The only thing I can say is: I'm sorry it took this long for me to update this chapter, but things happened, than I got depressed because of episode 23 than I had exams and well…
But it's here and I hope you enjoy it (:
[Still don't own teen wolf]
The moment we got on Derek's loft – Scottand Kira were already off the motorcycle and I had already parked the car on the first vague spot I saw – it was hard not to notice or hear the guns firing. I guess we imagined the worst because next thing I know the three of us are running as fast as we could to the loft, which was a little hard for me since I didn't have any super speed perk.
"What happened?" Scott asked once Allison's father and Mr. Stilinski had put his gun down.
"They disappeared" Allison said panting "They literally just vanished"
"So did Stiles" Stilinski said
Chaos, pain, strife. That's what the Nogitsune feeds of, and this time according to Allison he was successful on bringing strife between Mr. Argent and Mr. Stilinski until, ironically, they were stopped by the Oni who started attacking all of them.
Allison asked if I wanted to stay on her place but I denied and I definitely wasn't going to cockblock Kira and Scott once I heard him asking if she wanted to spend the night at his place so I just started driving around town until I parked in front of one of the last places I'd be right now.
"Hey" I said once she answered the door "Would it be ok if I spent the night here?"
"Sure" Lydia answered after a couple of seconds staring at me
"I'm sorry. I should've called, but I didn't really know where I was going until I was here"
"It's ok" She said "I heard your dad is back in town, I figured it would be a little hard for you"
"If the fact that I've been spending the last few days on my friend's bedrooms than on the one that was supposed to be mine counts then, yeah, it is being a little hard" I said pulling my hair on a bum "I'm sorry, I'm being rude… It's happening too often and I don't even notice anymore"
"I'm not blaming you" Lydia said handing me a pillow "Stiles is missing and possessed, your dad is back, and your mom is away…" She bit her lip "Why did he leave anyway? You never told me"
"He got a new family" I said shrugging my shoulders and trying to control my breathing
"Are you ok?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder when she noticed my face and I only nod my head while she pulled me on a hug
"I'm scared Lyd, for everyone"
"You at least gonna tell us where we going?" Aiden asked for the thousand time since we got inside Lydia's car
"I need to check on something"
"Who is Malia Tate?" He asked lifting a piece of paper with her address
"The pronunciation is Mah-Leah" I said leaning closer to the front seat so I could take the paper from his hand
"You don't need to worry about it" Lydia assured him
"Lyd" I said paying attention on the road for the first time "Are you sure we're on the right way?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You just made a forth right, we already have been through this street"
"What? It's a brand new car, the GPS was fine before"
"Maybe the GPS would work better if it was on" Aiden said
"What?" I watched Lydia as she started freaking out and continually pressed some of the buttons of the car's radio
"Hey" I gently put my hand on her shoulder "Are you okay?"
"I need to stop" She said with a urgent tone "I need to pull over right now" She didn't even finish saying the phrase and she was already turning the steering wheel making me hit my head on the window
"Lydia, stop!" I said when I noticed the body lying on the parking lot's floor. Once the tires screeched and the car finally stopped Aiden, Lydia and I left the car, only to be stopped by Aiden's arm
"Oh my God" I said finally realizing who it was and running towards him "Call Scott!" I shouted once I kneeled next to him checking his pulse.
I watched as Aiden took Stiles' body from the ground and put him on the backseat and Lydia called Scott, I put his head on my lap checking if he was still breathing on every two minutes. He can't die, I thought.
I don't even know how long it took until we parked in front of Scott's house and he opened the backseat door taking Stiles' body with Aiden's help and moved him inside. It was only when we were on his living room that I noticed Melissa and Deaton were also there.
"Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital" Melissa said
"Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?" Scott said
"It doesn't look like he's bleeding" Deaton informed as we moved a step towards them to see the wound on his torso "I think he might even be healing"
"Healing?" I asked "Like the werewolves? That's good, right?"
"For him, yes. Us? I'm not so sure"
"Well, if we're not going to kill him why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?"
"You really think chains would work?" I asked crossing my arms
"I might have something more effective" Deaton said opening his case and taking a bottle out of it, while Scott and Aiden held Stiles' mouth open and he dripped whatever is inside of the bottle on his mouth. The substance made him wake up and start trying to choke both werewolves to death.
"Kanima venom" Stiles- no, the Nogitsune said watching his paralyzed hands "Nice touch" Aiden roared on his direction making me grab his arm "Always protective" He said smirking at me and staring at Aiden once again "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't lose that talent, too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're going to need it" Scott and Aiden exchanged a glance "Okay I'll give a little hint. Ethan's at the school"
"Go" Scott say and Aiden left the house going to find his twin
"I hope he gets there in time" The Nogitsune said between laughs "I like the twins. Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions. They're a lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world every day"
"Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body" Melissa said "You got anything to shut his mouth?"
"Yes, I do" He said taking a duct tape from his case
"I'll do the honors" I said while he handed it to me and I ripped a piece, putting it on the Nogitsune's mouth.
It's not Stiles, I thought while he shouted through the tape.
"I'll get the first aid kit" Melissa said
"I'll stay"
I tried to avoid looking at him for most of the time Melissa wasn't there. If I did I would only see Stiles, and I don't want to see Stiles this way. I helped her with the bandage on the part I knew pretty well. Thomas is a kid much more social than I and my mother taught me how to use a first aid kit when he was four.
It took me a couple of seconds to realize that he was crying.
"Stiles?" Melissa asked. He nodded. For a second I believed it, for a second I wanted it to be true, for a second I craved for a glimpse of the Stiles I knew and loved. But that was taken away from me the moment his mouth opened.
"Really, Melissa?" The Nogitsune asked "I shed one tear? That's all it takes? C'mon you can't crumble that easily. How you going to hold up when Scott know the truth?"
"When he finds out why his dad really left? You know he overheard it, right?
"I think is time for you to shut up" I said putting the tape on his mouth again before he could say anything else "Don't listen to him" I said getting up "It's not Stiles"
It's not Stiles, I thought once again heading to where Scott, Lydia and Deaton were.
"But the scroll said to change his body" Lydia said
"That's if I translated it correctly" Deaton said turning to face us "We're looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more than a proverb or a metaphor"
"And what if he doesn't want it? He's never asked to be a werewolf"
"What?" I say realizing they were talking about Stiles. About actually turning Stiles into a werewolf. "You're not serious, are you?"
"What if it saves his life?" Lydia asked
"What if it kills him? I've never done this before. I mean what if I bite him and hit an artery or something?"
"The venom is not going to last long" Deaton said making us look at him "Something needs to be done sooner than later"
"I can try calling Derek again"
"Maybe we should call someone else" Lydia said giving Scott a look
No way
Once the doorbell rang there was nothing I could do to change their minds. That's what I thought until Peter's beautiful, yet a little offensive, words came out of his mouth
"It doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf"
"You don't think it would work?" Scott asked
"This is more a war of the mind than the body. There are better methods to winning this battle"
"Wh- What kind of methods?" I asked stepping forward while he took Scott's wrist and making his werewolf nails appear.
"We're going to get into his head" He let go of Scott's wrist "Lydia? Lexine? Can we have a little word?"
He grabbed my forearm while Lydia walked with us to the other part of the living room.
"I want its name" He said without giving us a chance to ask anything. Oh
"No" I quickly said and Lydia gave me a look
"I'll do it" She said "But only if you help. And only if Scott doesn't know about it" She said "That goes for you too"
The three of us silently agreed when we walked where they were, standing behind the couch.
"Do we have a plan?" Deaton asked
"Scott is going to try and dig through pale and sickly Evil Stiles' mind to unearthly pale and sickly Real Stiles. Then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious" He said "But he's not going to do it alone"
"What do you mean?" Scott asked
"Somebody needs to go in with you" Peter and Lydia turned their heads toward me
After a small discussion of why Lydia should be the one going instead of me from my part I was defeated by Scott saying we didn't have time for that so I sat on the couch next to Stiles/Nogitsune like the nice, obedient friend I should be waiting for Peter to finish his explanation
"You're going to have to guide him out somehow. Try to give him back control of his mind, his body"
"Try to be more specific on the somehow" I said taking a deep breath "It's not very helpful"
"What if this is just another trick?" Scott asked
"When are you people going to start trusting me?" Peter said with a not very convincing tone
"Never" I answered rolling my eyes "And he's not talking about you"
"Scott, we're running out of time" I repeated his words once I saw Deaton's look
His claws on my neck were so sudden I wouldn't have even notice it if it wasn't for the facts that when I opened my eyes we were strapped into beds on what it looked like a facility room. Trying to break free out of it would be impossible. For me.
"Scott" I said once he exhaled in frustration and looked at me "You're the werewolf in here"
"We're on Stiles' head"
"Yes" I said "And you have supernatural strength. Use it to break free"
After a few seconds and a little straining Scott finally broke free and soon after untied me from the bed.
"What now?"
"I don't know" I said rubbing my wrists "But something tells me the first thing we should do is walk through that door"
"Stay behind me"
He slowly walked towards the door and I followed him. Once Scott opened it I saw a glimpse of the hall, but the last thing I saw when the door shut close was Scott's eyes.
"Scott?" I shouted at him slamming the door "Scott!"
I looked around the room but there was no other exit besides the window, so I tried the door once again and it opened, but instead of seeing the floor tiles I saw a wooden stair and when I looked again I saw my parents at the bottom of it
"Mom? Dad?" I asked
"Lexi, honey" She said extending her arm "Come! Dinner's ready, we have good news"
Everything felt different.
I followed them into the dinner room where the food was served as if it was Thanksgiving. I stared at my shoes. They look like doll shoes, I thought, but I wasn't wearing them.
I stared at myself on one of the mirrors, I looked like my ten years old self
"Oh, we have such good news, Lexine" My father sitting on his chair
"You are going to have a baby brother" Mother said without containing herself "Isn't that great?"
"What?" I asked thinking about something that I should remember. What is it? What is it? Then it hit me "But you're not together"
"Of course we are" Father said reaching my mother's hand and smiling at me. He doesn't smile at me anymore "Aren't you happy you're going to have a brother?"
"I already have a brother" I shouted leaving the table "I'm not ten anymore!"
You're not together
I ran and I ran.
You're not together anymore.
I reached the door and before I opened it my parents were screaming at me, but I couldn't hear me, and for a moment I thought their faces were melting and when I finally opened the door I felt like my heart was going to jump from my chest.
"Are you ok?" Scott asked once he saw me
"Yes" I answered and when I turned back I saw them.
Stiles and the Nogitsune playing Go.
Sitting on the Nematon.
Scott and I shared a glance before starting running on their direction.
"Stiles!" Scott and I shouted "Stiles! Over here!"
We ran more and more but it was like we hadn't move one centimeter.
"This is ridiculous" I said at myself while painting
"It's like we're not even moving"
"I know" I remembered this one thing "Scott"
"He's part of the pack" I put my hand on his shoulder "The night of your first date with Allison, when Stiles and I told you that you were a werewolf, we told you something, didn't we?"
"Do you know why a wolf howls?" I tried to make him remember better
"It's a signal, it howls to signal its Iocation to the rest of the pack"
"Exactly" I smiled at him as proud as I could be and once he was on his wolf form he did it.
He howled.
And it was beautiful.
A second later I was gasping for air once we were out of Stiles' mind.
"Did it work?" Scott and I said at the same time while we reached for Stiles' unconscious body.
"I did my part" Peter said grabbing Lydia's arm "Now give me the name"
"What name?" Scott asked "What are you talking about?"
I couldn't read lips, but I knew what Lydia said when she opened her lips.
My hands suddenly snapped out of Stiles' neck from the sudden movement while he struggled to take the duct tape from his mouth and push something out of it.
I didn't know what to do, so I just stood next to Scott while Stiles started to push the bandage out of his mouth.
That wasn't even the craziest part. When he finally finished puking the bandage a hand started coming out of it. Someone's arm pushed me against the wall when it completely came up out of the floor and next thing I know Scott is pulling the bandages out of his face.
Out of Stiles' face.