Here's another Chapter, Enjoyyyyyyyyy ;}

I wrapped my hands tight around Yasu, deeply inhaling his scent. Although I didn't remember this was my child, and I had to do what was right for him. A young pup needed his father, so I would go with him.


If you had told me in the past that I would be dreading leaving my father's house, I would have laughed at your face. I would have told you how much I wanted to be free and explore the world. But I never expected it to be this scary. I tock one final look back from the gate, to see my father sad expression.

"I'll see you soon Dad!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The anxious feeling within me lessening when a smile appeared on his face at my words. If things went as we discussed, he would visit us soon at the Western Palace.

With that, I began to fallow Sesshomaru, quickly falling into a nice pace next to him.

I looked down at Yasu, who was quietly sitting in my hands. For such a young pup, he sure seemed well behaved. In the time that it had taken to get ready and pack my bags, Yasu had not made a sound. Currently, his eyes wondered without purpose over the land ahead of us.

"Sesshomaru?" I asked, still a little unsure if not using his title implied to much familiarity. Although, how much more familial than having a child together could one get.


"Are you concerned about Yasu?" I asked, my eyes lingering on the head of my pup. His own eyes meeting mines, at the mention of his name.

My question stopped Sesshomaru on his track, a confused and concerned look on his face. "Why should we be concerned for our pup?"

"Well he is so quiet, unusually quiet. He doesn't cry, laugh, or anything else for that matter of fact. I have begun to wonder if his sudden growth will have unwanted permenant consequences" I ranted in worry.

"I'm confident he will be fine" he answered without hesitation.

"How are you so sure?" I felt annoyed that he appeared to be dismissing my worries so easily.

His hand reached for me, my eyes closing in instincts as he brushed my hair behind my ears. When I opened my eyes, his face had moved incredibly close. Making me blush at the sudden proximity.

"Not unlike Yasu, I am also very quiet, some would even say emotionless. You may not remember, but you have sparked in me new emotions that even I thought I wasn't capable of. This Sesshomaru is not concerned about Yasu because he has you, whom will teach him to be loving and kind" his lips met my forehead, making mt face redden even further.

I looked up, causing our lips to almost meet. "Thank you, Sesshomaru. Your words mean a lot to me"

"I spoke nothing but the truth" he said, his eyes wondering over my lips, seeming to consider closing the rest of the distance. Sadly, he just pulled away and once again began walking. Did I just say sadly?


It was quite difficult to pull away from her, especially when the slight scent of arousal permeated the air at my proximity. My beast found enjoyment in the fact that she seemed to want my affection, at least subconsciously. Nevertheless, I have made a promise to not push her to fast.

We wish to have our mate again. To see her womb swollen once again with our pup. My beast wined in my head

We will, but only when she is ready. He gave a growl in resignation, even his animalistic mind understood the severity of the situation. One small misstep and our mate might reject us.

Yasu made a small yawning sound, the first sound he had made since we had begun traveling, causing me to gaze at the sky. The sky had darkened, perhaps it was time to allow my pack to rest. We walked a little bit further, until I found an adequate spot.

The moonlight reflected over a small pond next to the meadow, creating a gentle light. The pond would make for a great bathing spot. I settled my mokomoko on the ground, a little ahead of the tree lines. Close enough to observe the pond, but far enough to give them their privacy.

"We shall rest here for the night" I stated.

Unsure of how to conduct myself, now that I was not allow every liberty with Kagome, I settled with giving orders. "You shall sleep on my fur, it should be adequate enough until we reach the western palace. The pond down there should be of a good temperature for you to bath in, if you so wish to."

Instead of addressing me, Kagome held Yasu up to her face and said, "would you like to rinse off? Ehh Yasu?" Her lips were as wide as I have seen in a while, perhaps to entice a response from the pup. Her attempts were not fruitful.

"Will you be joining us Sesshomaru?"

I was dumbfounded by her question; I had assumed she would be avoiding my person for quite some time.

"I do not wish to make you uncomfortable" I answered, giving her another chance to back out of her offer.

"I think its important for Yasu to be exposed to pack life. I think it will help. We do not know how long it will take me to regain my memories, so he should not miss out on bonding with you waiting for something that may not happen" She explained. The fact that she was willing to do so much for our pup filled me with joy, although, I wished she wasn't only doing this for him.

"Besides, we both know you would just be staring from up here anyways" she winked at me, walking away towards to pond. What a little minx.


I slid Yasu's and mine cloths of quickly, wishing to dive into the pond before Sesshomaru was too close to see my naked form. Just as I submerged myself down to my shoulder, with Yasu in my arms, Sesshomaru reached the outskirts of the pond.

He reached for his haori belt, slowly tugging it, causing it to become undone. His clothes becoming loose around him, as he began to slide piece by piece off. I knew I should have looked away, but the curiosity was driving me wild.

Who was the man I mated? What about him had driven me to mate him?

I slightly gasped when the last piece of clothing fell from his hips at the sight of his member. I blushed, this time not being able to stop myself from looking away in embarrassment.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked, as his body sank below the water line. A smug smile on his face.

Yesssss, my beast sang him praises in my head.

"Phssuii, as much as you enjoyed watching me" I answered smugly, knowing that his eyes had closely followed me as I rushed to remove my kimono. Perhaps this had been a bad idea, this was for Yasu. Yet I could not help myself from being distracted by his body.

"Control yourself Kagome" His deep voice came out as a warning this time; I could see his nostrils flaring at the smell of smoothing. Could he be smelling my desire?

"Right, my mother instructed me in this before she passed. I'm supposed to groom you first, right?" I asked, his head nodding slightly in confirmation.

With that sign, I approached him. Placing Yasu in his arms, moving behind him. Yasu, seemed a little startled at first at leaving my arms, but a quick deep growl from Sesshomaru had him quickly relaxing into his arms.

I tried to recall what my mother had thought me and began to gently run my finger through his hair. Beginning at his scalp, and then letting my claws glide down his long silver locks. Sesshomaru's chest began vibrating once again, as he growled in pleasure this time. My mother had thought me that grooming was a very important act of bonding for canine demons, and such bonding was essential to their proper development. Demons that were starved of it often grew cold and isolated.

Yasu seemed to become amused by the vibrating feeling of resting against Sesshomaru's chest, and began trying to imitate it.

"Grouuwwl" Come out his cute and tiny growls. I couldn't help but chuckled at his attempt to imitate his farther. That continued for quite some time.

Once I was content with the new shine his hair had achieved, I tock one step back to admire my masterpiece. Thinking of what to do next, I force in place. My face becoming redder than it had before. Knowing that now it was my turn to sit still and feels Sesshomaru's hands roam over my head.

Understanding that I had finished, Sesshomaru stood. The water level reached just below his hipbone. And just like I had done before, he passed Yasu to me. This time it was him sitting behind me, with Yasu and I between his legs.

This had definitely been a bad idea. I tried to distract myself from the indecent thoughts that my beast was putting into my head by bathing Yasu.

Yasu's eyes looked at me in expectation, making a growling sound.


He continued to make growl, this time louder in emphasis.

"I believe he wants you to purr, similar to how I did" Sesshomaru commented from behind me.

I blushed. Truth be told, I was holding back the need to purr at feeling his hands running through my hair. I was afraid that if I indulged a little in how wonderful it felt, I would lose myself to that feeling. But I wanted to encourage Yasu to be more expressive, just like he had been during this time. So, I let go of my inhibitions and began to purr.

That seem to have been what Yasu wanted, as he settled into my chess and enjoyed the rumbling and vibrations coming from it.

"Mmmm" A moan escaped my mouth when I felt Sesshomaru's claws accidently brush against the back of my neck, setting my body on fire. The fact that I was feeling Sesshomaru's sharp breath over my shoulder wasn't helping my growing arousal.

"Perhaps we should retire for the night" Sesshomaru's voice sounded almost raw.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea" I answered as I began to exit the pond, using Yasu as a shield to cover my chest.

"Go ahead, I shall join you soon" He ordered.

I did not ask for any explanations as I saw his claws were dug deeply into the ground next to him, clearly my moans of pleasure had influenced him. I dried us as quickly as I could and threw over my kimono, not bothering to tighten it properly. I did not waste any more time and walked away, only stopping to compose myself one I was comfortably seated on his fur.

I had expected that he would fallow soon after, but his form lingered in the pond. His yokai seemed to be rising in a very volatile manner. Pouring over the land and reaching me. I tried to use my sharp vision to analyze what was wrong with him, concern washing over me. It was hard to tell anything, as his back blocked my view, but I could see his right shoulder rising and falling.

"Ohh my" I whispered when realization hit me. The low grumbling sound, the slight scent of arousal. And the characteristic motion of his shoulder. He was touching himself.

We should offer our help, my beast purred.

Oh shut up, I yelled at my beast. My face hot with embarrassment. I laid down on the fur, with Yasu tightly in my arms.

I tried to sleep and ignore the wetness that was forming in between my legs.

I'm trying to write a actual book, a rom com to be more exact, so I appreacate hearing you guys comments about my writing and what I can improve.



HLV: Hope you like how it developed in this chapter, I want to keep a balance of letting them grow together but also include some juicy stuff.

Vinces-Girl: I'm still considering what's the best way to have her regain her memories, we shall see what my crazy mind comes up with. Hehe

TaxLady0415: Your comments means so much to me, I like writing woman characters that are well rounded; strong, funny, and caring. It feels great to see its coming across.

SesshLover: Theres a little bonding in this chapter just for you '}

Jupiter2005: I for sure want them to grow together once again before they mate once again

Isa: muchas gracias por tu comentario, no tengo planes de dejarla. Espero que sigas leyendo