Hey! This is a chapter I just thought of! Hope you guys like! Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Ganondorf sat in a chair. He had his hand clenched into a fist and his head resting on it. In the other room, there could be coughing heard. Ganondorf grunted. For some reason, Link had gotten sick. Ganondorf had been listening to his coughing since early in the morning. It was usually hot in the desert.
Some nights, they were gifted with the cold or the coolness of a breeze. But this night, they were cursed with a cold freeze. There was only one thing Ganondorf could think of to do, and Link wouldn't like it… Ganondorf walked up to Link. He sat down next to him. He rubbed his head. Link stirred. He looked up and saw Ganondorf looking at him smiling. He smiled back.
"I have one other option we can do…" Ganondorf announced. "But you will not like it…"
"W-Why?" Link asked, coughing.
"We will have to head back to your home village…" Ganondorf replied. Link sat up.
"Of course, I don't like it… What if someone sees you?" Link asked.
"That is the problem…" Ganondorf replied. "I will have to carry you into the village… My horse is gone…" Ganondorf replied.
"I have Epona, but she's not in this area… She's back at Lake Hylia…" Link replied. He sat up more, but slumped over and coughed vigorously. Ganondorf flinched, and tried to comfort Link, but Link held up his hand. "We can try and do that… But you will… Get stared at…" Link said.
"I don't mind… As long as you're alive and safe, it doesn't matter to me…" Ganondorf replied, smiling. Link smiled back and fell into Ganondorf's lap. Ganondorf chuckled and rubbed his head.
To Link's surprise, Ganondorf could still teleport. They were teleported to Lake Hylia, where Epona waited.
"I'll take control…" Ganondorf insisted. Epona reared back when Ganondorf approached. He grabbed the reins and yanked down. Epona settled down. Ganondorf rubbed Epona's snout to calm her down.
"I didn't know you were like this…" Link said.
"I have my ways…" Ganondorf replied. He carefully sat Link up on the saddle and then mounted the horse. Link slumped onto Ganondorf's shoulder. They then rode off to Ordon Village.
Link was right. When they arrived, Ganondorf got many stares. The children were scared to approach him. Only Ilia recognized him. She threw a rock at his head. It hit him, and Ganondorf fell off. Epona reared up, throwing Link off. Ganondorf swiftly got up. He pulled on the reins. He patted the horse's snout. He glared at the girl and picked up Link.
"Are you okay?" Ganondorf asked.
"Y-Yeah. What happened?" Link asked.
"One of the village girls threw a rock at me…" Ganondorf replied.
"Ilia…" Link replied.
"Who?" He asked.
"She's a childhood friend of mine… Let me talk to her…" Link asked. Ilia came running up to Link.
"Link! Why did you bring this guy here?" She asked.
"It's okay… He's on our side…" Link replied.
"How do you know that?" She asked.
"If I wasn't, I would've killed him by now…" Ganondorf replied. Ilia slowly backed off. Ganondorf placed Link back on the horse, mounted her, and then rode off to Link's tree house.
I'll end it there! See ya!