The beginning is just that the beginning. I jsut needed a starting point so here it is the Intro. Hope you all like this. Please review and sorry about any typos I make.
"We need to tell your dad!" Said Astrid starting back to the village.
Hiccup stopped her by saying "No, no! No, not yet. They'll kill Toothless. Astrid we need to think this through carefully."
Astrid looked at him disbelief in her eyes as she stared jaw dropped at Hiccup before she said. "Hiccup, we just discovered the Dragon's Nest. The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here. And you want to keep it a secret? To protect your pet dragon? Are you serious?!"
Hiccup stood straight determination burning in his eyes. "Yes." He said.
Astrid looked at him surprised before Hiccup looked away. "Okay…then what do we do?" She asked.
And Hiccup said "Just give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out."
Astrid had punched him then kissed him leaving Hiccup blushing.
Next Day
" Well, I can finally show my face in public again! If anyone had told me that in just a few short weeks, Hiccup would have gone from, well, being, uh... "Hiccup," to placing first in dragon training - well, I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off, for fear he'd gone mad!" Yelled Stoick to the crowd getting a eruption of laughter.
Astrid was watching out for Hiccup trying to see where he was through the crowd of Vikings. She heard a familiar person shout out "Wait I have something to say!"
Astrid turned and saw Hiccup walking up the stairs to stand next to Stoick. Everyone went silent Hiccup was carrying his helmet under his arm.
Hiccup took in a deep breath and said loudly. "I cannot kill this dragon or any dragon like it for that matter!"
Stoick looked at Hiccup surprised. "What! Of course you can kill the dragon." Stoick said hopeing it was a joke.
Hiccup handed Stoick his helmet and said "I'm sorry dad but I can't kill the dragon." Stoick's face began to turn red as he pulled the helmet away from Hiccup forcefully.
"You have to kill this dragon Hiccup if you don't you have to be banished." Said Stoick through gritted teeth.
Hiccup looked taken aback. "Wh-what do you mean dad?" asked Hiccup.
"Since you are not going to do tradition and kill the dragon you can't be my son." Said Stoick rubbing his temples. Hiccup stood his ground and nodded. And Stoick said after awhile his face reddening with anger at his son's betrayal. "You are not a Viking of Berk. You are now ,until I take it back, exiled from Berk."
Hiccup looked at Stoick disbelieving every word he spoke. "Dad what…but…" Stuttered Hiccup before getting interrupted by Stoick who yelled "Get the boats ready!"
Hiccup practically gagged.
He looked at the anger burning in Stoick's eyes and he said. "No! I'll find my own way!" Hiccup yelled running off the platform and hurrying into the woods with angry Vikings on his heels.
"Quick get him!" Yelled Spitelout taking over since his brother was still shocked about what Hiccup had done.
They chased Hiccup into the woods and Hiccup recognized the cliff that surrounded the Cove, and he took a huge chance.
Hiccup jumped over the edge of the huge cliff surrounding the Cove. He landed in the lake and tried to quickly get out of it. Toothless saw the boy struggle and leaped into the water and helped Hiccup onto his back.
They stood on the bank of the lake waiting for the Vikings to come. And come they did.
"Hiccup what is the meaning of thi…" Started Stoick running into the Cove breathing hard, he had stopped talking when he saw Hiccup on Toothless.
"I will come back. I promise you that!" Said Hiccup angrily before shooting into the air and fling away from Berk.
Astrid felt tears start to break out as she watched Hiccup fly away. "Please come back Hiccup…please." Whispered Astrid.
Two years later
There had been lots of rumors about a boy riding a Night Fury and those were the only real signs to Berk that Hiccup was still alive. Some rumors talked about how this boy had brought down a monstrous dragon that people called Green Death, losing most of his left leg in the process. They had even started to call the boy the Dragon Conquer.
Stoick was sleeping in his house when Gobber quickly knocked on the door waking him up from his nap.
"Stoick! There is a chieftain here! Says he needs to speak with you aboutsomething Important!"
Gobber then left Stoick to wake up and pull on his fur cloak. Stoick mumbled the whole way out to where Gobber and a hooded figure stood.
The person in the cloak was up to Gobber's sholder so Stoick guessed that he was no older then seventeen maybe eighteen.
The boy was talking to a little girl who had red hair, tattered clothes, and watery blue eyes. As Stoick approtched he could see that the boy was talking warmly to her.
"It's okay Flame it will heal I promise." Said the boy seeing Stoick comeing.
"I need to talk to Stoick The Vast…important stuff you know." The girl nodded and whipped her nose on her torn sleeve and walked back over to the boat.
Stoick watched as the boy sighed and turned towards him. He couldn't help but ask.
"Is she yours?" the boy shook his head quickly and said "Of course not!" So furiously that Stoick was shocked.
"What happened to make her cry?" Asked Stoick.
"She fell and scraped her knee." The boy's green eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of his hood.
"Well welcome to Berk." Said Stoick ignoring the cold harsh gaze that was fixed on him.
"Welcome back you mean." Stoick looked confused and the boy pulled his hood back to show a familiar face that Stoick hasn't seen in two years.