Jake gave a hard look from next to Finn and crossed his arms.

"Tell me about it. This is the guy who jumps into volcanoes for the fun of it; and drags his buddy in with him."

Finn laughed nervously as Flame Princess gave him an astonished stare.

"Yeah, I might've forgotten to mention that."

The king pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned.

"You're insane. But you're here, so that makes me feel a lot better than a minute ago. I could use some help figuring out how to move whatever this thing is."

Jake took a step closer.

"So you've seen it?"

FP shook her head.

"Well, no, actually. But I mean, it had to be something. So let's go check it out."

She motioned for the heroes to follow as she marched further into the site, eventually reaching the lip of the crater. Based on the curvature, it was incredibly wide. The four friends strolled into the darkening smoke, quite casually approaching the center. Luckily, the smoke wasn't harsh enough to cause any breathing problems for the two non-elementals. As they walked, visibility continued to go down. Even with FP's natural light, they found it difficult to see what was in front of them.

Suddenly, the flame king tripped, likely on a fragment of debris. She was, however, swiftly caught before falling by the vigilant arms of Finn.


After helping the fire elemental regain stability, the human resumed walking, missing the appreciative smile from the princess.


At last, they noticed that the incline of the crater had finally reached level, with no further space dug any deeper into the ground. FP groaned in frustration.

"Ugh, we can't tell what anything is with this stupid smoke."

Finn hatched an idea as he noticed a weak circle of flames at the girl's feet caused by her irritation.

"Hey, FP. Can you make a fire tornado around us?"

The fire elemental was caught off guard by the question but quickly answered back.

"Um, yeah. Why?"

The human grinned.

"Well, if I'm remembering the right science junk from PB, then if we can force air up, the smoke should follow it and clear the place up."

Flame Princess's eyes widened as she began to understand the boy's idea.

"Oh, I get it."

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Then, swiftly fired two streams of flames and started twirling on the spot, forming the currents of combustion into a loop, then began building up the walls of circular fire. Finn and Jake could feel the incredible heat through their shields.

Eventually, Finn's prediction came through, as the fiery cyclone funneled the obstructive haze upwards and out, clearing the area of all smoke. Flame Princess dissipated the tornado hastily, worried that the temperature might be getting too extreme for her friends. As she did so, the remaining embers twirled around her, emitting red and orange blinks of light.

When the girl looked back to Finn, she found him staring at her with his mouth nearly hanging open. FP was confused at first, but then noticed the embers herself and how they were encircling her. She got the message, blushed, then formed her best short-notice glare.


The hero snapped out of it and shook his head.

"Oh crud, sorry, sorry!"

He defensively raised his hands until the king dropped her upset expression and shifted focus to the revealed crater. The reaction from both her and the others was a gasp. The smoke was gone, but it only unraveled yet another mystery.


A/N: Feedback is appreciated. This will likely get updated once a week, probably Friday since that seems to be a popular time. IF its worth continuing that is.
