Hi Guys, I know I've been neglecting the romance section for a while and I hope I still have some of you guys left. So, give me a sign, participate in my poll please. Moving on, this is in the future but is pretty much just romance. It's based on a picture I saw on deviantArt, and I can't for the life of me remember who the artist was. Any way, here you go!

DISCLAIMER: I don't pokemon, I do however own Jake.

"Guess who's home!" A voice called through the small home of Twinleaf Town.

The front door swung open and a duo walked into the lounge room, to find the man of the house sitting on one of the lounges.

"Daddy, look what I made!" A young boy jumped on Paul's lap, shoving a piece of paper into his face.

"I would be able to see it better if you moved it away a bit." Paul laughed as his mid-night haired son moved the page away from his head. "That's better."

Dawn walked behind them and looked on as well.

On the white paper was four stick people with clothes drawn over the top on crayon. Three of the four figures were easily recognisable. Purple hair, black pants and black and blue shirt was Paul. Blue hair and pink dress meant Dawn. Blue mixed with black hair, light-blue shirt and blue shorts, plus being shorter than the previous two meant Jake. The fourth baffled the young parents, purple hair, pink shirt and blue skirt.

"Who's this Jake?"Dawn asked, smiling despite the confusion. It was a lovely picture regardless.

"My fwiend Patewick, has a little sistew, and I wants one too. So, I drawed a picture of hew." Jake grinned, his blue eyes shinning with innocence.

Dawn's face tured to one of horror, while Paul smirked. "Okay Squirt, you will get a little brother or sister in about 9 months."

"Paul, no! What are you doing?" Dawn asked, desperately wanting an answer.

"Jake, why don't you go and play with my new Kalos Pokédex?" Paul asked, knowing that would distract him.

"Okay!" He turned and ran into the office to get a hold on the device.

"Right, Paul, what were you thinking?!" Dawn shouted at her husband.

Paul simply stared back unfazed, "don't lie you want this."

"Fine I won't, but you're the one who agreed to it. Why did you?" Dawn asked quieter, her rage quelled by curiosity.

Paul smiled and hugged her close as he whispered his answer into her ear, "you were the best thing that happened to me, and even though you had to talk me into it..." Dawn giggled at the memory of that particular argument. "Jake was and is the most amazing thing to happen in my life. Plus, one more can't hurt right?"

Dawn pulled back and smirked, "that's what Ash said before they found out it was twins."

"It's a good thing I don't what happens then. As long as my children are safe, I don't care how many we end up with." Paul smiled and brought her into a kiss.

"Let's stop at three."

"Agreed." Paul nodded.

Please review and go to my poll, it will fuel my imagination!