AN: If you're reading this new chapter due to an update, please note that I have edited and reposted the other chapters. Just a few story content updates, lots of punctuation fixes, and the editing of wording. You don't have to reread the chapters but I recommend it.

Anna adjusted the green wrap around her shoulders nervously and patted her hair, making sure the braid was still pinned in place. Deep breath. She lifted her right hand and knocked on Elsa's door.

Oh god oh god oh god it's happening ohgodohgodohgod...

All thought ceased. Her eyes went wide when she saw Elsa. Wow

"Anna?" Elsa's fingers nervously twisted together and she bit her lip. The redhead just stood there staring silently.

After opening and closing her mouth several times, she gave up trying to speak and just held out her hand to offer the yellow daisy that matched the one she had left for the blonde at breakfast.

"Thank you," Elsa smiled shyly.

Still unable to get her voice to work, Anna nodded and continue to stand there in stunned silence.

A throat cleared itself loudly from further inside the room.

"Your evening wrap, Your Majesty." Amusement in her tone obvious, Gerda smiled as she held up the black velvet cloth for the queen to step into.

"Thank you, Gerda." Elsa blushed at Gerda's mirth. After stepping into the wrap, she held out the daisy. "Could you..."

"Of course, Elsa." She took the bloom delicately. "Enjoy your night out, dears."

Finally able to compose herself after seeing Elsa in the stunning ice dress, Anna held out her arm to escort the blonde out of the room, excited to get the evening started. "Bye, Gerda!"

"Where are we going?" Elsa asked, brows furrowed after being escorted past the dining hall and to the front door.

"Out. I can't begin to properly court you at home."

If it had not been for the outing that afternoon with Kristoff, this would have sent Elsa into a worried spiral. But now, the excitement over the evening didn't wane and knowing they had the support of so many comforted her as Anna helped her into the plain carriage waiting for them.

Elsa was happy to see they traveled in the opposite direction of The Royal Court restaurant. The food was the best, but she would have felt the need to be the Queen of Arendelle there, not a woman being romanced by the one she loved. During the short ride, Elsa kept sneaking glances over at Anna, halfway expecting to wake up from this wonderful dream.

Throughout the short trip to The Blue Fish, Anna kept reminding herself to not fidget or stare. Several times she opened her mouth to start a conversation, only to have nothing come out. Not knowing what to say was the exact opposite of what she had figured would happen, nervous babbling was more her style.

"Your Highnesses, we're here," was announced as their driver opened the door.

"Thank you, Anderson." After being helped out, Anna turned and helped her sister out of the carriage. It wasn't until it drove away that she got a good look around her.

Before, the square looked the same as any of the others in the city with a fountain and shops, nothing special but functional. It looked nothing like that now. The fountain was still there, of course, but where before it was plain, it was now decorated with garlands of flowers and ribbons and the top was now the center where strings of lanterns converged, helping the torches light the square, showing the whole area had been swept and scrubbed clean. As she escorted Elsa to their destination, she saw that the plain rope used to cordon off the outside eating area was now covered with flowers and ribbons also. There were groups of people scattered around the square talking and laughing and the patio was full except for one open table in the corner set a little apart from the other diners. Not a single person stopped to stare or bow as they walked over to the restaurant.

"Anna, Elsa, your table is ready," Ingrid greeted them, a blush on her cheeks from the casual greeting. However, as specifically requested by Anna, tonight they were just two women dining out, not members of the royal family. The delighted smile on Elsa's face made the embarrassment worth it. After showing them to their table, Ingrid slipped away to bring them their pre-ordered drinks.

At the table, Anna, as was her custom to do, helped Elsa remove her wrap and got her first look at the back of the dress.

Wow. Shaking hands folded the cloth and draped it over the back of her sister's chair, she found it hard to tear her eyes away from the large expanse of bare skin framed by snowflakes and move to her own chair across the table. So distracted by what she had seen, Anna missed Elsa's eyes widen as she finally took off her own evening wrap, revealing her dress for the first time.

The dress was dark green with lace covering the bodice, the low revealing cut wasn't a style she had worn before, a sheer green strip fabric was used to cover her shoulders and create a sort of collar, the dress was to the ground and full, giving Anna full movement and swishing as she walked. The bright emerald at the hollow of her throat sparkled.

"Anna, y-you look beautiful. You always do it's just I-I've never seen you in that dress before and it looks amazing and suits you and I thought I had seen all your dresses-"

Anna's eyes widened. Not only had her sister stuttered, but she was rambling like she would have if she could have gotten her voice to work.

"Thank you." Anna sat and took in their table. The yellow daisies she requested were perfect, the candles added a soft romantic glow, the flute music added to the ambiance, but something felt off. After glancing around, Anna saw there was plenty of room so she stood and moved her chair over to the side closer to Elsa. While not next to her as Anna would have preferred, it was better than being across from her.

Elsa smiled when Anna moved her chair closer.

"Here you go ladies, your food will be out shortly." Ingrid placed two glasses of white wine down and quickly walked away to hide her smile at the change of seating.

The blonde took a sip of her wine to hide her glance around the patio. No one was staring or watching, in fact all the people she could see were chatting and just going about their evening as though the women were any other couple. Bits of silver flashed in the dim light and Elsa relaxed completely.

Taking a sip of her own wine, Anna watched as Elsa relaxed and hoped her gamble to have dinner outside the castle continued to be successful. "How do you like the wine?" She asked. Not much of a wine connoisseur, she had decided to let Ingrid and her staff chose. Her only request had been dessert.

"It's wonderful. Thank you." Elsa decided to try and get her abnormally quiet sister talking. "Kristoff and I thought it would be fun to go to the North Mountain next week after Olaf comes back."

"We could see Marshmallow and the snowgies!" Anna bounced in her chair in delight at the thought.

"And make sure everything is fine before the weather turns." Elsa was happy Anna liked the snowgies, she had once been certain she had ruined her birthday by accidentally creating them. Instead she had declared the tiny snowmen positively adorable. "We'll only be able to stay overnight."

"Of course. The Winter Ball is coming up and there is still so much to do." Anna ignored the question in the back of her mind of how they would be attending, as Queen and Princess or... "I still need to finish planning and approving the decorations, make sure we have enough rooms ready for everyone, work with Bente on the menu...what?" The look on Elsa's face had softened and she tilted her head.

"Oh nothing, it's just-"

"Here's your dinner, ladies." Ingrid put down two plates of hot food. "Enjoy!" She hurried off to serve another table.

"Oh, yum." Anna put her napkin on her lap. The plates of mashed potatoes, summer vegetables, and herb roasted chicken looked and smelled delicious. She picked up her fork and took a bite. "Mmmm." It tasted as good as it smelled. After she saw Elsa swallow her first bite, she spoke up. "'Nothing, it's just...'" Anna prompted.

"It's just, thank you so much for taking over the planning. It's hard to do along with my normal duties to the Kingdom." Elsa blushed. She hated admitting she needed help but it was Anna and she knew the redhead wouldn't think less of her for needing it.

"Anything for you." Anna was now glad she had mistakenly volunteered. She decided right then to talk to Kia tomorrow about taking over the planning for all future balls.

"Thank you," Elsa whispered. She stared down at her plate, concentrating on keeping tears at bay. There was no doubt in her mind Anna meant that exactly. Anything.

They ate silently for a time, enjoying the soft flute music and each other's company.

Ingrid wordlessly walked up to the table, filled their wine glasses, and left.

Elsa watched her leave with a thoughtful expression. "Is everyone here wearing that snowflake pin?"

Anna paused with her fork halfway to her mouth. "You know about the pins? Of course you do, you're Queen." She set her fork down. "The newspaper too, I bet."

"Newspaper?" Elsa raised an eyebrow.

"Umm..." Anna quickly brought her fork back up and chewed slowly, stalling for time. "This is really good."

Elsa waited silently.

"You didn't know about the newspaper?" Her shoulders slumped. She had planned to explain everything tomorrow if this evening went well, not wanting Elsa to feel pressured to continue if she didn't want to.

"Kai told me about the pins and I saw them earlier when I had lunch with Kristoff. But they never said anything about a newspaper." Elsa watched Anna squirm.

"It's called 'The Thaw Times.' Apparently it started after..." she trailed off. "Anyway it was started to show support of you and your reign and then...umm... it sort of changed into talking about..." Anna started blushing and fiddled with her fork. "Us. I only found out about it about a month ago."

"Oh." Elsa was startled. She had experienced the outpouring of support this afternoon but for there to be enough to have a newspaper about them was surprising. "Do you still have any of the issues?"

Her whole face heated further, remembering not only the stories, but mentions of how obvious she had been with her affections. "Y-y-yes. Kristoff even gave me some of the older issues."

Elsa furrowed her brows in confusion, why was Anna blushing. She didn't start the publication or apparently know about it for long. Maybe she helped fund it? Or used it to help set this evening up?

Taking a large sip of wine to fortify herself, Anna continued. "Yes, everyone in the square supports us. The celebration last night was for the guards chosen to be here."

"Guards?" Elsa looked round but didn't see any uniforms. That was what the celebration was about? Her mind was whirling with all this new information. So much had been going on that she wasn't aware of.

'"They're further back on side streets and a few are around in plain clothes. Arne is over there." Anna waved at a man in a plain green tunic and trousers, sword at his waist standing across the way at the fountain. He waved back.

They continued their meal. Elsa was still processing everything when she noticed Anna fidgeting with her fork nervously and stealing worried glances her way. There would be time later to think about things, right now her sister needed to know that everything was alright.

"I was wondering," Elsa noticed they were nearly done with their dinner. How the time flew flew by. "Why do you go to the opera with me?" She nudged Anna and smiled. "I know you don't enjoy it."

Anna opened her mouth intending to say she did enjoy opera but stopped at Elsa's look. She mumbled her reply, unable to think of a convincing half truth quickly. "I like seeing you in pretty dresses."

The brilliant smile on Elsa's face made the embarrassing confession worth it.

"Why do you like opera? I don't get it." Anna went back to finishing her dinner. "They all end in tragedy!"

"No, they don't," Elsa laughed.

Anna raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, most do," she conceded. Her gaze turned up to the stars as she explained. "At night I would open my bedroom window and listen to the performances. It was just so... beautiful. The night, the stars, the powerful voices singing of love and heartbreak..." Elsa's voice trailed off, lost in the memory of those few hours when she would forget about her powers and the sister she hurt.

"Is that why you know so many languages?" Anna asked after taking the last bite from her plate.

Elsa nodded, still lost in the memories of music and studying.

"All done, ladies?" Ingrid asked after walking up to the table and filling their wine glasses again.

"Yes. Dinner was wonderful, Ingrid." Anna smiled at the woman who was gathering their empty plates.

"Glad to hear it. I'll be back with dessert." Ingrid hurried off with the plates and waved to Kristoff. She quickly went back to the table and placed a plate with a large slice of chocolate cake and two forks on the table.

Elsa smiled as she scooped a bite of cake onto her fork and held it out for Anna. Turnabout is fair play.

Leaning forward, Anna kept her eyes locked on Elsa's as she wrapped her lips around the fork and slowly brought her head back and chewed. "Mmm, that is very good."

She swallowed. That backfired spectacularly. Elsa didn't look away as she took a bite of cake herself. This was the best chocolate cake she ever had. Though if it was the cake or the thick tension between them she didn't know.

They continued eating the cake quietly, feeding bites to each other and feeling the tension slowly build between them.

After the last bite of cake was eaten, Elsa found she couldn't tear her gaze away from Anna's clear teal eyes. Her heart was beating loudly in her ears.

The tension finally broke when music began playing at the end of the square. They turned and watched as couples started gathering in the open space before the band to dance.

Anna turned her head back to Elsa and saw her smile as more dancers joined in.

"Would you like to dance?"

"I'd like to, but..." Elsa struggled to explain. "I'm not very good," she said quietly.

"Neither are they." Anna gestured across the way. "I see three couples offbeat and two trying to find their feet. It's not fancy like balls. Come on!" The redhead stood and picked up both their wraps, draped them over one arm, and pulled Elsa out of her seat and towards the dancing.

"Anna, Elsa," Arne flinched slightly at addressing them so casually, "I can hold those."

"Thank you, Arne," Elsa thanked him, voice a little shaky at the thought of dancing in front of so many people.

"Have fun, ladies." He grinned as he draped the wraps over his arm in a way to leave his sword easily accessible.

Anna waved at Kristoff playing his lute with the band as she led her sister to an empty spot among the dancers.

"Just like last night. One, two, three, four, five, six, one, two, three, four, five six, one, two..." she placed a hand on Elsa's waist and took her free hand, still counting out loud. She stepped forward and lead them into the slow rhythm with the music. Others waltzed by them, some on beat, some not, but all were laughing and enjoying themselves. A smile overtook Anna's face as she felt Elsa relax in her arms, her movements becoming less stiff.

Looking at the people around her, Elsa didn't see anyone gawking, pointing, or laughing at her novice dancing abilities. She relaxed further. It was easier to stay on beat when she didn't have to strain to hear the music through glass windows. The smile on Anna's face and being in her arms again made any lingering embarrassment she had over her inexperience worth it.

When the song ended and a faster one started, Anna simply shifted her grip and lead them in bouncing steps around the floor. Both of them laughed as they continually lost and found the beat, most of the other dancers doing the same thing. Others didn't bother trying to stay on beat and just bounced around the dancing area. Another fast song was played and the women stayed, enjoying themselves.

"Okay, everyone!" The leader of the band spoke loudly to be heard over the din after the song ended. "Time for a Country Dance!" A cheer went up.

A man and woman took charge of splitting the couples into two equal groups. Asking each pair if they knew this particular Country Dance, placing those with little to no experience next to those who knew this particular one.

"Anna, Elsa, do you know how to do this?" The woman asked, not batting an eye that the Princess and Queen were dancing with them.

"I do, but I don't think Elsa does," Anna panted, still a bit out of breath from the last dance.

"I've read some dance instructions we have in our library, but I haven't tried it." Elsa was also panting, a flush and smile on her face.

"Okay Anna, you line up on the gentleman's side, Elsa on the ladies. You'll be next to Astrid and Birger." The woman in yellow moved on to the next couple and they took their places.

"This is an easy dance," Astrid leaned over to tell Elsa. "When the music starts, the couple in front will go through the whole pattern then we just repeat that until the music ends." After Elsa's nod, she leaned to her other side to tell the other woman beside her the same thing.

Smiling widely, Elsa enjoyed being just another face in the crowd as other dancers lined up. Her eyes met Anna's teal ones across from her. The tenderness shining there caused her breath to hitch. She was only able to tear her gaze away when a slow tune started to play and she had to turn to watch the couple in front. The steps were easy to follow and Elsa found she enjoyed herself immensely. Though she suspected that had more to do with her dance partner than the dancing itself.

They stayed in their places for two more dances and when the band leader called out a different dance, Anna stepped closer to her sister to whisper softly to avoid being overheard. "You change partners in this one, do you want to sit it out?"

"I know," Elsa said, having recognized the name in the dance book she read. She took the redhead's hand and entwined their fingers, momentarily overwhelmed by the feelings she felt from Anna's thoughtfulness. "I'd like to try if you do."

Anna nodded enthusiastically before squeezing her hand and moving to be part of the outer circle of dancers while Elsa moved to the inner circle. She kept an eye on the blonde for the first two change of partners and when it seemed Elsa was having fun, she relaxed and enjoyed the dancing.

The evening continued on, mixing the dancing up between group and partner dances, fast and slow. The two only sat out a few dances to catch their breath and chat with others who were also resting.

"Time for the Last Waltz, everyone!" The band leader called out after a lively group dance that had most everyone laughing and gasping for breath.

Anna held out her hand for Elsa. She had been looking forward to the Last Waltz all night. It was traditional in Arendelle to close a dance event with the official waltz of the kingdom.

Stepping closer than she had all evening, Elsa held Anna's gaze as she placed one hand on the redhead's shoulder and the other in her free hand. She didn't notice when they started dancing or that there were other dancers around them, even the stars faded from the sky as they waltzed. It was just her, Anna, and this magical night.

With her heart beating fast, Anna was only vaguely aware of them moving together. The face shining with love in front of her was the only thing that mattered. In that moment she knew she would spend her life doing whatever was needed to keep that look turned her way.

They were startled by the sound of clapping around them. All around them dancers were facing the small stage to cheer and clap for the band as they bowed in thanks. They hadn't realized the dance had ended. Neither moving far apart, they added their own clapping and cheers.

The night was over.

Elsa enjoyed the feeling of Anna's hand in hers as they walked through long, silent castle hallways. It was late and though she knew she should be tired, Elsa's body buzzed with energy. Everything had been magical. More perfect than she could have ever imagined.

"Here you go," Anna announced at the blonde's bedroom door.

She turned to face Anna still holding her hand. It felt too wonderful to give up. "Tonight was amazing."

"You had a good time?" Anna looked relieved.

Elsa nodded. "My turn next."

Anna's smile lit up her whole face. "Your turn?" She watched Anna bounce on her toes excitedly.

Deciding it was her time to be brave, Elsa tugged on their joined hands, bringing the redhead closer. Without hesitation, she closed her eyes and leaned forward to brush her lips gently against Anna's. She wasn't pushed away, instead she felt Anna lean in closer and press their lips more firmly together. Those lips were as soft as they looked and her head spun. Elsa's heart was beating fast with excitement and nervousness when she leaned back and opened her eyes.

Anna looked dazed.

She was wondering if they could do that again when the motion of Anna dropping their wraps caught her eye and suddenly arms were around her waist and lips crashed against hers. Elsa's bare back hit her bedroom door as Anna pressed her against it, the blonde's arms wrapped around the other woman's neck pulling her closer still. She felt a soft tongue trace against the seam of her lips and she gasped. And then that delicious tongue was in her mouth licking her own. Elsa tilted her head and pressed her mouth more firmly against Anna's needing to feel more. She thought her heart was beating fast before, that was nothing compared to now.

Elsa understood, at last; those beautiful arias and grand love stories in the operas she loved were about these kisses.

Her stomach flipped when she felt Anna's fingers caress her bare back. The feel of skin on skin contact threatened to overwhelm her. How she wished Anna's hair was down so she could tangle her fingers in its silky tresses.

Anna pulled back slightly but Elsa did not want to let that delectable mouth go and leaned forward to capture those lips again, this time her tongue explored the inside of Anna's mouth and she was pressed harder against the door. The grip around her waist and the door against her back were the only things keeping her up, her quivering legs useless. She pulled back to nibble then suck on Anna's lower lip. A whimper filled the hallway. After one last peck on swollen lips, Elsa leaned her head back against her door, breathing hard. Anna leaned forward and rested her forehead against hers, also breathing hard. They stayed wrapped in each other for long minutes.

"Goodnight," Anna whispered, not loosening her grip or backing away.

"Goodnight," Elsa whispered back, also not moving away.

Neither wanted the night to end. But eventually Elsa leaned forward to gently kiss Anna then released her hold around her neck. The redhead stepped back on obviously shaky legs.

"Goodnight," Anna whispered again as a large silly grin took over her flushed face.

"Goodnight," Elsa whispered back, still leaning against her bedroom door, not at all certain she could stand unassisted. She watched as Anna picked up their dropped wraps and when she stood their eyes locked.

Her breath hitched.

Anna's eyes were dark with desire and for a moment Elsa thought she would pin her to the door again. Part of her wished she would but the other part worried how far they would go if that happened. Neither were actually ready for more. But Anna closed her eyes, shook her head, and took another step back.

"I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow." Their gazes locked again as Anna walked backwards down the hall towards her own room.

Elsa nodded, unable to find her voice.

Anna paused before turning down a side hall, took a deep breath, and disappeared around the corner.

Taking an unsteady breath, Elsa turned to enter her bedroom, excited for the next morning.


"Pretty sure they didn't hear the music during the Last Waltz." Jon continued to wipe down the bar as he chatted.

"I don't think they even realized they were dancing!" Kristoff replied as he happily ate his breakfast. The Snowflake Pub was loud even this early in the morning as people gathered to talk about the previous evening. So far it was generally agreed that the Queen and Princess were now together and speculation was running rampant on when it would be formally announced.

Jon opened his mouth intending to agree when his eyes widened and silence descended over the pub. Kristoff turned around and saw Elsa walk over to the notice board with a rolled up paper. A friend from the band nudged his side and the blond man turned to shrug at him. He didn't know what was going on either.

Elsa unrolled the paper and held it against the board, she used her powers to create ice tacks to hold it up then snapped her fingers. They would now stay frozen until removed from the board. Without a word or glance around, she walked back through the still silent pub. She was halfway down the street going back to the castle to have breakfast with Anna when she heard cheering.

She smiled.


I would like to thank everyone who helped make last night so memorable. Princess Anna has officially asked to court me and I have accepted. I wanted you all to be the first to know.

Again, thank you.

Queen Elsa of Arendelle

A/N: There we go! Finally got this done. Originally this was only supposed to be around 10k words long as a way to promote an Elsanna contest on tumblr. That was a long time ago. Thanks for sticking with this and I hope you enjoyed it. Big thanks to my beta reader who caught a BUNCH of mistakes and added all sorts of punctuation. Thanks for reading!