A/N: I recently got Fire Emblem: Awakening and oh my God I just got totally hooked on it. Henry and Lon'qu are definitely my favorites. Gaius is a cutie too.

Ah, I haven't written in a long time.

Title: Love Hex

Game: Fire Emblem: Awakening

Pairing: Henry x F!MU (OC)

Story Type: Drabble Set

Henry was known as quite the oddball. The first anyone saw of him, he was in the middle of a storm of crows, laughing and making puns despite the situation. Once he was recruited, he was often seen flinging curses at objects or small animals, carrying Risen limbs, or following someone doing some job or another.

Lately, everyone has been seeing him following around their trusted tactician.

It was Echo's job to get to know the soldiers at least a little. She needed to figure out who they would work best beside, what their strengths and weaknesses in battle are, and how they fight. However, even after she finished that segment with the white haired dark mage, he continued to follow her around. But she didn't mind. After all, he was quite interesting and rather talkative, and Echo was generally easy going.

Echo was carrying a small, wooden crate of supplies to her personal tent when she spotted Henry crouched down, carving lines into the dirt with a long stick as he hummed a happy sounding tune. Curious, she walked over to stand beside him. She leaned over, shifting the crate's weight to her hip.

"Henry, what are you drawing? Is that a magic sigil?"


"May I ask what it's for? It looks rather sinister…"

"Aw, come on Echo~ It isn't sinister at all! Not one bit," Henry protested, looking up at Echo with his ever-present grin. "You worry too much. I'm just going to use it to summon an army of Risen."

"W-what?" It took Echo a moment to process what he actually said, as he said it in such a casual tone.

"If I can get it to work, we can have them fight on our behalf!" Henry cheered, getting up to his feet from his crouch.

"..." Echo let out a long sigh. "Well, I get the theory behind it, as it would reduce casualties on our side... But how are you planning on controlling these soulless warriors?"

"Oh, they can't be controlled," he stated simply. "They'll just attack anything that moves. If we don't place the sigils near camp, we should be just fine!"

"But won't they go after the nearest village then?"

"Probably. It'd be surprising if they didn't, really. But hey, we'd win the battle."

"Unacceptable," Echo said sternly. "We cannot sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of victory."

"But we've killed countless people as it is, what's a few more souls to the ledger?"

"Those deaths were necessary. We had to kill them or be killed ourselves. But killing enemies isn't the same as sacrificing innocents for victory."

"Seems like an arbitrary line to me… But alright, you're the tactician. No more unholy sigils!"

"Good," Echo sighed. "Anyways, I'll be taking my leave now." She turned, shifting the crate in her arms again. It was getting difficult to hold. The crate wasn't very big, but neither was she. It was surprising how much strength her tiny body had.

Henry noticed her slight struggle. "Here, let me help~" He reached over and took the crate into his arms without waiting for an answer.

Echo blinked. "Henry, you don't have to. My tent isn't very far from here."

"Well I have some free time now anyways, I don't know what else to do, so let me help you."

"Well, alright…" And so she led the way to her tent.