Guys, this is my first story again but I'm deleting that story and reposting it. So here it goes.

Chapter 1

It was deadly silent in the throne room of the gods as Luke lay on the floor with Kronos's evil essence slowly leaving him. Annabeth and Percy knelt by him and she was crying softly while Luke consoled her with all the leftover power he could muster,"Hey Annie, I'm sorry….. I broke my promise. But it's ok….. I knew what would happen ….. when I went down this road. I knew I would….. die. So don't worry… please stop crying."

Then as he turned to Percy, he said, now a bit slower," all the unclaimed… and ignored demigods in the Hermes cabin…..the reason for the war …. stop that from happening."

Percy nodded, speechless, but then all of a sudden, in a flash Luke's eyes changed to the harsh golden color of the Lord of Time and came out the voice of the titan king, Kronos," You may have defeated me this time Jackson, but I will not leave without destroying your life. You will now be immortal and live a worthless life without your family and friends."

And he extended his arm into Percy's face and entered it. Percy's eyes glazed over and they glowed a harsh golden color, even the white part before returning to their beautiful sea green color. Deep burns started coming on Percy's face, but Percy did not react, he just kept kneeling in that posture.

And then Luke's arm fell, the hero finally dead.

Annabeth could only watch, stunned, as Percy too fell down on his back.

Then she ran up to him and started shaking him violently," Seaweed Brain, wake up Seaweed Brain. You can't leave me just like that. Come on, Percy Jackson wake up."

And then came in the almighty Gods, who were also quite winded up after their fight with the monster king, Typhon, and didn't look that almighty, and behind them, the demigods.

But as soon as Poseidon and Hermes saw the scene and the 2 lying bodies, they ran up to their respective sons and started bawling their eyes out.

All the other gods could do was shoot looks of sympathy and pity and then go to their thrones and get lost in their own grief of losing their children.

Malcolm gingerly held Annabeth by the shoulder and said," He's gone Annabeth, he's gone. There's nothing you could do about it. Come, the gods are about to say something."

And Annabeth just let herself get led away as Percy and Luke lay on the cold ground with their father's hands around them.

Then Zeus called the meeting to order and said," All gods return to your thrones and all demigods gather in the middle of the room. We would like to give away rewards to certain heroes for their exceptional bravery in the battle." During this time, Poseidon and Hermes returned to their thrones, albeit with lot of hesitation." First would be my daughter, Thalia. Ask daughter, make your wish".

Thalia first bowed then said, "Father, I want the councils help in the refilling of the hunter ranks and all the dead hunters to be sent to Elysium.""And that's what shall be done, right Hades?"asked Zeus. "Ok, alright" said Hades after Artemis started glaring at him.

"Now will Grover, the satyr, please come up", said Dionysius. As Grover went up Dionysus kept on saying," He will now be made Lord of the Wild and an Honorary Olympian for his feat of searching out Pan and getting his blessing."

Grover fainted then and there and 2 nymphs carried him out.

Then Athena, the wisdom goddess called out," My daughter, Annabeth, Olympus has been, what mortals would say, trashed; and we would love it if somebody designed this great city for the posterity and eons to come. Will you …."

Suddenly everybody heard a groan as if somebody was just waking up and turned their heads to the source of the noise.

That somebody being Percy.

Poseidon immediately turned into the normal mortal size and ran up to his son and hugged him," Your alive, your alive, your alive…" Percy looked around very slowly and then fell unconcious once again as Annabeth too came and hugged him and half the demigod army surrounded them.

Then Apollo called out to," Everybody please move way from Percy, give him some space to breath. Move away. Let me check if he has any internal injuries."

And Apollo turned to mortal size and knelt near Percy as the others moved away,and using his specialty of being the god of medicine started moving his hands (which had a golden glow to them) over Percy in a strange manner and slightly frowning.

But when he looked at his face he gasped for from his nose was coming out a tricklet of blood. GOLDEN BLOOD.

But he just said to everybody else," He's alright, just very exhausted. Let him rest for a day or two and he will be as good as new" in a fake cheerful voice."

Then Zeus said," As the son of Poseidon is unavailable at the moment, his reward will be given to him later."

And Zeus snapped his fingers, transporting Percy to the infirmary. "I hereby claim Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena as the Hero and Heroine of Olympus. Also, Annabeth Chase will get her reward in the celebrations that will take place tonight when everybody has rested."

After some time, in the Olympian Infirmary

Apollo was sitting near Percy, examining him like a test subject of the utmost importance.

Poseidon was standing near him, with impatience and worry etched on his face.

It was the same for a few more minutes, after which Apollo said," I don't know how but somehow Percy has become a full-fledged immortal. He has no injuries whatsoever which is quite surprising seeing the amount of fighting he did but in his present condition he should be up and running. But he isn't waking up, and my best guess is that Kronos has put a spell on him, putting him into a comatose from which his return is highly improbable."

Poseidon didn't say anything for a few more minutes but then his expression turned to that of anger and he said in a threatening voice to Apollo," I don't care what you do but I want my son back. You're the medicine god, so you better do something and do something quick."

But a tear from his eye betrayed his true emotions as the sea god disappeared in water vapor and sea mist.

Apollo shook his head as he knew Poseidon wasn't in the right state of mind and didn't mean what he said.

But then, taking into account his unpredictability, one never knew what he meant.

However, more important things were roaming about in Apollo's mind like whether he should tell Poseidon the other important thing.

That Percy's mind was simply empty with only a few pieces of memory about which he couldn't find out.

Any emotions or feelings he felt for anybody or anything were not there, like it never had been there.

Percy had also been inspected by Hecate, the goddess of magic and so Apollo knew he was not incorrect.

Percy had become a zombie, a even then, these were all assumptions and nobody knew what had happened to him.

He should at least consult Athena as she might know a way to cure the prince of the sea. He would ask her tomorrow when he would call an emergency council meeting to discuss the Percy Jackson dilemma.

Line Breaker

Annabeth was an emotional wreck.

It had been 3 hours since their victory and Luke's demise. And what about Percy? Nobody seemed to know. All she knew was that Percy was in Apollo's personal care in the Olympian Infirmary.

She remembered the way Percy fell, the way Luke, no Kronos, was the one who almost destroyed her life's love.

Yes, she finally accepted it. Accepted that she loved Percy and had done so from the first time she had met him. Her feelings had developed from a tiny crush to this level where she almost became worried, tensed and depressed if she didn't get to be near her Seaweed Brain.

Anyway she decided to go out of her room and look around Olympus a little so as to get a breather.

She saw the different ruins of the temples of the gods – both major and minor. The different shops on Olympus and the natural beauty made her wonder how Olympus must have looked in its full grandeur and she started thinking about the offer by her mother about rebuilding Olympus however she wanted. She knew that the rebuilding would take at least 30-40 years as Olympus was huge and that would take up almost all of her life.

She kept on walking, meeting many god-lings and the general populous, mortals who have been blessed by the Olympians to live on Olympus, who recognized and acknowledged her as the Heroine of Olympus.

Her wandering in the now ruined city quickly made up to her free time and she would have missed the procession had Artemis not chanced to see the lost daughter of Athena and tried to take her in the hunt once again.

Anyways, when she reached at the elevator doors, from where the procession would start, she joined the first 5 rows of the procession that consisted of the demigods who had fought, followed by the minor gods who had remained on the side of the Gods, and then came the deadly ranks of the Hunter's, one of the most dangerous groups of the Olympian Army followed by 5 rows of the undead to represent Hades and then followed by the nymphs, the simple immortals and at last the general populous, which were just the audience.

The procession started from the doors of the elevator to the throne room, in which sat the Olympians in all their glory, though Hermes were not happy as the death of his child's death was being celebrated, but he was understanding enough to not ruin the celebration for others by having a crying session and having a frown plastered on his face.

As the procession reached the throne room they were welcomed by the gods and then Zeus stood up and announced," Because of the sacrifices of some we are alive even now and are strong enough to defend our home from anybody who dares to attack us."
A random demigod shouted," Hail the Gods" and they kept cheering until Dionysus, the party god led them to a side of the room which was big enough to hold a party hosted by him.

As the celebrations were going on, Hades came to Apollo and asked him," Don't tell anybody that I asked but how is Perseus' health? I can feel that his life force is already strong enough for him to be up and in this party. But i haven't seen him from the starting of the procession and started wondering if something was wrong."
Apollo though surprised at first, smirked and then said," I assure you, he is very much alive but in a deep comatose due to, what I assume, a spell put onto him by Kronos when his essence was returning to Tartarus."

"I think you should discuss your queries with that Athena spawn, Annabeth. She was there at the time and might have a clue as to what actually happened." suggested Hades.
"I might do just that." said Apollo. "But right now I need to go check up on Percy." and before the god of the underworld could respond, Apollo was gone in a bright flash of golden light.

In the Celebration Party

Dionysus was having the time of his life. Today was a day he could drink and he was going to utilize this opportunity to its fullest.

He was also spending time with this beautiful nymph that was just leaning against the wall and was trying to be discreet about it but his godlike vision quickly caught on to her.
And so began the flirting, of course, his father wasn't to know anything about it or the repercussions might be severe.

He didn't care if that Annabell rebuilt the whole of Olympus;he just wanted more wine. But even then he decided to listen in to what was happening on the stage,"... and so I once again offer my daughter the chance to become the Official Architect of Olympus.""I accept"said Annabell.
"I would also like to ask for something else." Huh, that was strange! What else can she want? thought Dionysus."My best friend, Percy Jackson, was going to be offered a reward but on his behalf i would like to ask for a wish from the council. I.."

"What are you saying? You won't get anything at all."shouted Zeus.

"Just hear me out, my lord. I do not ask anything for myself. I just want to avoid this kind of war from ever happening again and the main reason was because of the neglect the demigods faced from all gods. So i want the whole council to swear on the River Styx that from now on all children will be claimed - whether of a minor god or major god - by the age of 13 and be bought safely to camp. And also that cabins should be built for all the minor gods too. And even Hades should have a place at camp with a cabin in his honour."
"Are you calling me a minor god"thundered Hades."No, no my lord. What I'm saying is that your children too deserve a place at camp,something that Nico has already proved."squeaked Annabell.

Everyone then looked towards Zeus who had a thoughtful look on his face for a few minutes after which he said," So be it. On behalf of the council, I, Zeus, King of the Gods, swear on the River Styx to have all children claimed by the age of 13 and to be bought to camp safely. Also all the cabins are to be built and designed by the architect of Olympus itself."

Everybody cheered and Dionysus had had it! Already he was serving a sentence and wasn't allowed to have wine till that time period came to an end. He was the wine god for god's sake but was banished from his own domain. Humph! He had to spend a century at that blasted camp with those no-gooders.
But, after so many years, he had grown attached to those little brats and understood the pain that the other gods felt when they lost a child as the war had consumed one of his own.
He was a little worried for that sea spawn, what-was-his-name?; oh right - Peter Johnson.
After all, that demigod was the reason for this party but was himself not present.
But, anyway, tonight was his night and he would make this one count.

Suddenly the music stopped. Everybody was confused and so was Dionysus. He started getting angry that the one time he was enjoying himself somebody interrupted that. And by the looks of it that somebody was Apollo.

So the god of madness shouted," Start the music again, you blasted sun god. Let me enjoy my time just this once. Just because music is one of your domains, it doesn't mean you can switch it off whenever you want and make others suffer. Start the music."(The god was drunk and so wasn't in the least, aware of what he was saying).

Everybody tensed at those words as they expected a brawl between the 2 half-brothers but it wasn't to be as Apollo said something that was hardly audible.
So, Artemis shouted at her younger twin," If you want to say something important then be done with it otherwise just continue the party" (she too was drunk very heavily as well as many other gods).

So Apollo shouted the 4 words that shocked everybody to the core," Perseus Jackson is missing."

Please Review and tell me how i have done I would appreciate any comments.