Brutus POV

A couple of days after going to Papa John's with my friends, Enobaria and I decided to just relax for the day. We were upstairs in her bedroom, cuddling on her big bed. I had my arms wrapped around her while she faced me and held onto my hands. She was inspecting them in a playful manner, and I couldn't help but grin. She was so beautiful; I love how she's different from all the other girls. She's smart, gorgeous, caring nice, sweet, I could go on forever. All of a sudden, a question came up to my mind. "Remember the first day we met?"

"How can I not?" she replied while chuckling.

"This might seem out of them bloom," I said. "But when I called you by your last name, why did you start to cry?"

She sighed and shifted a little, uncomfortable with the situation. "Okay, my dad being the best quarterback player is the dream for most people. Having the world's top fashion designer as your mom is the life, to others. My parents having a busy career and a crazy life affected me the most. I never really loved them because they never treated me as their daughter and I barely saw them. I started to realize that being their daughter was a curse because everyone knew me for just being their daughter, and nothing more. As for my brother Jason, he didn't care at all. He was first born, so he was the favorite. He literally had no self-respect and he didn't care about the fact that people used him for his money and for his fame. I was used so many times in my life because they wanted to have access to my rich life and parents. My friends only pretended to like me, my boyfriend broke up with me after I told him that I was coming here because he wouldn't get attention for my father, and practically my entire life was been a –" she stopped when her voice began to crack and tears began to form in her eyes.

I wrapped a protective arm around her and held her, she hugged me bag and gripped onto me tightly. "Shh, shh, it's okay. We're not like those bastards back in New York. We like you because of you, not because of your background."

"It's just that," she said. "I feel as if my whole life has been a fake. I am constantly thinking about the fact that people have given me what I've wanted just because of my stupid last name. What if what Cashmere said is true? What if I've actually never deserved what I have now? Who knows, maybe I got into this school because of my parents, maybe I got a scholarship because of them too, maybe I –"

"Baria! Stop!" I said. "You are the most talented, amazing, gifted person I have ever met. You're not like the other rich people, you're not obnoxious, and you're not arrogant. You like to be treated just like everybody else and that's one of the things I love about you. You're the nicest, most beautiful, caring person in the entire world and you always push me to be the best of what I am."

"I love you, you know that?" she asked me before kissing me on the mouth.

"I know," I replied after breaking the kiss. "Do you know what I love you?"

"Of course," she said to me in between kisses. "But don't ever leave me, again."

"I promise," I said. "I have the greatest gift of all sitting right in front of me and I am not about to give her up." She smiled and I kissed her forehead. I love you, Baria. I will never leave you.