Everyone was going insane. The Argo 2 had just begun its journey to Greece to meet Gaea, and the passengers were trying to get ready for the giant fight that would take place. Hazel was working on her magic for what seemed 23 of the 24 hours in a day. Frank was practicing changing into different animals. Leo was fixing all damages on the ship, running around like a madman and rarely leaving the engine room. Piper was trying to be able to use her charm speak to larger groups, but that was difficult seeing how there was only seven people on board and she couldn't practice with only seven people. Jason was practicing sword fighting and controlling the winds every chance he got, his eyes had giant dark circles underneath them and they were bloodshot. On top of all that, monsters were attacking the ship left and right.

As for Percy and Annabeth, well they were still trying to get the images of Tartarus out of their heads. It seemed every time they closed their eyes they saw the horrors of that dark place. And even though every other member of the Argo 2 insisted that they would do fine without them, the couple continued to train and prepare for the battle to come. Percy worked on not being afraid of drowning and his ability to control non-water liquids, since the instance with the poison in Tartarus proved he could. Annabeth studied formations and new tactics to teach the rest of the crew members, along with a battle strategy for once they got to Greece and her sword fighting.

Everyone was defiantly happier with Percy and Annabeth on bored; they were like the parents of the group, the leaders. All the crew members wanted to spend time with them, but they also wanted to give them time alone with each other, the problem was no one knew when that time was so people tended to walk in on them during these private times.
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Jason whistled as he walked down the hallway to Percy's room. He really needed to practice sword fighting and he needed someone who wouldn't be easy to beat, and Percy defiantly wasn't easy to beat, try near impossible. Jason had only beaten Percy once out if the hundreds of times they had sword fought. And he had only beaten him that time because Annabeth had walked in the room and Percy couldn't keep him eyes off of her. Not even Annabeth could beat Percy anymore, no one could. He was the best swordsman on the ship.

Jason passed Piper's door and knocked on it traveling Piper and all her glory.

"Hey Pipes, I'm gonna go see if I can beat Percy at sword fighting, you wanna come?"

Piper laughed, "Sure, do you want me to get Annabeth so she can be a distraction?"

Jason laughed sarcastically. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. Meet me on the deck I'll get Perce."
Jason continued to Percy's door, he heard noises. "It's probably just Annabeth in there with him." He thought. Sadly, Jason realized too late what this could mean. Mistake 1. Jason then proceeded to open the door without knocking. Mistake 2.

"Hey Perce, do you want to go sword fight? I need to pract-" Jason stopped in the middle of his word. There, lying in the bed, was Percy and Annabeth. Can you guess what they were doing? That's right playing cards! Just kidding they were making out, tongue and all. Annabeth was straddling Percy, who didn't have a shirt on and had several hickeys on his neck and chest. The pair turned to stare at Jason with wide eyes. Jason had never seen them so shocked.

Annabeth jumped from Percy and straightened out her shirt before throwing Percy his. "H-hey Jason." She said weakly.

"I'm so sorry. Umm I can go if you want to continue." Jason said quickly.

Annabeth's ears turned red. "No, Jason, it's fine. W-we were just going to get food."

Percy pouted. "And what if I want to continue, Wise Girl?" Annabeth glared. Percy got the message.

"Oh okay. Well I don't know you guys were doing that yet."

The couple's faces turned bright red. "We haven't done anything like that yet and we weren't going to, we were just messing around right Perce? We aren't going to do anything like that."

"For now" Percy mumbled which earned him a punch from Annabeth and a grin from Jason.

"So... Sword fighting, Jackson?" Jason asked awkwardly.

"You're on, Grace."
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"You walked in on them doing what?!" Piper exclaimed.

"You heard me. And then Percy just wanted to keep going."

"That's boys for you. All of them are the same."

"Yeah you're right- Hey! I'm a boy!"