"I'm sorry Gumball but Marshall Lee is the one I love" Fionna said quietly. She and Marshall stood in the foyer of Prince Gumball's sugary castle. The prince had a bouquet of cupcake flowers in his hand. Fionna had a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. "Oh, I see. You're marrying this demon" Gumball said slowly. The smug vampire at the human girl's side smirked. "That's right Gumwad; this gorgeous girl is soon to be my bride. I hope you can make it to the wedding. It's not like you have a date to go to that night". The prince stiffened at Marshall's harassment. "Why are you getting eloped so young, did bat brains get you pregnant?" he shot back coolly. "That's enough Bubblebutt" the vampire growled. Gumball turned to Fionna. "What do you see in him that you don't see in me?" The girl gave no answer. The candy royal felt tears begin to form in his eyes. "I love you Fiona. How could you do this to me?" he sobbed. "Gumball I'm sorry but I don't love you" the girl sighed. Suddenly the prince felt anger and grief rush to his head. "Get out" he whispered. "Gumball-" Fionna started to say but the enraged man cut her off. "GET OUT OF MY CASTLE! IF YOU EVER RETURN I WILL KILL BOTH OF YOU!" He threw the flowers to the ground and ran as fast as he could to his quarters.

Gumball sat on his bed with tears pouring down his soft pink cheeks. How could the woman he loves marry the man he hates? Just thinking about the vampire made the prince throw a pillow out of his tower window. "Oww!" said a cry from below. "Sorry!" Gumball called. As he looked down, an idea hit the prince. It was a simple way to get rid of all his anger and hurt without harming others. All he had to do was jump.