Elsa sat on the corner of her bed, shaking. The image of her hitting Anna with her magic- no curse, was replaying in her head. The temperature slowly began to drop, and ice began to form on her bed, slowly spreading across the floor. The knock on Anna and herself's door shook her from her thoughts.

"Come in."

The door opened and in came her father. He then shut the door, and looked around at the ice covered-room.

"Elsa, you know I love you, right?" He pleaded.

"Yes, father" Elsa nervously fidgeted with her hands.

"You love Anna, right?"

"More than anything, father."

Her dad looked down, heartbroken.

"Your mother and I have decided it would be best if you moved to the room across from Anna's."

"That's okay, as long as Anna's safe," Elsa replied shakily, with a weak smile.

He took a deep breath, "That's not all, we have also decided to keep you two separate, with no interactions from the two of you until your powers are controlled."

Elsa immediately began to protest, but then stopped herself. She knew that her powers were getting out of control, and that she'd do anything to protect Anna.

"How do I keep her away from me?" Elsa sullenly stated.

"There's no stopping Anna from knocking on the door, or begging for you to come play with her, the most we can do is lock the door. The servants will bring you food, and we can schedule a teacher to come. The guards will be by the door, whenever it is needed to open so Anna cannot peep through." Her father explained, his face sad. He wished that it didn't have to come to this.

"Okay," She whispered, holding back tears.

"Until then, I'll find a way to conceal your powers, and we'll close the gates, limiting Anna and yourselves contact with the outside world."

Elsa took a deep breath as reality came crashing down on her. The only reason all of this chaos was happening was because of her.

Her father led her to the kitchen, and told her to stay there. Every single trusted servant and worker who served at the castle was moving all of Elsa's stuff to her new room. They knew of her power and didn't comment on the frost on some of her possessions.

About an hour later, Elsa was called to her new room. Usually, she would be excited about a room makeover, but now it seemed dreadful. It seemed as something to remind her that she's dangerous, and that she almost killed her sister. She slowly walked to her room, and saw that it was medium-sized, and looked very plain without her sister's things in it.

"Do you like it?" Her father questioned.

"Of course," She responded politely and tried to hide the disappointed look on her face.

"Is mother taking care of Anna," Elsa asked quietly.

"She's watching her sleep, making sure she wakes up and is as crazy and healthy as ever," He replied, an attempt to get a smile from his daughter.

"I'm going to leave now, okay dear? Why don't you practice out your powers, play around a little bit?"

Elsa simply nodded her head, still looking down until she heard the door close, and the clicking of the lock. Once he was out of hearing range, she began to cry. A light storm began to form in her brand new room.

How am I supposed to control this?

She began to think about how Anna's going to feel, when she wants to play with her and comes to the room only to be rejected.

Was this how life is going to be from now on? Anna could start to hate me and there would be nothing I could do about it. This isolation could split us apart forever.

Elsa realized that there relationship was never going to be the same again. All because of one complex mistake that she had made.

The next morning, Elsa wakes up with a flurry above her, and frozen sheets. A normal person would be bothered by that, but Elsa still felt content and not chilled at all. She hears a combination of knocks at her door, and her heart stops.

"Elsa? Elsa, are you in there?" Anna calls, happily.

"Do you want to build a snowman? Come on, lets go and play," She sings playfully.

Elsa doesn't reply, her lips quivering.

Anna then puts her lips in the keyhole, "It doesn't have to be a snowman", she drags out the n.

Elsa knows how stubborn Anna is, and figures that if she doesn't reply now, Anna will never stop begging.

"Go away Anna", She states, attempting to sound stern.

"Okay, bye", Anna replies with sadness lacing her voice.

Elsa's heart feels heavy as she hears Anna purposely stomp her feet away. There's another knock at her door, and Elsa sighs and commands, "Anna, seriously."

"Its me," her mother replies lightly, "Can you open the door? My hands are full."

Elsa hops off her bed, her feet making snow patterns as she walks. She opens the door, and her mother is smiling while holding a tray with orange juice and waffles. The door closes behind her, and her mother sets the food down on Elsa's desk.

"Enjoy, Chef Finnigan said he prepared this especially for you, lovely."

"Tell him, thank you".

"Okay dear, don't freeze the food," her mother laughs lightly as she walks out the door.

Elsa forces a laugh, but can't help but wonder if there was a double meaning to her mother's statement. Elsa lifts her fork and carefully impales it into the waffle.

She pretends as if the waffle had feelings and says, "Oh look, I've been impaled," with a deep voice she used to use when she'd make Olaf the snowman. Olaf, she sadly sighs, and takes a bite of her waffle. Anna would've thought that joke was funny. They probably would've ate breakfast together, and Anna would put too much chocolate sauce on her waffles.

Elsa wished things would be the same between them, but knew that it was for the best. She'd just have to get used to being on her own, and concealing her powers.