Ch. 1

Heyyy! So I read the fanfic "A Visitor in the Dark" and I nearly FREAKED OUT! It was kinda dark like her story "Thread of Fate" Since there weren't any soft adorable Link X Ganondorf fanfics; I want to be the first! :D So! Without further ado! Disclaimer: I don't own Zelda, but I wished I owned Link, Darky, The Fabulous Ghirahim, and Ganny! XC

It was the day the Hero of Time awaited. The day he finally defeated Ganondorf. He and Midna parted ways in a bittersweet reunion. Zelda departed; only to say she would visit his sometimes. This made Link very happy. He returned home as a hero. All the children chattered excitedly as they wanted to be caught up on what he had been up to all this time. Link, kindly, informed all of them the epic battle he had. Ilia smiled at how the children were fussing over him. Link saw her gaze and smiled. This made her very happy. Even though Link was happy he was home, he still felt the sadness hit him hard. He missed Zelda and Midna and all, but there was one person in particular that he missed.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he missed Ganondorf, despite being evil. The last moments of Ganon's life, he looked... Almost human... The pain in his eyes... The light in his eyes slowly fading... He felt as if he killed someone important. But it was all over... He needed to get over it. He decided to go to the Ordin Spring to relax. Even as he bathed, he felt foreboding eyes preying upon him. He shrugged it off.

"All these battles must really have gotten to me..." Link assumed. He finished bathing a proceeded to get dressed and go home. When he got home he decided to get into one of his Ordonian night outfits. He hopped into bed and snuggled into the welcoming sheets of his bed. How long has it been since he got a good nights rest? Since he was trying to save Hyrule, he never got time to himself. This was what he was dying for. He slowly let sleep take him over.

Link dreamed that night. He dreamed he was still with Midna, fighting off Zant. He shuddered at the thought of re-battling him. Then, he dreamed of Ganondorf. An exhilarating battle. But this wasn't a fight to the death. It was a friendly spar. Ganondorf lost.

"Alright, alright. I give in. You win." Ganondorf chuckled. Link stood there victoriously. Link laughed and sheathed his sword. He helped Ganondorf up. "You're still as strong as ever Link..." Ganondorf noted.

"Hey, you weren't so bad yourself. That one attack. You nearly had me there!" link replied, laughing. Ganondorf laughed back. Zelda was there waiting for them.

"Are you two goofballs done sparring?" Zelda asked. The two men just laughed. They walked up to Zelda and walked to Hyrule Castle together. Not as enemies. But as friends. Link could hear Ganon's gruff laugh. He tried to say something inaudible.

"Huh?" Link asked. Again, he spoke inaudible. "I can't understand you.."

"WAKE UP! DO I HAVE TO KILL YOU AGAIN!?" The voice roared. Link shot up awake. He his head on something hard. He rubbed his head in pain. It was still dark out, Link thought it was nothing, but he sensed somebody was there with him in the dark. His Master Sword was too far away from his reach. He felt around for something to help light up the room. He found his lantern and lit it. In front of him stood Ganondorf!

"Gah!" Link cried out in surprise. He fell over and looked again to see if he was dreaming. He wasn't. Ganondorf was standing in front of the lantern grinning. Link's eyes widened and he froze.

"How heavy do you sleep, hero?" Ganondorf asked. Link was too shocked to answer. He chuckled again. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled. He kneeled in front of Link. Link backed up.

"G-Ganondorf?" Link asked, completely in shock.

"Who else could it be?" Ganondorf asked.

"B-But I killed you!" Link cried.

"True... But have you forgotten?" Ganondorf asked. He held up his arm and showed the Triforce glowing on top of his hand.

"Impossible... I thought I saw it go black..." Link insisted.

"Looks can be deceiving, child..." Ganondorf chuckled. Link almost passed out. He slowly got up and walked towards Ganondorf. Ganondorf expected Link to punch him. He shut his eyes, preparing for the worst. But instead of feeling pain, he felt a warm embrace. Ganondorf opened his eyes and saw Link had wrapped his arms around him. "Why do you embrace me, child?" Ganondorf asked.

"I actually missed you..." Link replied.

"Why? The goddesses entrusted you the task of defeating me..." Ganondorf asked.

"The way you looked when you said those last words... You looked..." Link began, trying to hold back tears.

"I looked what?" Ganondorf asked.

"Human... Like you actual weren't a monster... I felt like I killed someone important..." Link replied. Ganondorf just laughed.

"But I am a monster..." Ganondorf replied.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you come back? You could have kidnapped Zelda... But instead, you came to see me..." Link asked. Ganondorf didn't answer. He only chuckled.

"Who knows? Maybe I came to kill you?" Ganondorf replied.

"You won't do that..." Link replied, plainly.

"Oh, but what if I do?" Ganondorf asked.

"Then I'll let you..." Link replied. Ganondorf sat there for a second in shock. He suddenly, threw his head back and laughed. Link sat in shock.

"You are a weird one..." Ganondorf laughed. "But nothing more..." Ganondorf suddenly grabbed Link by his tunic and placed a rough kiss on the hero's lips. Link was rather flustered, but soon felt himself melting into the kiss. His eyelids soon fell heavy. Much too soon, Ganondorf pulled away, leaving the hero breathless. "I can't defeat you in battle, but I sure as heck can defeat you in a kiss..." Ganondorf chuckled, pulling Link back into the kiss. Link lost himself again in the kiss. Tongues twirling around each other. As this took place, Ganondorf's hands moved all over Link's chest, making the hero shudder. Ganondorf chuckled again. He pulled away. "I've just started and you're already hard? Your rather weak at this..." Ganondorf chuckled. He pulled Link up, flung him over his shoulder and threw him on the bed.

"W-What are you doing!?" Link cried.

"What do you think? You think I would kiss you and then just leave? I think not, hero..." Ganondorf chuckled. Link's face flushed a deep red as Ganondorf pulled him back into a deep kiss. Ganondorf pushed his hand up Link's shirt and caressed the taut, smooth skin. Link could feel himself growing weak at the soft touches.

Ganondorf wasn't one for being gentle. He was a rough-and-tumble kind of guy. He was never this gentle. Never this tender... Never this loving... Link gasped in the kiss when Ganondorf's fingers brushed against his nipples, hardening them almost immediately. Ganondorf noticed this and chuckled.

"Hard already are we?" Ganondorf asked. Link only moaned in response, feeling Ganondorf's fingers latch onto his pert nipples.

"Ahhh~ Nnn" Link moaned. He shifted his head to the side, very embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed. I'm the only one who will see this..." Ganondorf assured. "And I'm not likely to tell anyone..." Link didn't reply. He bit his lip to suppress a moan. "Don't do that... I might not be here when you wake up tomorrow... I don't want you forgetting this..." Ganondorf said. He grabbed Link's jaw. "Look at me..." He ordered. Link kept his eyes squeezed shut. Ganondorf growled. "I'm losing my patience, Link... If you don't want to get on my bad side you'll do as I say... Now. OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT ME!" He roared. Link flinched at the suddenly loudness in the King of Evil's voice. He slowly opened his eyes slightly and Ganondorf chuckled with approval. "See? That wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked. He slowly leaned in for another kiss. Link's eyes half-shut. He was getting too swept away by this. Yet, he didn't have the heart, nor the courage, to struggle and protest. He just lied there limply as he let Ganondorf twist his hardened nipples. He moaned again, trying to suppress it. Ganondorf just chuckled. "Who would've thought the Hero of Time was so weak in bed... I wonder what Zelda would say…" Ganondorf chuckled. Link blushed a deeper shade of red.

"S-Stop talking..." Link moaned. Ganondorf just chuckled.

"Why? Is it really too much for you to admit that your falling for me?" Ganondorf asked. He then went down and engulfed all of Link's cock. Link threw his head back and moaned loudly. Ganondorf just chuckled as he began to suck. Link moaned even more. His mouth watered and his eyes glazed over. All he could do was entangle his hand in the red hair and grip it.

It was only a few suck later when Link cried out and came, Ganondorf sucking up all of it. Some of it dribbled down his chin. He pushed Link into another deep kiss. Link could faintly taste his cum on Ganondorf's lips. Link moaned more as Ganondorf continued to stroke his cock. Link's moans grew louder as Ganondorf's strokes grew faster and faster. Ganondorf chuckled at how weak, helpless, and meek the hero looked. It was this look that drew his closer to the boy.

Nnn... no... No more..." Link moaned.

"Why not? You're obviously very aroused... Plus, you've had your release. I haven't had mine..." Ganondorf chuckled. Link's eyes widened and he shivered. Ganondorf couldn't help but laugh at how scared Link was. "Oh relax... I won't be rough..." He insisted. Then he drew his lips close to Link's cute pointy ears. "Not too rough that is..." He added seductively. Link's eyes widened as a deeper blush covered his face. Ganondorf licked the boy's earlobes and gently bit it.

"Ahhh~" Link moaned. He bit his lip. Ganondorf just chuckled and nibbled on Link's neck, earning another moan. Ganondorf then bit harshly on the neck, drawing blood. Link cried out in pain. Ganondorf lapped at the blood, afterwards soothing it with calm kisses. Link moaned again.

Ganondorf slowly stripped himself of his clothes, tossing them into a random corner. He carefully curled up beside Link and began to stroke Link's weeping cock again, causing Link to moan. He carefully pushed one finger into the boy's entrance, causing Link to cry out in pain.

"Ahhh! Ow! That hurts!" link cried.

"I know... Just bear it for a while... It will soon be replaced with pleasure..." Ganondorf replied, nibbling Link's earlobe. He waited until the boy got used to the foreign intrusion before he moved his finger. He slowly moved his finger, causing Link to moan again. "I'm guessing this means you are still a virgin..." Ganondorf chuckled.

"O-Of course..." Link replied. Ganondorf just chuckled.

"Well lucky me... That means I will be your first... And I better be your only..." Ganondorf said. He slowly added a second finger. Link hissed at the pain. After some time, Ganondorf slowly added a third finger. Link cried out in pain, once again. "I wish it could be gentler, but I didn't come prepared..." Ganondorf muttered. Link didn't respond. Ganondorf finally pulled out the fingers. Link groaned at the loss of heat, but was cut short when he felt a tightness at his bottom.

"W-Wait!" Link cried. But his begs fell on deaf ears as Ganondorf pushed his giant cock into Link. "GYAAAAAAA!" Link screamed. He flung his head back as he cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry... I know it hurts for now, but I'll wait until it stops..." Ganondorf apologized. ((A/N: WOAH WOAH WOAH! Ganondorf! Apologizing!? O_O I'm sorry if this Ganon is WAAAAY to OOC, but this is for the sake of the fanfic... I'll leave now...)) But then Ganondorf grinned. "Unless you like it rough..." He suggested. He thrusted once into Link, making the boy cry out in pain.

"Ngg~! No... Slower..." He moaned. "You're so mean..." He whined.

"Am I? Am I really?" Ganondorf asked.

"Ye-Ah!" Link moaned. Ganondorf thrusted very slowly so Link could get used to his giant cock. Link's breathing became very ragged and labored. He lied there waiting for Link to give him the okay to move. Soon, after some time, he said he could. He started thrusting again, making Link moan.

"Jeeze... you're so tight..." Ganondorf growled.

"Well, that's probably-ah- because you're... The bigger-ah- one!" Link snapped, failing at sounding stern. Ganondorf, nonetheless, continued thrusting.

"You're not doing a good job of sounding stern..." Ganondorf noted. "Because right now... All you sound is cute... " He chuckled. He nibbled on Link's earlobe again, almost sending Link off the edge. Finally, Ganondorf hit the spot he was looking for. Link's back arched and he screamed with pleasure.

"Gahh!" He cried. Ganondorf took this as a sign to go faster. And faster he did go, making Link cry out.

"Heh... You're already doing a good job... You're doing a good job of swallowing me..." Ganondorf chuckled, still penetrating Link.

"S-Stop talking... Aah" link moaned.

"Why? Your responding so well to them.." He replied. Link could feel his climax approaching.

"Gahh..." Link moaned.

"You're close... I can tell.." Ganondorf chuckled. Link moaned in response. "If your so close then I'll let you come..." He chuckled. He furiously rubbed Link's weeping cock. This sent Link over the edge. "But only if you moan my name in the process..." Ganondorf chuckled.

"Gah... Nnn..." Link moaned. He finally came. "Ahhh! Ganondorf!" He moaned. Ganondorf chuckled, then grunted, signaling his release. They both collapsed at let sleep take over.

"You really are adorable... Even as you sleep... Link... But for now... This is goodbye... But I will return... Just you wait..." Ganondorf mumbled. He kissed Link's forehead and let sleep take over, only after wrapping his arms around Link. "I love you..."

OoO How'd that go! As I hate to say it... This is NOT the end! I will have more later! I do hope you'll look foreword to them! Love you all! Bye!